What is a '5 iPhone SE'?
Do you mean the 2022 iPhone SE? I'm guessing you put '5' in there because it has the shape/dimensions of the iPhone 5?
Other than that I have no clue.
In any case, the 2022 iPhone SE will be interesting - only because my son has the 2020 version and the original.
Puckwudgies too?The only things that can make me go "Wow!" are eGPU support with open driver support (Ie. Nvidia back in the game), along with low prices on everything announced.
Yes, I also believe in fairies.
No purple iPad Air….
Anyone want green iPhone 13? Purple iPad Air is great!
Agree, most of the event was a ?I just updated the graph. ?Nothing makes me feel WOW
Recap of March 8 event?https://gitmind.com/app/doc/d679189440