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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 9, 2010
Carlisle, PA
So, in the days coming up to WWDC, we saw a large number of "update or I leave" posts and topics in here...

WWDC came and went. Can we move on from the belly aching? Can we stop this boo hoo BS and go back to being a resource for things related to the Mac Pro? Every other topic is some "pro" complaining his life is over because apple did not update his machine of choice.

Guess what? NO ONE CARES!!!! Apple does things the way they do things. If Tim Cook stated he has big plans for the MP in 2013, then you will just have to wait. I would love to honestly see who here is incapable of completing the tasks required for their actual jobs because the machine is not up to snuff.

I would bet 1 out of 100 people here. 1 out of 100 are upset because they actually need the boost in performance. In reality, apple not redesigning things now, means bigger things in the future. No TB??? I would bet TB is a HUGE part of the new redesign. Sata 3? Sure thing. I would almost bet that Everything you are wishing for and more is coming, but apple will do more than you expect... Then we get to listen to all the BS about pricing, and the accessory, or that interface....

I don't think anyone here is happy with anything. Only the sensible ones that agree that a completely new 2013 MP is worth waiting for seem to be the level headed ones.

The melodrama and the threatening to leave and go to HP or Dell is really just tired anymore. Hell, I am not even in the market for a new one, and probably won't be in 2013. I am quite satisfied with my machine at the current time, and can't think of many things a new one could do that matches the price tag, but I am willing to give apple the time to create something wonderful.

Is it the Intel supply? Maybe. Is it the fact that Apple want to push for the greatest and most stable platform they can with the hardware that is still in development? Possibly. Is it possible that the current Pros are still very relevant in the real world, and the pause was to engineer something mind blowing? Sure.

Any post you read with MP 1,1 guys in it, talk about how relevant their machines are to this day, and handle so much that they don't want to upgrade. How is it that a person running a 2006 MP can make a statement like that, and others are complaining about a 12 core with 64GB of ram? My 8 core is plenty powerful, an it's 4 years old.

I guess I just don't get the mind set of people who have no real practical use for something, complaining about when it will be released. You base all your buying decisions on "rumors" and complain when they are false. That is why it is a "rumor", and not fact. All of this will be for nothing in 6-10 months, and everyone who actually did jump ship will be left wondering why they did not wait. Those of you smart enough to realize a minor delay is not really that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things, will win out.

This forum is the definition of a first world problem. No new mac pro? How ever will you show off to all your other friends that you have the fastest mac out there...
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Agreed. Let's close the forum completely so we don't have to debate or read opinions that we disagree with. Then we should start burning books that are dangerous and encourage non-mainstream thinking.
If you are referring to those who only use a MP to play some mindless game, then I agree with you. However, if it is to be used for profit - as in work, gainful employment, you are mistaken.
I'm pretty sure its more than 1 out of a 100 that utilize the full performance of a work station. Hell, I'm a college student and I could really use the boost...
Let's close the forum completely so we don't have to debate or read opinions that we disagree with. Then we should start burning books that are dangerous and encourage non-mainstream thinking.

Well said.
If you are referring to those who only use a MP to play some mindless game, then I agree with you. However, if it is to be used for profit - as in work, gainful employment, you are mistaken.

I agree

Computers are serious business for some of us. This **** is serious.
Agreed. Let's close the forum completely so we don't have to debate or read opinions that we disagree with. Then we should start burning books that are dangerous and encourage non-mainstream thinking.

So, you dislike my opinion, and feel the need to over dramatize your response to tell me to be more open to others opinions???

Pot meet Kettle? The burning books was a nice touch. I have not heard that in a long time. Makes perfect sense. I ask when will the crying stop, and your reply is that we should burn books and close the forum.


I'm pretty sure its more than 1 out of a 100 that utilize the full performance of a work station. Hell, I'm a college student and I could really use the boost...

You are not going to utilize the max performance of a 12 core workstation in a normal 4 year degree granting institution... Just saying.

The point was, all the non professionals that use these machines at home for pleasure are over reacting a bit.

If you use the machine for business, and make your living off of it, you have every right to be a little upset, though I would question what you are doing that the current models cannot handle, aside from 3D graphics and rendering in feature films, and the last time I checked George Lucas was not a member.


If you are referring to those who only use a MP to play some mindless game, then I agree with you. However, if it is to be used for profit - as in work, gainful employment, you are mistaken.

No, gainful work is acceptable, but again, what are you doing that the current offerings are too slow?

In other words, you have survived this long with a less powerful machine, and are still in business... How can you be upset that a new one is not released, when you have been gainfully employed using the older than current technology?



