We've all seen thousands of forum posts declaring photography dead.
We've all seen thousands of tweets by people who don't think that awe-inspiring shot of the Grand Canyon is quite grand enough.
We've all heard millions of people tell us to 'get a real job' or to 'not quit the day job'
But somehow, every time my daughter smiles, it is a magic moment worth preserving.
Never lose that sense of wonder when you see something or someone truly special. The whole "the world isn't really that impressive because I am just so damned cool," never worked for me. Looking at ruins built by humans 1000 or more years ago is just amazing. Will something I've made still be around to impress people in 10 centuries? How can you look at Yosemite and say "meh?" I would HATE to be the person that was so clueless that this seemed reasonable.
Photos are a way that I can share experiences. Sometimes it is a place, like the meteor crater, that not everyone visits. Sometimes it is a time, like my son's baseball game. Sometime's its a story, like the vacation in 2010. Every picture is a part of a story about something, and the pictures help tell the tale.
Not everyone is 'clueless' when little impresses them. Some of us are just a bit different and don't see things the way you do. You are lucky in that respect and I am glad for you and respect your POV. but, well I never will be a happy, clappy, chappy so will never know that feeling.
Photography is now a reason to be out there, like dog walking or going shopping. Without that reason I do not go anywhere on my own because that is the way I am. To hold the camera up between myself and the world gives me an opportunity to look fearlessly; not at the time but later in the safety of my home. So not clueless, just me.
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