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it is indeed impressive that you can do this without going crazy (assuming you didn't)......but the question is; why are you doing it?

I'm guessing it's some method to learn 40 seconds of the piece so that you can performing it yourself?
Eh, there are times when listening to the piece over and over and over again is actually useful. You're right, it is indeed a valid way to learn something, especially so that you can interpret what's going on in each instrument.

This time, I just did it for fun—just to do it.
Now, I'm trying to figure out what to write for our ensemble (we all get to write stuff this term, which is fun!). Everyone's telling me to write something super complicated, and now I'm trying to figure out where to start! Sure, I can learn incredibly complicated arrangements, but I've never tried writing one, this'll be a neat exercise.
Now, I'm trying to figure out what to write for our ensemble (we all get to write stuff this term, which is fun!). Everyone's telling me to write something super complicated, and now I'm trying to figure out where to start! Sure, I can learn incredibly complicated arrangements, but I've never tried writing one, this'll be a neat exercise.
Write the last few measures, the triumphant ending, first.

Consider a scene of a story to explain how it sounds.
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Eh, there are times when listening to the piece over and over and over again is actually useful. You're right, it is indeed a valid way to learn something, especially so that you can interpret what's going on in each instrument.

This time, I just did it for fun—just to do it.
Actually... I should add to this: EVERYONE, whether you're a musician or not, needs to do this with a hymn, Bach chorale, or some simple piece without many moving textures. Listen to a Bach chorale or a hymn until you can sing it. Start to interpret the outer voices first - the soprano and bass lines. Sing those till you're comfortable with the motion of those parts, THEN start singing the inner voices. This is the hardest step, but once you've done this, you will have mastered harmony better than anyone else you know, I swear. It's a great exercise that you don't need to have much musical training to do. You just need to know how to sing.
I spent way too much time tonight reading through this thread's many pages of the past. But I did stumble on two important posts:
Well, I have better things to do with my time than to waste even two seconds on TikTok! I also don't bother watching mind-numbing videos by so-called "influencers" or video "reviews" of photographic gear or computers by self-proclaimed "experts."
It's why I haven't downloaded TikTok (and have no plans to). Me downloading Instagram was just peer pressure, and I don't post a lot on there... though people do enjoy it when I do, so I make sure to post a little bit. Your point still stands though.
I think everyone should receive the same amount of education about [literally anything]—not just people who are in the upper-class, who are part of a special program at school, or because they're otherwise "privileged."
I originally posted about this in the context of, "people should receive the same amount of education about communication skills," but I think it applies to literally anything. My point isn't about equal access to education (although I think that's important)—it's about people with these distinctions presenting themselves as an elite class.

I am extremely annoyed by AP especially. You can be as angry at me as you want, but my opinion still stands. I get it, AP is a "symbol of status," but not everyone has access to it. And don't even get me started on the National Honor Society—THAT just attracts elite, entitled, people.

I could keep going, but I won't because it'd be getting too PRSI. DM if you really want to have this discussion.

I know not everyone knows what those things are, so allow me to explain. AP, or "Advanced Placement" is something that The College Board oversees, and it exists at numerous high schools. It supposedly—though I have no proof because I did not do it—is much more challenging than a "normal" class, and sometimes you can get college credit for it. National Honor Society is another one of those high school things, apparently looks really good on your college application, etc. I never did it because I didn't have good enough grades to participate. Even if I did, I would've chosen not to do it.

I am too new to college to know what the equivalents of these things are at that level, though I'm sure they exist. My point is that I have heard NUMEROUS people say, "I learned X VALUABLE SKILL in an AP class, and I got an A!!!!!!!" I'm honestly tired of it (well I don't have to deal with it anymore, but you get my point).

EDIT: (Boldfacing this cause it's important, too.) I am not saying that recognition or awards, etc. is bad... no, no, no. I am saying that sometimes, at least in the cases/organizations I discussed, everyone seems to present themself as an elite class, which does not give off a good vibe. I also mean absolutely no offense to people who were/are part of these things; this is just my opinion and should be taken with however many grains of salt you wish.
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I've been thinking about my upcoming "nerve block" in April. I haven't had any done since my back surgery in 2020, so I'm a little concerned, little nervous, little excited.
I've been thinking about my upcoming "nerve block" in April. I haven't had any done since my back surgery in 2020, so I'm a little concerned, little nervous, little excited.

Totally understand, what type of surgery?

My first and only “nerve block” March 2021 for left shoulder, from my FB post then:

“The nerve block was weird , my left arm and shoulder felt like a dead slab of meat , I had zero sensation, touch it nothing. It took a full 24 hours before I could feel anything or even wiggle my fingers.”

Totally understand, what type of surgery?