Nice.. I love the name calling. So, what is "your career"? What exactly do you need a machine you have no idea what will be in it, or what capabilities it will have? What is your current machine incapable of doing right now?

Did you buy a TB display and not do your research? Could you no afford the 12 core, and more ram than NASA, and had to settle for an entry level?
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Nice.. I love the name calling. So, what is "your career"? What exactly do you need a machine you have no idea what will be in it, or what capabilities it will have? What is your current machine incapable of doing right now?

Did you buy a TB display and not do your research? Could you no afford the 12 core, and more ram than NASA, and had to settle for an entry level?

I never said I was unhappy with my current hardware.

But I can also understand why people are disenchanted with the company.
Video and audio production are some of the fastest developing markets in the world - and in order to sustain growth for you business, you have to be able to stay cutting edge (i.e. compete).

Don't patronize people about their business.
So, you dislike my opinion, and feel the need to over dramatize your response to tell me to be more open to others opinions???

Pot meet Kettle? The burning books was a nice touch. I have not heard that in a long time. Makes perfect sense. I ask when will the crying stop, and your reply is that we should burn books and close the forum.
You are crying about people crying and you dare to tell me about the pot and the kettle? Seriously?

I wasn't crying about your crying over the crying on the forum. I was showing you how ridiculous your post was with a little bit of humour. I am sorry that it flew right over your head. I shall try to keep to simple concepts and shorter words.
I never said I was unhappy with my current hardware.

But I can also understand why people are disenchanted with the company.
Video and audio production are some of the fastest developing markets in the world - and in order to sustain growth for you business, you have to be able to stay cutting edge (i.e. compete).

Don't patronize people about their business.

It's funny that in an attempt to understand why someone has been complaining for months on end, I get told to shut up. My opinion are not valid. My questions are not good enough. I am not allowed to start, be a part of or even join in on a discussion. BURN ALL THE BOOKS!!!! CLOSE THE FORUM!!!! DON'T PATRONIZE!!!!

Yet, the only thing anyone can say is that they have an opinion. Oddly enough, the opinion is good enough for them, but not me.

Mob mentality at it's finest. Don't actually answer the question at hand, just attempt to belittle the person and talk over them. That'll show them. Hell, even use an argument that makes no sense, just to appear to be better than them.

Anyone in the Audio Production world that uses Apple is not thinking of anything cutting edge. Logic has not been touched in more years than the mac pro. Is the next argument that Logic has everything it needs to be successful? One would say the same about the current mac pro...

Also, last time I checked, FCSX does not access all the resources the latest mac pro can use. The only video professional I can see that could use more is anyone using Adobe.

So far, no one has answered the question at hand. No one has shown an actual need for hardware that outperforms the current offering. I know they are out there, and to be honest, they have a right to want more. Audio Professionals using a DAW in a mac are more limited to input device limitations (number of live tracks they can have at the same time) or software plug ins (reverbs mostly) which require a decent amount of power. Editing video (while horsepower is required) has not reached a new plateau the requires these mythical 12GB video cards, unless you are working in 4K and higher, which is on the cusp of breaking into mainstream media, and even then, is supported through FCSX.


You are crying about people crying and you dare to tell me about the pot and the kettle? Seriously?

I wasn't crying about your crying over the crying on the forum. I was showing you how ridiculous your post was with a little bit of humour. I am sorry that it flew right over your head. I shall try to keep to simple concepts and shorter words.

I dare? Who are you the Pope? You making a statement, even in joking form about not respecting or allowing a difference of opinion regarding an opinion topic is the quintessential definition of Pot meet kettle.

Your humor was not missed... It was just really bad. Now that your first comment was not overwhelmingly adopted, you reduce yourself to patronizing me in an attempt to seem superior?

2 for 2 buddy. Try harder.
So, in the days coming up to WWDC, we saw a large number of "update or I leave" posts and topics in here...


my frustration (and i'm sure there are others) is the timing. I bought the 1,1 in 2007, and guess what? a major update less than a year later. So in 2010, when i was getting ready to update, i did a little reading, and guess what? There was this great processor called Sandy Bridge right around the corner.
Fast forward to 2012, and the Sandy Bridge is readily available - Apple pulls the Chewbacca Defense on us... IT MAKES NO SENSE!!

Apple needs to be more clear so that small business owners who are invested in the Apple ecosystem (and need powerful, reliable machines) can get the best bang for their buck. Yes, we spend extra for image - it does not mean efficiency goes out the door
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my frustration (and i'm sure there are others) is the timing. I bought the 1,1 in 2007, and guess what? a major update less than a year later. So in 2010, when i was getting ready to update, i did a little reading, and guess what? There was this great processor called Sandy Bridge right around the corner.
Fast forward to 2012, and the Sandy Bridge is readily available - Apple pulls the Chewbacca Defense on us... IT MAKES NO SENSE!!

