MacOS by far is a thousands time better of an os than windows ever will hope to be and Apple doesn't spy on every damned thing you do to bombard you with ads to buy useless crap you do not need, in fact i wouldn't be surprised if microsoft spying on people was in order to spam their systems with malware or viruses so they end up having to purchase more microsoft products. I use both windows and mac and only use windows for programming my digital mobile ham radios and for a certain weather radar application which i just found a mac substitute for which seems to work as good or better than the one that only works on windows. so people who think that a pc running windows os is the only way or the best way need to get their head out of the sand and see the current way of doing things on a computer. not to mention how my MacBook syncs with my iPads and iPhone plus my mac mini at home. there is absolutely no windows application that can do that and microsoft office is pure overpriced junk that i would never install on my mac. Apple is the ultimate product and always will be, windows may have its uses but i won't even trust a windows computer to do the simplest things online since it is so full of security flaws and holes, where mac is bullet proof. the list can go on but for some people you just cannot convince them and they will always think they are perfect and right.