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Totally wrong. You get these files from Apple while restoring the firmware. During the restoring, iTunes sends the ECID of your device to Apple and Apple signed and sends these files back to you.

What are you talking about? What you just said is the same thing i basically said. When you restore and these files are sent to apples servers but these file can change due to modifications to your iPhone, and if apple see's this when they are sent to them it wont allow a restore.
Some of you got the wrong impression on what these files do. They are not needed to jailbreak, they are needed to restore your iPhone from a jailbreak. When you restore, these files are sent to apples servers and if they are diffrent from what they should be (jailbreak) then your phone won't restore.

This is inaccurate information. The iBEC and iBSS files are needed to sign any firmware uploaded to your system, whether restoring or not. They are created by iTunes after communicating with Apple's servers during the extraction process for the ipsw file. Beginning with 3.1, you will not be able to jailbreak without these certificates because the jailbreak will require installing a modified version of the firmware which will have to be signed using these files.
Since 3.1 is already out I think itunes forces you to install 3.1 and won't let you restore to 3.0. At least that's what I've heard. If you want to try here are the instructions for getting the files.



This is correct. I tried to restore my 3.0 3GS to 3.0 in an old version of iTunes and it told me that my iPhone could not be restored using that version. They are trying to force 3.1 on everyone who has to restore.

I had to use PurpleRa1n to get my phone out of restore mode after my test.
This is correct. I tried to restore my 3.0 3GS to 3.0 in an old version of iTunes and it told me that my iPhone could not be restored using that version. They are trying to force 3.1 on everyone who has to restore.

I would note that if you allowed Cydia to capture your ECID hash, Saurik says he is working on a method to allow us to restore to 3.0 using iTunes but replacing Apple's server with his for signing purposes. Sadly, it is now too late to capture that hash for those who didn't already do so.
I would note that if you allowed Cydia to capture your ECID hash, Saurik says he is working on a method to allow us to restore to 3.0 using iTunes but replacing Apple's server with his for signing purposes. Sadly, it is now too late to capture that hash for those who didn't already do so.

I have already done that through Cydia last week. I didn't know what it was for until yesterday when it all made sense.

Will a 3G iPhone be able to downgrade to 3.0?
I have already done that through Cydia last week. I didn't know what it was for until yesterday when it all made sense.

Will a 3G iPhone be able to downgrade to 3.0?

Yes, that is still possible. Such phones will be jailbreakable, but because of the baseband upgrade they will not be unlockable.
Yes, that is still possible. Such phones will be jailbreakable, but because of the baseband upgrade they will not be unlockable.

I have just confirmed that I can downgrade my 3G iPhone and it is restoring right now. I just had to download a fresh copy of the 3.0 firmware for it and it started restoring with no problems. I don't care about unlocking it, I have my 2G unlocked.
I have just confirmed that I can downgrade my 3G iPhone and it is restoring right now. I just had to download a fresh copy of the 3.0 firmware for it and it started restoring with no problems. I don't care about unlocking it, I have my 2G unlocked.

Excellent. I will add to my FAQ that you have confirmed it's possible.
Sounds like you will have to restore to 3.1 and use it unjailbroken until the new PwnageTool comes out. And cross your fingers that it will fix your problem.
What exactly is the ECID hash?
I got my ECID number from connecting my phone to my computer in recovery mode and then I went go and got a file. i got my ibec and ibss files too but didnt do the cydia thing.

I think not doing the cydia thing will make me have to do an extra step but i dont really care anymore, i just jailbreak to use winterboard. apples just being a huge bitch :[
What exactly is the ECID hash?
I got my ECID number from connecting my phone to my computer in recovery mode and then I went go and got a file. i got my ibec and ibss files too but didnt do the cydia thing.

I think not doing the cydia thing will make me have to do an extra step but i dont really care anymore, i just jailbreak to use winterboard. apples just being a huge bitch :[

I believe the IBEC/IBSS files are slightly different than what Saurik has generated with the ECID SHSH. It may or not be just an extra step to jb. It may require a different or modified tool to use the IBSS/IBEC files. Sounds like you aren't that worried anymore. Maybe it would be relaxing to just use a stock iphone!
I believe the IBEC/IBSS files are slightly different than what Saurik has generated with the ECID SHSH. It may or not be just an extra step to jb. It may require a different or modified tool to use the IBSS/IBEC files. Sounds like you aren't that worried anymore. Maybe it would be relaxing to just use a stock iphone!

Ya actually this entire summer I haven't really used my phone; just for calling/texting. But i know that if i switch to a stock iphone or another phone ill immediately miss my jb 3gs. I dont mind staying on 3.0 for a long time unless 3.2 has some killer new feature I just probably wont upgrade.
Hi everyone, i'm a little worried about iBEC and iBSS:confused:. i'm completely new to all of this, when i bought my iPhone 3GS i was not completely sure to jailbreak it. So i used it as normal for the first 6 days, and of course when the 3.0.1 appeared, i did what was normal, upgrade:rolleyes:.

After a few days of thinking about the jailbreak and talking with a friend i decided to jailbrake it. So now i have a 3GS on 3.0.1 jailbroken:D, but i do not have the iBEC nor the iBSS:(. Is there something i can do? can i downgrade to 3.0 and get those files? will be possible to jailbrake 3.1 without those files and restore in case i need to take my phone to guarantee? I don't know what to do.

Hi everyone, i'm a little worried about iBEC and iBSS:confused:. i'm completely new to all of this, when i bought my iPhone 3GS i was not completely sure to jailbreak it. So i used it as normal for the first 6 days, and of course when the 3.0.1 appeared, i did what was normal, upgrade:rolleyes:.

After a few days of thinking about the jailbreak and talking with a friend i decided to jailbrake it. So now i have a 3GS on 3.0.1 jailbroken:D, but i do not have the iBEC nor the iBSS:(. Is there something i can do? can i downgrade to 3.0 and get those files? will be possible to jailbrake 3.1 without those files and restore in case i need to take my phone to guarantee? I don't know what to do.

It's been answered in this thread but I'll give it a go again.

At this point there is nothing you can do because the only way to get the files was to do a DFU restore and if you do that now, apple will install 3.1 and there is no jailbreak for that at this point in time.

No you cannot downgrade to get the files because of the statement above. It was a part of some messaging passed along to apple's servers for activation for the 3GS

It may be possible to JB without the files, but who knows at this point. I believe that the dev team will eventually come out with something to mimic the files or whatever, but then again they may not.
There's one thing that I still don't get. So the iBEC and iBSS files are the files apple signed so you can get a certain firmware. We needed to save them so, in the future, when we JB with a firmware the apple doesn't sign, we use them to act like it's signed. And currently, 3.0 and 3.0.1 (for the 3GS) are files the apple isn't signing. So doesn't that mean we use the iBEC and iBSS files now somehow to make it look like the firmware is signed?
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