Apple needs to be more clear so that small business owners who are invested in the Apple ecosystem (and need powerful, reliable machines) can get the best bang for their buck. Yes, we spend extra for image - it does not mean efficiency goes out the door

I agree with this statement. You are 100% right on the money about apple needing to cater to people who depend on the products for ACTUAL BUSINESS USE. I can understand the frustration level in true professionals, but as I stated before, I would bet (And I am included in this demographic) the majority of us Pro owners (regardless of generation) are not using these machines for actual work. You can call it work, but the machine is not the cornerstone of your livelihood. That is my point.


Get a load of this guy :rolleyes:

Any more witty comments you want to throw in here, or are you all tapped out?
I think anyone who cannot buy a Mac Pro today and make back their investment many times over by the time the new Mac pros ship is simply a prosumer and is not ready for this level of machine. Yeah you can put any machine to its knees by running 100 filters on M N-megabit images but maybe you just need to be a bit smarter about doing things... and who is buying your stuff? For how much? WWDC does not make someone who is making good money with old hardware uncompetitive overnight.
(And I am included in this demographic) the majority of us Pro owners (regardless of generation) are not using these machines for actual work.

So you're one of the ones who bought it purely for the image of having the fastest mac and your bitching on the forums about the other people who did the same thing as you but are upset because their isn't a newer fastest mac. You sir, are a troll. I think you'd be surprised how many people in here use their pro for actual money making work and could possibly push the boundaries of it's potential and by an updated computer could be more efficient in their work flow.

I am not one of these. I don't own a pro. I'm merely an admirer who hopes to someday have a job that actually requires one.
Yah you guys, quit complaining that Apple, who holds the largest stash of cash in the known universe, can't seem to significantly upgrade their premiere computer product in the last 2.5 years.

After all ios6 is almost here - hurray! I'm sure the OP will be thrilled if we just all drool over the next iphone or tablet or whatever the hell else toy apple (not Apple computer, which doesn't exist anymore) creates.

Hey OP - if you don't like my complaining, then don't freaking read my posts. I'm sitting on a pile of cash ready to buy a faster computer and now i'm actually having to spend time investigating hackintosh systems instead of just visiting the apple store and buying a new mac pro like I did the last 8 years or so. That PISSES ME OFF and if you don't like it, well tough titties as they say.
Each of us, the computer users, has the right to express his/her view on the Apple products and Apple's behavior in updating its products.

Asking us to stop expressing our views is like asking the world to end. So, we sing praising songs, we complain, we use gadgets from Apple, and we live happily.
OP starts thread complaining about complainers, then responds to each complainer in full which just brings on more vitriol. In essence, he's created a thread that opens people to discuss exactly what he would like to see go away.

I'll break it down as far as I see it. When a shop quotes a job, the give a time estimate. This time estimate makes or breaks a lot of deals, especially in advertising. So a bunch of dudes with Mac Pros have to give longer estimate because all those tiny improvements add up when you are talking about revisions and final renders..etc etc. So yes, they can still do the jobs, but now their are other machines running linux and windows that can do them faster and this loses contracts. If they want to keep up, they need to switch out their entire shop. This is a pain in the butt. This doesn't effect people too much on newer machines, but if you were way behind and were waiting for this non-revision, you have every right to be pissed. If you don't like it, don't read it. Nobody forces anybody to click links which have titles. There is no guessing game.
So, in the days coming up to WWDC, we saw a large number of "update or I leave" posts and topics in here...


The Mac Pro isn't a iOS device for the masses.

It's for the pro's and we want better costumer service from Apple.
More then 2 years nothing is not nothing. Its a disaster waiting to happen.

If you don't get that we want more clarity on a level like this then you are a disaster to the Pro community. ;)
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I dare? Who are you the Pope? You making a statement, even in joking form about not respecting or allowing a difference of opinion regarding an opinion topic is the quintessential definition of Pot meet kettle.

Your humor was not missed... It was just really bad. Now that your first comment was not overwhelmingly adopted, you reduce yourself to patronizing me in an attempt to seem superior?

2 for 2 buddy. Try harder.

You are really arguing that someone pointing out that its your opinion want people to stop expressing their opinion is silly, is also wanting people to stop expressing their opinion? Notice he's not telling you to be quite, he's telling you he disagrees. .....Good lord.....
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