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Fail call on the
Agreed. Indeed, I say "fail call" on all the doubters. Of course, ATV will never be as open to everything, everyone wants. But it already does way more than it did just a few months ago, with App developers now welcome to use the product for audio video. One example. Atomic rowers is now optimized for Airplay. There may be limits, but I every video I can play through Atomic, I can play through ATV. (I believe Icab will do the same). If Hulu, NFL, and a few key apps come on line for Airplay (all very possible) is there any realistic expectations that are not being met?
There were plenty of warnings on these forums to (over enthusiastic) new ATV2 owners that AirPlay was NOT going to open up the world of video. I remember stupid apple blogs opining about how this was a going to be a trojan horse apple would use to destroy the cable blogs and analysts are almost always wrong.

You will get Itunes proprietary and maybe a very small select group of 3rd party videos showing on your ATV (youtube). That will be it...there will be no hulu, there will be no VLC, there will be no plex, there will be no espn3 or

Anyone who owns an ATV1 knows Apple's track record in this will all continue to be disappointed time and time again...

Wow were you wrong. lol. Loving me some Vevo, PBS, Air Video and many others all Airplayed to my Apple TV2. Using Air Video to Airplay nonsupported formats in HD up to 5mbps is really nice and there were many naysayers saying that would never happen. Even that it wasn't even possible. And the Plex app has already been confirmed to have Airplay support coming. is already Airplay enabled and the Apple TV even has it's own MLB and NBA apps now.

Just did some updates and several more of my apps were Airplay enabled. I'm starting to see more and more Airplay support just like how Retina display support started picking up to where if you didn't support it, your app would start getting poorer reviews and ratings and it became a priority.

I still don't see why most folks didn't understand that moving the Apple TV to iOS meant that the development pace would pick up real quick. It's not using an old outdated and customized version of Tiger anymore. That's what held back the development of the original. Apple is focused on iOS more than anything else right now and for OS X they are focused on Lion. Tiger hasn't been on the radar for quite some time now and when you consider that it was using a customized version of Tiger that's even more a reason.
Apps I've used with Airplay

I have played with these two apps so far.

-Vevo [/B]- Beta...though some kinks it is pretty damn cool.
-Rdio -[/B] Diggin' this app need a subscription to really enjoy. Btw, it seems like they've had airplay support since its inception makes me wonder...lala:cool:?!?!
-Vimeo just added earlier this month. This is crazy!!

LG 47 + PowerMac 8600 + Imac G5+ iPheezy 3gs + MacBook Intel Core Duo + ATV2G
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Ditto. Airplay is useful now, but until pretty limited until 3rd parties are in the game. I suspect/hope we'll see a bunch of updates from 3rd parties. If not, no Apple TV for me.
I just saw this old post from, well me, and thought I should state for the record that my wife bought me an AT2 for my birthday in November. I use it all the time and can see the day when I dump cable. As others have recently noted, with so many apps now using Airplay, the $100 seems like a steal.
Lists for AirPlay, Apple TV, iOS Devices & your Mac

Hey guys...

These lists are well underway now. We now have a list of 33 Apps for iOS devices, with growing lists for both AirPlay-enabled Websites and AirPlay apps for your Mac. Thanks to everyone who has been suggesting new apps for our team to test. Keep them coming!!!

Apps for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch:
(Sorry, some of the apps won't work with older versions of the iPhone and non-current iOS software. For best results, update your iOS software.)

AirPlay-enabled Websites:

AirPlay-enabled Apps for Mac:

Apps we could see soon:

To suggest more titles, contact The Apple TV Guide VIA facebook:


The Apple TV Guide
I see in the list is "ireddit", which doesn't seem to ever have any options for AirPlay, or is it only the YouTube linked videos that are airplayable?
Would be cool if you could get the gifs/photos and the main page up on your telly.
The site seems to be fully AirPlay enabled. This is one of the first video-as-entertainment sites that I've found that works with AirPlay video (and it's free and requires no sign up).

Interestingly enough, the Funny or Die app that was released on April 17 does NOT support AirPlay video, so the app can't output to the Apple TV while the website can.
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