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I was supposed to be at a painting show in the Netherlands this weekend but it got canceled naturally due to corona so I'll say the Netherlands. It's my favorite country to visit.
With my kiddos so small, I’m more than happy to stay within the US. Travel is not easy with diapers & pee breaks every 5 minutes. Lots of beautiful places right here in the states & we’re big & culturally diverse enough to get a real sense of travel. I would love to visit family back in Ohio, Michigan & Maine for example. It’s been a few years.

When they’re older, I’d love to take them to Europe to see the deep history of western civ (our formative roots as Americans), the museums & art ie: Louvre, & the natural wonder of places like Patagonia, Antarctica, the Galapagos etc.

But yeah, I love staying & exploring my own country.
With COVID and a kid on the way (!!!), travel out of the country isn't on our radar for the time being, but I think the next vacation will be France. Easy direct flight (better for a baby/toddler), and my wife's French is good enough for us to get off the beaten path a little bit.
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Is it still 5 miles in Wales?

Officially yeah unless travelling for work. Mark Drakeford has not followed Boris and so far I think he’s been right when we look at the rise in cases over the past week. It’s worrying as every person I know who works in the NHS and those who work in their supply chain that I know, thinks we’ll have another April style rise come September/October.

The only positive for me is I won’t have to go to the Netherlands and Germany for work which actually suits me fine lol.
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Officially yeah unless travelling for work. Mark Drakeford has not followed Boris and so far I think he’s been right when we look at the rise in cases over the past week. It’s worrying as every person I know who works in the NHS and those who work in their supply chain that I know, thinks we’ll have another April style rise come September/October.

The only positive for me is I won’t have to go to the Netherlands and Germany for work which actually suits me fine lol.
Yes I was due in Germany for work recently and was quite happy not to have to go. We aren’t allowing any foreign travel at work. Sensible precaution.
I don't think i'd want to fly.. . The only country i'd b interested in, and we're be asked not to fly there, is Hong Kong..
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Japan for me. We were due to return to Japan for our anniversary and my birthday on 27th of March this year, we were very excited about being in Kyoto for the Sakura..thanks to this dreadful virus a year of planning that was written off. Still trying to claw back the money we paid for the flights too.
Ah well, there’s always next year. Hopefully..
Roatan, Honduras is a favorite place for the wife and I, but I expect we won't make it down there this year, diving is spectacular. We cruise two or three times a year, and I am not sure that is going to happen either. Love to go see the parents, but they and my sister are in Florida, so we are not visiting them or my brother in Texas either. Original plan for the year was a return to Tanzania for our anniversary since that's where we honeymooned, but that had to be cancelled in late March and I don't expect it will be back in the rotation for awhile. As a resident of Pandemic Central (PC), I don't expect I will be able to leave the country this year now, so if Florida gets there act together, may go see the folks then go to the Keys for a few days and play in the water.
For practical, obvious reasons, somewhere in Asia, since they've got a handle on things, and more of a sense of normalcy has returned there than in the rest of the world. This isn't their first rodeo, and they're just farther along in this ride. Japan, in particular, since I've not been there is a long time.

I'd have few reservations about Europe, as well, including Italy.
Australia, Ireland, Egypt, Amazon jungle, just to name a few places.

I about needed a kidney transplant last time I was in Ireland, but its alot of fun, and I just hope Egypt quiets down enough so my wife and I can go back and see the new museum, the video is just is spectacular from it. My parents are always pushing Australia, they've been twice and loved it, with Brazil so bad I am not sure when the Amazon is going to be safe, though I would dearly love to go there as well.
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