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Original poster
Sep 12, 2014
Hey everyone,

So I have had the watch 5 since it's release and I've never been happy with the battery life.

So I'm looking at upgrading to Watch 9 or Ultra 2. I'm keen to hear peoples input on how long their batteries last in these devices please.

Thank you!
yeah it is rough, I'm at at about 83% battery health but could never get a full day out of it. It's got worse lately.
My Series 9 just easily lasted 48h hours. But I'm probably not an average user, since I only use the watch to track and check my vitals. So no listening to music, no checking weather, messages, mails or anything like that. I only use the health features (Heart / Activity / Sleep / Mindfulness).
I was at 52% at the end of the day yesterday on my new S9, despite two workouts and more tinkering with the watch than normal. I definitely think the S9 has better battery life than my S5 had when it was new.
My S9 is getting better every day. Haven't done any serious testing yet because I'm using it so much adjusting the new watch and new OS. Will probably wait a couple weeks then do some serious battery testing. But the bottom line I love this thing. Went from 7 to 9 and love the new features.

Siri is awesome and is becoming an integral part of my usage, way more than before. Can hold the watch up to my mouth and just whisper and Siri picks it up and responds immediately.
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My Series 9 just easily lasted 48h hours. But I'm probably not an average user, since I only use the watch to track and check my vitals. So no listening to music, no checking weather, messages, mails or anything like that. I only use the health features (Heart / Activity / Sleep / Mindfulness).
Thanks that's positive to hear. I only ever used my AW 5 for notifications health and fitness tracking (which I do very little of 😂).
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My Series 7 had the worst battery of any watch I've had before (OG, Series 3, Series 4, Series 5, Series 7). When it was brand new it was fine and comparable to my previous watches, but I apparently lost the battery lottery and it degraded to 90% in the first year and then down to 83% in the second year. That's worse than any others. Was bad enough that I could only use watch faces that were mostly black, otherwise it would be essentially dead by mid evening.

So far on my 3 day old Ultra 2, it's ending the day with ~75% remaining. Praying I didn't lose the battery health lottery this time around, too.
My Series 7 had the worst battery of any watch I've had before (OG, Series 3, Series 4, Series 5, Series 7). When it was brand new it was fine and comparable to my previous watches, but I apparently lost the battery lottery and it degraded to 90% in the first year and then down to 83% in the second year. That's worse than any others. Was bad enough that I could only use watch faces that were mostly black, otherwise it would be essentially dead by mid evening.

So far on my 3 day old Ultra 2, it's ending the day with ~75% remaining. Praying I didn't lose the battery health lottery this time around, too.
Good Luck! Think I must've lucked out on the battery lottery on my AW5.
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Ultra 2 is definitely better than Ultra, but it is way too early in the cycle ...
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I'm pretty happy with my S9.
Yesterday, at about 1:15 PM, I took it off the charger with 95% battery remaining. I did a running workout for about 30 minutes, and went to bed with 66% remaining.
Now, 6:38PM, it has 42% remaining, without recharging.

With my S4 with 82% battery health:
Took it off the charger at 6:45 AM with 100%, and I'm ending the day (10:30 PM) with about 45-55% remaining
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Do you think battery optimisation actually reduces the hours you get out of it?
Yes, battery optimization limits the amount of charge based on what you use daily.

I don't believe in shortchanging charging so I always charge to 100% - all my devices and EVs get 100% charged.
The Ultra 2 is going to last at least as long as the original. And, for me, the battery simply isn’t a concern.

When I jump in the shower, I put it on the charger; at that point, it’s basically at 50% ±10%. When I get out of the shower, it’s at 85% ± 5%. I have zero battery-babying strategies employed; the always-on display is on, I wear it overnight, etc., etc., etc.

My personal worst-case scenario for time between charging would be an intercontinental flight — for example, Phoenix to Tokyo (or vice-versa). And I’d be just fine following my normal routine: charge it before going to bed in Phoenix, wear it through multiple airports, flights, trains, busses, etc., to wherever we’re spending the first night in Tokyo (including using it to navigate, pay for the train with Suica, etc.), and only then putting it on the charger before getting into the shower. It’ll need longer than normal to charge at that point, of course … but I’m going to be taking my own sweet time in the shower, as well. (My iPhone 13 mini … will have needed to be topped off at least once.)

I’m not the type to go for an extended trip away from an electrical outlet, but I have absolute confidence that I could easily get at least a few days out of the watch for such, and probably manage an entire week if I knew ahead of time that I had to. To be sure, I’d be powering it off overnight, that sort of thing.

The short version … worrying about charging the battery on the Ultra is about on a par with worrying about having a change of underwear. If you’re not worried about the latter, you shouldn’t be worried about the former.

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I only have a Series 6. But what kind of battery life are you getting with your 5?
Hey everyone,

So I have had the watch 5 since it's release and I've never been happy with the battery life.

So I'm looking at upgrading to Watch 9 or Ultra 2. I'm keen to hear peoples input on how long their batteries last in these devices please.

Thank you!
New S9 on 1st day of use at 39% after 20 hrs since full charge. My old S7 would have been empty by now
new U2 currently at 53% after 36 hours.

Simple desk usage, various notifications on, normal power mode, sleep tracking on, AOD off

No recent workouts :shame: lol

WatchOS 10.0.1 and reading some other threads I hesitate to update to 0.2

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