I've been using Azureus for a while now, it sucks.
sucks bad. I can't even get the stupid app to quit, I have to force quit it every time.
Transmission rules, until your stats go haywire, and you get banned from whatever torrent site your using it on....ughh..
Emule...?? is that even still around?? I havn't touched P2P in a long time....I guess the mac equivalent to emule is Limewire or acquistion, another thing I havn't touched for a long time...
Just remember to keep your torrents legal.....or move to Canada.
Was using Tomato, it was ok, but I didnt like the individual torrent windows if you had multiple ones open. Plus its not UB. Gave Azureus a try. Had used it in Windows and has alot of problems with it. Works like a champ on mac.