I Can install the latest Beta. But when i Open the App it crashs. Can anyone help?
me too have this problem... i think that the beta cannot work with 8.11
I Can install the latest Beta. But when i Open the App it crashs. Can anyone help?
Tried using the new AppStore version. Couldn't recover my backup. Went back to the latest beta. Thank God that didn't crash. On 8.1.
If only someone with some dev experience could make a simple utility to convert the latest databases to a version that is compatible with AppStore version, if it can be done.
For everyone's information: I will not be updating the Pgyer build anymore. Now it is released on the App Store it's no longer necessary for me to do so, as the sole purpose of me updating it there was for the screen size changes and not for people to use the beta for other purposes. Also as I live in the UK, these builds seem to come at 1-4am and I struggle with sleep as it is and when I get a notification to say it's been updated, it can kind of kill some valuable sleep and people are often inpatient at me not releasing the builds instantly so I kind of don't want the hassle. Sorry everyone. - Browno.
So what are we jail broken users on the latest Beta gonna do? Wait until there's an official version newer than our Beta to upgrade?
That depends on your reason for using the beta in the first place.
Most people installed the beta to get away from the poor user interface on iPhone 6/6 plus handsets.
Now that WhatsApp have released v2.11.14 supporting the new screen resolutions, there's probably little reason to keep using the beta unless you want to play with the future VoIP feature.
Personally I won't be signing and installing any new betas unless there's a pressing need to do so.
Problematic notifications and lack of iCloud backup support was quite painful.
Jailbreaking isn't an option for me as it breaks some apps.
Well I'm stuck on it because my chats won't restore to the official. They back up fine but won't restore from to 2.11.14
as this is the first of the 15.1 beta, don't update unless you have to. when the final get release on appstore then you can update. as i said before i jail broke mine for 2 reason so i am happy to run beta
What do you mean final? WhatsApp has already been officially updated yesterday.
me too have this problem... i think that the beta cannot work with 8.11