It's one of those things that sounds good initially ...
Well, yes.
But, what is "good" about it?
Even the very name, or noun, "influencer", sets my teeth on edge.
It is one thing to wish to make videos about things that are of interest to you, or, about which you are knowledgeable, to share this, but, to set out to "influence" others....
The very concept is utterly repellant and repugnant to me.
But anyone thinking that should look up any of the many who've burned out doing it and watch their videos about it.
Yes, I should imagine that it is fairly thankless, should you wish to make a living based on the reactions (especially if occasionally economically advantageous) on something rather than simply deriving enjoyment from it.
However, given that one's economic status depends on (ever increasing numbers of) "clicks" and (what one hopes is) subsequent economic engagement, this must be very dispiriting, spirit sapping and soul destroying work.
Sacrificing yourself and your privacy for a few likes?
Ugh. What an appalling concept.
Give me a regular salary any day, instead, while employed doing something I enjoy.
It's a never ending treadmill that burns out most folks
yes, I can see how that might happen.
Probably because the kids perception is you go and make a 10 minute video once a week and that’s it. They don’t realise there is a bit more to it than that.
A lot more, psychologically as well as physically, from what I can gather
Personally I watch two photographers on YouTube. No idea how many followers they do or don’t have. I just like their content.
To my mind, that is the only reason to watch stuff on YouTube: Because the content (and sometimes content creator, because you like how they present their stuff) is of interest to you.
Sometimes, I will watch cooking videos (there are a few chefs whose work I like, and I have learned quite a lot from them), some music (especially Baroque specialists), some history stuff, and occasionally, will also watch some coffee and beer and book reviews (and videos).
Oh, and, my guilty pleasure is classic car stuff, a rationed treat.