So you're one of the ones who bought it purely for the image of having the fastest mac and your bitching on the forums about the other people who did the same thing as you but are upset because their isn't a newer fastest mac. You sir, are a troll. I think you'd be surprised how many people in here use their pro for actual money making work and could possibly push the boundaries of it's potential and by an updated computer could be more efficient in their work flow.
I am not one of these. I don't own a pro. I'm merely an admirer who hopes to someday have a job that actually requires one.
I do not consider myself a true pro at this point, as I am not making a living with my machine. I do however work in Cinema 4D, FCSX and Logic on a daily basis, perfecting and honing my craft. Sorry, I should have mentioned we have a $60K studio as a hobby. My bad. Someday, I will be considered a true Pro. I bought a 2008 Mac Pro, because my iMac was incapable of handling my documentary project in FCSX, and I NEEDED more power. My pro fit the bill under the cost of a new iMac, even including the 30" cinema display.
The funniest part about this whole thing, is the responses are exactly as expected. Bitter, angry, "Who the hell do you think you are" by everyone that appears to not be the guy that needs the machine, but wants it.
Sorry if you are angry, and offended, it was not my intention. My real intention was to ask when will the "chicken littles" stop saying the sky is falling, purely based on the fact that they are not really dependent on new hardware. But hey, keep slinging insults... I got very thick skin, I can take it.
And yet here you are, commenting on others' comments.
Sure, if you want to call it that. I comment because I am not getting real answers. Thanks for yours. Stating you are in the market, but feel that another 6 month wait is too much, and you are moving to windows seems like the solution for you. The difference is, you did not start a thread, with a threatening letter to Tim, or an ultimatum, or any other BS. You said, I can't wait any longer, so I am making the switch. Simple and to the point. Enjoy Windows.
I don't think anyone anywhere has claimed that their work "requires" new hardware. But I think you're misguided to think that current hardware wouldn't make a dramatic difference in one's workflow. I was rendering out photo realistic imagery and animations with Maya on my G5 tower 5 years ago, but I wouldn't dare do the same today when I can cut my render times drastically.
While Apple has remained dormant in the workstation department, others have moved on. Simply put, there are better options out there now that will allow me to get my work done faster and more efficiently. I have been in the market for a new workstation for quite some time and was eager to see what Apple would offer. But it's no longer in my best interest to wait another year so I'm heading back to Windows.
I can understand that Render times may get lower, but the difference in speeds and render times don't seem that significant. My point is that right at the moment, we are not going to truly benefit too much from faster machines. What they can put out there won't break speed barriers, or reinvent the workstation (at least from the technology we are aware of). So the immediate question is, why is it such a huge deal?