My first and only “nerve block” March 2021 for left shoulder, from my FB post then:

“The nerve block was weird , my left arm and shoulder felt like a dead slab of meat , I had zero sensation, touch it nothing. It took a full 24 hours before I could feel anything or even wiggle my fingers.”

I had a lower back fusion in December of 2020 and it never fully healed. I'm getting a nerve block to numb the pain until my next surgery (whenever that is). Thanks for asking. Hope you're doing well, by the way!
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Totally understand, what type of surgery?

My first and only “nerve block” March 2021 for left shoulder, from my FB post then:

“The nerve block was weird , my left arm and shoulder felt like a dead slab of meat , I had zero sensation, touch it nothing. It took a full 24 hours before I could feel anything or even wiggle my fingers.”

You have bigger onions than I do.

How is your shoulder 3 years PO? I have known many people who have had shoulder surgery and only 2 have thought they were better off after it than before it.

I need it, but I also know the rehab is a killer and if I just did half that amount of rehab, I might not need surgery.
You have bigger onions than I do.

How is your shoulder 3 years PO? I have known many people who have had shoulder surgery and only 2 have thought they were better off after it than before it.

I need it, but I also know the rehab is a killer and if I just did half that amount of rehab, I might not need surgery.

I had my 3 children later in life than most, 40/42/44, so desire was keep active, 61 now. We went snow skiing 4 days over new years break , loved it with them I’m blues and “easy blacks” now, no more rowdy mogul blacks for me, I leave those to my 2 sons. Shoulder got injured park city 2021 trip, my fault was daydreaming on crappy snow and caught an edge and slammed hard onto left arm. Post surgery it is better than before accident as over the years I’ve had my share of MTB crashes / etc.
Yes, rehab is worth every session.
Now both snow skiing and MTB riding I am having great time and focused to not repeat.

Late December 2023 Montana

January 2024 Michigan
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A slightly better nights sleep. Probably just through not sleeping well the last few.
Was totally unaware the clocks changed. Only when Mrs AFB mentioned it I remembered.
It doesn’t feel like BST though this morning!
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Happy Easter to all, may each of us find peace today.
And a very Happy Easter to you, - and to all - also.

Today, I remembered the clock change (and, rather to my surprise, enjoyed a church service in the company of a few cousins), thrilled to the glorious sight of daffodils, and have just returned from a thoroughly enjoyable coffee and chat, in, (or, rather, outside, sitting at a café table, under a canopy, while it poured, where we discussed - among many other matters - whether the joys and wonders of French culture work well with the climate of the British Isles), the French bakery (where fresh French bread, along with a few seasonal hot cross buns were purchased) with a cousin, the cousin who introduced me to the French bakery over a decade ago, (for, it is his favourite place).
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Took at trip to my local Farm Shop this morning and came away with 3 packets of Lancashire crisps. A pack of Sea Salt and Ellsey's Malt Vinegar, a Creamy Lancashire Cheese and Onion and a Lancashire Sauce. Lovely
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So you change your clocks 3 weeks later than the US?
I have no idea when the US changes its clocks and it never occurred to me that it might be different (to Europe, or the UK).

In any case, for us, (British Isles, - i.e. UK and Ireland), they go back during the last week-end of October, and go forward during the Saturday night (Sunday morning) of the last week-end of March.

In mainland Europe, it is a little different, for, there, the clocks go back over the last week-end of September, (rather than October), but their spring change which is when they also advance an hour - takes place over the course of this week-end, namely, the last week-end of March, identical to that of the British Isles.
I have no idea when the US changes its clocks and it never occurred to me that it might be different (to Europe, or the UK).

In any case, for us, (British Isles, - i.e. UK and Ireland), they go back during the last week-end of October, and go forward during the Saturday night (Sunday morning) of the last week-end of March.

In mainland Europe, it is a little different, for, there, the clocks go back over the last week-end of September, (rather than October), but their spring change which is when they also advance an hour - takes place over the course of this week-end, namely, the last week-end of March, identical to that of the British Isles.

Yes, as @bousozoku noted, we changed the date we change our clocks during the Bush 43 administration.

So we go on the 1st Sunday in November and the 2nd Sunday in March.

Of course I now live in AZ so we don't bother with that nonsense. ;). And even that can get confusing with we being with CA for 8 months and 1 hour behind for 4 month. But then you have the Navajo Nation which comprises a large part of NE AZ and they do change theirs even though the state doesn't. But the Hopi Nation which is inside the borders of the Navajo Nation, doesn't change theirs.

Now have countries changing at different times. Wow.
Took at trip to my local Farm Shop this morning and came away with 3 packets of Lancashire crisps. A pack of Sea Salt and Ellsey's Malt Vinegar, a Creamy Lancashire Cheese and Onion and a Lancashire Sauce. Lovely
Sounds lovely, indeed!

Haven't seen you in awhile, so I hope you're doing well!
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