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I'd speculate that Apple need to do another update in the next 2-3 months in order to put enough space between the new (sept) range and thier Spring Arrandale release, without allowing the current model iMac to go stale.

also the bombardment of new features seems unlike apple, a iMac from this year moving into next year and gaining Arrandale, Bluray and DDR3 seems a bit of a leap and a giant finger at last years model...

I'd have to agree, from what I have seen from Apple. The way they upgrade/update products is gradually over time. Look at the Macbook range.
The way the iphone has been updated yearly but gradually. First 2g then 3g and then a faster 3g. The imac will probably be the same, probably a bit quicker with one or 2 other small enhancements and a 7-10% price drop. before a complete redesign sometime next year. :):)
More like a crossgrade rather than an upgrade.

Probably a small speed bump with different RAM and a matt screen option? Us current owners won't feel hard done by and new buyers will feel better about having waited. I seriously doubt there's anything major on the horizon... especial a case redesign.

That being said, it would be nice to have a dedicated iPod docking station on the top and an USB port at the front/side (Apple must think I'm the only person in the world that uses memory sticks with iMacs).

Judging by the MacBook "update", we may well be in for a downgrade with Apple taking away our beloved FireWire ports... after all, only Pro-level video editors really need FireWire (note the sarcasm in the tone of my typing).
What RAM? Apple just updated RAM to DDR3. Faster DDR3 is possible though

Sorry, just being glib. I was vaguely meaning that improvements will hardly be earth shattering. I wasn't meaning for this comment to be read so carefully.

I'm always disappointed at the real world experience of upgrades. A 10% boost in a benchmark test makes my PhotoShop filter take 9 seconds instead of 10 seconds to render so real improvements for me are in ports, expandability, size, placement, construction, ergonomics, noise, standards etc.

Sorry 'bout that comment.
What's funny to me, is these threads started right after the March update this year, and they're still going on! LOL.
That being said, it would be nice to have a dedicated iPod docking station on the top and an USB port at the front/side (Apple must think I'm the only person in the world that uses memory sticks with iMacs).

Surely you can use the USB ports on your keyboard?
Easily. GTS 250M/260M is quite similar to ATI 4850, but GTX 260M and 280M beats ATIs easily, even 4870 (I looked only specs, not benchmarks)

My iMac just broke down so I need to buy in the near future. Might have to hold off until the apple thing in September at least :)
My iMac just broke down so I need to buy in the near future. Might have to hold off until the apple thing in September at least :)

I'm not holding out much hope that we'll see new iMacs at the Sept. event, which I think will be only iPod/music-related. But I'm almost in the same situation: I need a new iMac to replace mine, which I want to give to my family to replace an 8-year-old G4.
I'm about to buy one for my mom, but I always seem to have the "Apple updated the product literally right after I buy one" syndrome, so I'm freaked out about telling her to get one now. lol.
Relax people. I doubt the iMacs will be refreshed at all this year. It was just refreshed (minor, but still refreshed) March 3, 2009. And according to the Buyer's Guide, refreshes occur every 220 days. As of this post, we are sitting on day 165. There's still a good two months left.

Looking at the industry, there won't be any new Intel chips until either Q4 2009 or Q1 2010. Apple usually follows Intel timeline. Most likely, we will be seeing new iMacs either end of this year or beginning of next. And that's just an approximation. Apple almost never updates it's products near the end of the year, because of the holiday season. And since Jobs was invited to give a keynote in CES 2010, we might see new iMacs there if he decides to give a keynote.
I am in the same situation (just sold my iMac and looking to get a new one). I am hoping something happens before years end. Apple has updated iMacs 2x in the same year. Looking at the update cycle, we could see something around October or November. However, it does appear that Apple could be moving to one update a year with its iMacs. I thought this was a good article on the subject: Anyone know why the iMac was updated two times in 2005 and 2006?


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I found the answer to my question.

In 2005 here were the changes (included "iSight", half an inch thinner and 15% lighter than earlier iMac G5 models and use a faster architecture and superior graphics):

In 2006 here were the changes (jump for core duo to core 2 duo):

So the real question is does Apple need to make changes to a system that was already spec. bumped and price dropped in March and implement some new features late 2009 (bluray, quad-core, LED display, case change, SD card slot, and/or matte screen) as they did in 2005/2006, or will they stay with the new trend and wait until be beginning of 2010 to make some of these changes available?

My guess is Apple will drag their feet on updating the chipset until early next year and throw in a unibody case redesign and some stupid SD card slot and everyone will go hurray Apple you are so sexy I want to take you home right now and Apple will say sorry no, but whisper ok as you walk away because as we all know Apple likes to be a mysterious cock tease and knows you will always come back... you always come back to the Apple.
I want to buy a new Imac. Should I wait?

I want to buy a new Imac. Should I wait or do it now. When will the new Imacs be out? How long should I wait. I have a 5 year old Imac and it's time for a new one.

What could they actually do for an iMac redesign? I can't see them do anything more to it. The exterior is perfect IMO.
November Mac Update

Steve Jobs went to my school and he told my best mate that new macs are coming out in November. Don't believe anything else you read.
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That's what Steve told my mate Ashton the other day down the pub
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