What - no 'San Andreas Fault'
Seems to be the direction that are heading !
I was kinda hoping for OS X Earthquake. Or OS X Conservative Plate Boundary
What - no 'San Andreas Fault'
Seems to be the direction that are heading !
You mean Rrrrrrrrancho Cucamonga.
I think that we'll see Redwood, Seqoia, or Pacific this year.
Will iOS 9 and OS 10.11 be revealed on Monday?
stop with those words no one can pronounce!
everyone I know pronounces "Yosemite" like jose as in Joseph and mite like dynamite.
Honestly, Craig rolled that 'R' pretty well. I should know lol.
I have a feeling OS X 10.11 will be El Cap. The reason I say that is simply because of the fact that its supposed to be a bug and performance enhancement release. El Cap is inside Yosemite so it would make sense. I want OS X Mojave though. It just sounds like an awesome name, and after all the Mojave makes up a huge chunk of California. Plus, come on Apple, you gotta represent SoCal now that you are building a campus in Dtown LA.
Based on a gut feeling, OS X Cupertino.
How. Did. You. Know.Honestly, Craig rolled that 'R' pretty well. I should know lol.
I have a feeling OS X 10.11 will be El Cap. The reason I say that is simply because of the fact that its supposed to be a bug and performance enhancement release. El Cap is inside Yosemite so it would make sense. I want OS X Mojave though. It just sounds like an awesome name, and after all the Mojave makes up a huge chunk of California. Plus, come on Apple, you gotta represent SoCal now that you are building a campus in Dtown LA.
How. Did. You. Know.