Raw javascript in its purest form.
Sure it isn't super powerful but it can be used just about anywhere and on anything. It really is the ultimate use anywhere language. If only performance would get better but I know the language has come a long way in recent years. I have even started building desktop applications with the help of node.js.
Even sprite based game development is pretty darn good now with javascript. Just wish browsers and system would catch up in terms of optimized performance. iOS8 is a step in the right direction but it still leaves a rather big hole of support for older devices.
Up until recently my weapon of choice was Actionscript 3.0. I'm sure this will get some negative reaction but AS3 had much better performance compared to javascript and was a pretty mature language capable to some very impressive performance. for iOS development I can still squeeze better performance out of AIR and AS3 than javascript can currently do on its own. Especially when used on devices that do not support iOS8. I can get a decent 60 fps even on a iPhone4 and iPad3 for games I am developing by using gpu optimization and hardware acceleration. AIR and AS3 are not exactly at Objective C levels but with the right optimizations it is pretty darn close.
Since I do a lot of front end web development this days as well as develop apps I have started to make a lot more use of javascript since I can use it just about anywhere. If I am making a mobile game however I will usually reach for AIR since I know it can still get 60fps even on older iOS6 and Android devices.
Implementing the core of my language's interpreter in C. Total PITA. Never want to use C again once I'm done.
I also have plenty of functions libraries that I've accumulated over the years, most of it written by me, so I don't have to reinvent the wheel everytime.
Implementing the core of my language's interpreter in C. Total PITA. Never want to use C again once I'm done.
Stage 2 of your language should be writing a compiler for your language in your language. Then you run that compiler in your interpreter-in-C, which then compiles itself. Boom, bootstrapped.
After it's been implemented in itself, you can bootstrap a new interpreter, or just go with incremental compile/execute.
The language is interpreted, not compiled. I have little experience with assembly so I don't think I would write a very good compiler. Once it's open sourced someone else can write a compiler if they want.
But no, we wasted time reinventing the basics rather than moving forward.
The language is interpreted, not compiled. I have little experience with assembly so I don't think I would write a very good compiler.
C runs fast. C is universal.
Java and Java. I've written for micro controllers and AS/400....Get some new weird tiny micro-controller or access to some huge special purpose supercomputer...
Java and Java. I've written for micro controllers and AS/400.
But the language for tiniest environments on this site should be 6502 ASM and Integer Basic (as in for the 4K Apple I).
The people who can reinvent the basics are people who understand the basics. There are too many coders who have no clue of the basics and thus a less clear idea of what they are actually doing (killing the user's battery life or A/C bill, etc.).
You don't need to compile to assembly language to bootstrap a new language. You can compile to any intermediate language (such as LLVM, JVM, C, Forth or even Javascript) and let some other tools finish the job for you.
That's why knowing C is so very valuable. Get some new weird tiny micro-controller or access to some huge special purpose supercomputer, and most often it has a SDK that accepts C, or something very C-like. (OK, maybe Fortran as well...)
Implementing the core of my language's interpreter in C. Total PITA. Never want to use C again once I'm done.
Try C++ instead.
Edit: I just thought of something. It'd be nice if we could build a program using multiple languages at the same time. So, C++ for one task, C for another, Objective-C for another, Java for yet another task, Python for another task, etc. The assumption might be that the user has the tools one would normally use to run programs built in higher-level languages (JVM for Java code, Python interpreter for Python code, etc.)
Edit: I just thought of something. It'd be nice if we could build a program using multiple languages at the same time. So, C++ for one task, C for another, Objective-C for another, Java for yet another task, Python for another task, etc.
Implementing the core of my language's interpreter in C. Total PITA. Never want to use C again once I'm done.
ArtOfWarfare said:I think you're hitting at one of the key features of my language:
The syntax and style is whatever you want it to be.
You're doing it wrong. C gives you the power to do anything you want but it doesn't hold your hand.