unless you rendezvous chat all the goddamned time or you video/audiochat often and you cant be bothered to be running two apps or just switch, then there is no reason for you NOT to use Adium.
v0.58 is sort of misleading, because there used to be an Adium 1.x, but they did a complete rewrite, so now its Adium 2.0, but its still beta.
But for beta software, its REALLY stable. If you got Adium before they started doing the weekly/bimonthly updates, then you got one of the alpha versions, and if you're basing your opinion of Adium on some ALPHAS then all I gotta say is...WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ON?!
iChat's windows take up waaayyy tooooooo much space, even sans all the icons in the buddy list. Adium is a tiny part of my screen, where I can conveniently see who is online, who is away, how long they've been idle/away, etc, like 50-60 people at a time. Tabbed chatting is a godsend, because I absolutely abhor having like five chat windows open. Thanks to the wonders of CSS, I can customize the look of both my buddy list and my chat window, and happily to say, my buddy list is in all dark colors, with gray text, in 10 point Myriad Pro, no icons. Not some oversized brushed metal hunk that takes up like 1/5-10 of my screen with the buddies in huge 11 point Lucida Grande or whatever iChat uses for the buddy list. Bah. I don't want several chat windows crowding up my display or the icons in the already tiny dock.
But when I need to rendezvous chat or videochat, I will open iChat. Doesn't stop me from still using Adium to IM people (when I am online).
And I don't want filthy MSN and Yahoo Messenger in my dock, wasting space. Trepia doesn't work on Mac OS X. Jabber clients for OS X suck. After using Proteus and Fire and other multi-protocol chat clients, I was so exasperated at the quality...until Adium
And to the person who said Adium was not official software, since when was iChat one too? There's only one official client, and thats the POS that AIM provides. And why are you using that beta software, there's gotta be a good reason why...so why not give adium a chance?
So really, I have good reasons to use Adium...because it satisfies my needs, and it satisfies them well. Now, I don't think I can care much if you prefer not using it...your loss, not mine.
v0.58 is sort of misleading, because there used to be an Adium 1.x, but they did a complete rewrite, so now its Adium 2.0, but its still beta.
But for beta software, its REALLY stable. If you got Adium before they started doing the weekly/bimonthly updates, then you got one of the alpha versions, and if you're basing your opinion of Adium on some ALPHAS then all I gotta say is...WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ON?!
iChat's windows take up waaayyy tooooooo much space, even sans all the icons in the buddy list. Adium is a tiny part of my screen, where I can conveniently see who is online, who is away, how long they've been idle/away, etc, like 50-60 people at a time. Tabbed chatting is a godsend, because I absolutely abhor having like five chat windows open. Thanks to the wonders of CSS, I can customize the look of both my buddy list and my chat window, and happily to say, my buddy list is in all dark colors, with gray text, in 10 point Myriad Pro, no icons. Not some oversized brushed metal hunk that takes up like 1/5-10 of my screen with the buddies in huge 11 point Lucida Grande or whatever iChat uses for the buddy list. Bah. I don't want several chat windows crowding up my display or the icons in the already tiny dock.
But when I need to rendezvous chat or videochat, I will open iChat. Doesn't stop me from still using Adium to IM people (when I am online).
And I don't want filthy MSN and Yahoo Messenger in my dock, wasting space. Trepia doesn't work on Mac OS X. Jabber clients for OS X suck. After using Proteus and Fire and other multi-protocol chat clients, I was so exasperated at the quality...until Adium
And to the person who said Adium was not official software, since when was iChat one too? There's only one official client, and thats the POS that AIM provides. And why are you using that beta software, there's gotta be a good reason why...so why not give adium a chance?
So really, I have good reasons to use Adium...because it satisfies my needs, and it satisfies them well. Now, I don't think I can care much if you prefer not using it...your loss, not mine.