Post pics of your favourite iPod of all time ANY IPOD (NANO, SHUFFLE ETC) this is not limited to the regular ipod line!- don't forget your favourite colour too!
NOTE: This is different to the 'Post your ipod rig!' thread, this is about your FAVOURITE iPod and not necessarily the one you own!
Mine is the iPod 5g (Video) - My friend has one and it makes my Nano 4g look tiny and uncool
So what is yours? I will keep track of how many votes there are and post the top 3 every now and then
NOTE: This is different to the 'Post your ipod rig!' thread, this is about your FAVOURITE iPod and not necessarily the one you own!
Mine is the iPod 5g (Video) - My friend has one and it makes my Nano 4g look tiny and uncool
So what is yours? I will keep track of how many votes there are and post the top 3 every now and then