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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 7, 2009
Ventura, CA
When I jailbroke my 3GS on 3.0, I got the iBEC and iBSS files as so many people told me. But I'm still wondering, how to they come into play later on. I know you need them to jailbreak on 3.1 (when it's available) but how does having the files on your computer help? Is it something like an error message that pops up and you have to locate these files yourself? A full explanation of this (or a link to one) would be very helpful.
Come next jailbreak, they will be useful. So I suggest you capture them.

As I stated, I have already got them and I already know I will need them in the next jailbreak. I'm wondering how I will use them. Or how have people used them in the past?
then according to the Dev team you can Jailbreak but not unlock! so not the end of the world but still hurts a little. did you buy it at Apple with 3.1 or from somebody?
Nope, I just bought one from the online Apple store. I'm guessing there's a very good chance it'll come with 3.1 installed. :(

Thanks anyways!
Nope, I just bought one from the online Apple store. I'm guessing there's a very good chance it'll come with 3.1 installed. :(

Thanks anyways!

You'd be surprised. A lot of times it can take a little bit for them to flash the phones at the factory prior to packing and shipping. If I had to bet, I would say it will show up with either 3.0 or 3.0.1
I believe this is the deal: starting with 3.1 it will become impossible to upload unsigned firmware to your iPhone (that is, firmware which does not contain your customized iBEC and iBSS certificate files). Because jailbreaking while preserving the current baseband will require creating a custom firmware in pwnage tool that does not include the baseband update, pwnage tool will need your iBEC and iBSS to sign the firmware before uploading it to the RON.

This is what I've gleaned from the reading I've done, and I may be partly or entirely wrong.
but back to topic, anyone know the answer?

I think you are asking your question way too soon. There is apparently an exploit that will/may be used for the 3.1 jailbreak, and it may require the captured files. I don't believe even the dev team knows yet what the process will look like. They also may incorporated Saurik's server which has captured the the ECID SHSH for those that chose that option in Cydia.

Patience grasshopper. It's funny how many people ask these questions the minute the new software is released. All in good time my friend.

I will say that I'm willing to wait a while for this jailbreak, as the only real compelling update for me is the icon gui. Even that however isn't much to cheer about.
I think that the Dev Team has been intentionally tight-lipped about the exact use of the iBEC and iBSS, waiting until after the release of 3.1. I believe they were worried about what action Apple might take if they explained how they intend to use them.
I don't know how to find those files, but I did save them to Cydia when I received that new pop up message when opening Cydia.

Will I be okay just having them saved inside Cydia or do I need to know these codes myself before Jailbreaking?

And if so, how do I get them?
Some of you got the wrong impression on what these files do. They are not needed to jailbreak, they are needed to restore your iPhone from a jailbreak. When you restore, these files are sent to apples servers and if they are diffrent from what they should be (jailbreak) then your phone won't restore.
but back to topic, anyone know the answer?

Back on topic, they will be used on the 3.1 JB. Until then they do nothing.

Some of you got the wrong impression on what these files do. They are not needed to jailbreak, they are needed to restore your iPhone from a jailbreak. When you restore, these files are sent to apples servers and if they are diffrent from what they should be (jailbreak) then your phone won't restore.

They ARE needed for the JB. They are what will trick Apple's servers into believing your custom firmware (JB) is proper.

Restoring from JB is easy, iTuines just installs authorized files on your phone.
So my question is will every phone that is sold with 3.1 on not be jailbreakable? or just not unlockable?
So my question is will every phone that is sold with 3.1 on not be jailbreakable? or just not unlockable?

As of now, both. We don't know what exploits may be discovered in the future, but currently there is no way of altering your firmware without access to your certificates.
As of now, both. We don't know what exploits may be discovered in the future, but currently there is no way of altering your firmware without access to your certificates.

That stinks, I was wanting to hold off on the 3GS for a while longer. But might have to get one soon I guess.
I thought it also applied to 3G owners?

From everything I've seen it's only for the 3GS. I've never seen it mentioned that 3G owners need to get the files. I don't think the 3G has the files. I think its something new Apple added to the 3GS.

EDIT: After searching a bit I saw posts at modmyi where people said they got the files for the 3G but never used them so I guess I was wrong about the 3G not having the files but the dev teams blog says to get the files for the 3GS but doesn't say you need to get them for the 3G.
Some of you got the wrong impression on what these files do. They are not needed to jailbreak, they are needed to restore your iPhone from a jailbreak. When you restore, these files are sent to apples servers and if they are diffrent from what they should be (jailbreak) then your phone won't restore.

So wouldn't these come into play for people who want to restore now? Because apple is no longer letting you restore to 3.0 or 3.0.1, they are forcing an update to 3.1 if you want to restore. Isn't this the purpose of the iBSS and iBEC, to let you restore when apple doesn't want you to? If so, how do you restore to 3.0 or 3.0.1?
Some of you got the wrong impression on what these files do. They are not needed to jailbreak, they are needed to restore your iPhone from a jailbreak. When you restore, these files are sent to apples servers and if they are diffrent from what they should be (jailbreak) then your phone won't restore.

Totally wrong. You get these files from Apple while restoring the firmware. During the restoring, iTunes sends the ECID of your device to Apple and Apple signed and sends these files back to you.
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