I'll happily fling my poo over the fence at the zoo guests...
The reasonable time frame we can expect the next Mac Pro machines is the Spring of 2012. Perhaps the late winter, Feb-March if the planets align. But the sticking point is the availability of the Xeon E5 Sandy-Bridge CPUs from Intel. Intel has already announced that the chips were delayed
at least till 1Q2012. And there are, yes, SEVERAL threads on this very topic.
As for waits, if you look at the Buyers Guide, the last two Mac Pro updates were over a
year and a half apart, and the gaps are lengthening. So this Fall for new MPs was wildly optimistic unless something damn spiffy happened at both Apple
and Intel. And even if chips were available, Apple's been much more involved with Lion and those shiny new MacBook Airs, that they seem ridiculously proud of.
The MacBook Air is now Apple's new flagship machine. The Mac Pro hasn't been Apple's Mac Daddy for YEARS, much as that might gall professional users. But the days of the Mac G4 and G5 tower machines getting the shiny first are long gone.
And it's no surprise that most of the newer "iThing" generation of Mac users, many brought over from their experiences with iPods, iPhones and iPads... have no idea what a Mac Pro is. Most thinking that we're referring to MacBOOK Pros. Apple barely mentions the machines. I can't recall seeing a Mac Pro TV ad... Been in an Apple store recently? There is no huge wall graphic for the Mac Pro. No table or section full of Mac Pros humming away. No, there will be ONE, or perhaps two neglected MPs sitting in a corner with no one paying any attention to them, until a pro user customer hauls an Apple Associate away from the iPhones to ask about or buy one.
Since the default display on a MP is the 27" Apple LCD Display - now the Thunderbolt Display - it looks at a distance like an 27" iMac sitting next to a silver box. Both glossy anyway, another disappointment to the pros, but that's a whole 'nother rant.
So look for your next Mac Pro in the Spring of 2012. More than likely the same case, probably with the new Sandy Bridge Xeon E5 chips, equipped with Thunderbolt, probably an uptick in Graphics cards (wonder if any will have Thunderboldt compatible display ports?), and completely predictable configurations. Looks like Firewire will survive, since it's still on the MBPs and is on the ThunderBolt Display.
But will the next gen Mac Pros have optical drives? Apple is very obviously getting out of the disc business entirely.
Our mileage may vary.