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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Mar 26, 2010
So we already know what smartphone most of us own reading through the forum, but I would like to know what tablet is everyone currently using.

I'm more fan of tablets currently than of smartphones. I use my tablet heavily everyday and my smartphone almost doesn't get used anymore. Maybe that's why I still don't feel the need to upgrade from my old SGS3.

I've had three tablets in total: iPad 1, Nexus 10 and now the 7 2013, which for me is just perfect, earlyt what I was looking for all this years.

So what tablet is everyone using and why? IOS, Android or Windows 8?


macrumors 6502a
Apr 25, 2006
These United States
My tablet is the 2013 Nexus 7 with LTE. Got super cheap at the Verizon store. Love the size and love stock kit kat. My wife has an iPad 3 that I use from time to time as well, bit iOS 7 kinda killed it.


macrumors 68010
Apr 24, 2008
In that one place
Xperia Tablet Z. Got it for cheap, needed a file directory and USB access and while the Surface offers USB ports, its nowhere near as slick as a "kickstandless" tablet.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 12, 2011
I have a 2013 Nexus 7. But it doesn't feel like a tablet at all. It just feels like an oversized phone. I'd say partially because iOS tablet apps put Android tablet apps to shame, and because there just aren't many tablet optimized apps for Android. And when there are, they feel so squished on the Nexus 7.


Oct 17, 2013
Central California
I have a 2013 Nexus 7. But it doesn't feel like a tablet at all. It just feels like an oversized phone. I'd say partially because iOS tablet apps put Android tablet apps to shame, and because there just aren't many tablet optimized apps for Android. And when there are, they feel so squished on the Nexus 7.

Can you give us some examples of what you are referring to? I ask because on Android an app scales according to the size of the device, so an app developed for a phone won't look like a pixelated crap-sandwich on a 10 inch tablet.
With iOS though, the opposite. Take Nike+ or the Nike Fuelband app as an example. Looks like absolute garbage on the iPad, because apps designed for iPhone don't scale properly.

I also ask because I have no idea what apps 'squish' on my Nexus 7???

The Game 161

macrumors Nehalem
Dec 15, 2010
Galaxy note 12.2
Galaxy note 8.0
Ipad 2

love my note 12.2 and I still use my note 8.0 when at work on a day shift as it is very easy for me to use and hold. Do love how my notes are all synced from my note 3 to the note 12.2


Jul 18, 2013
My first was the original Nexus 7 which I still have but no longer use.

I now have a 128GB Retina cellular Mini and a 64GB WiFi Air. I have no plans on getting another Android tablet after using the iPad.

If I had bought the iPad first, I never would have bought the Nexus 7. I just thought the Nexus 7 would have been a nice iPad substitute but it wasn't.

rui no onna

Oct 25, 2013
2x iPad 4 128GB
iPad Air 16GB

Asus TF700T 32GB
Asus MeMoPad HD7 16GB
Asus Nexus 7 (2012) 16GB
Asus Nexus 7 (2013) LTE 32GB
2x HP TouchPad 32GB (dual-boot webOS and CM10)
Toshibe Excite 7.7" 32GB
2x Ainol Novo7 Venus 16GB (Chinese-branded)

Asus Transformer T100

The iPads are the ones I use daily and are pretty much jacks of all trade. Same goes for the Nexus 7 when I'm in the mood for Android.

The TF700T and T100 alternate for watching movies at home. The Novo7 Venus are for tinkering and manga reading.

The rest barely get used and are just collecting dust. :eek:


macrumors 6502a
Jul 12, 2011
Can you give us some examples of what you are referring to? I ask because on Android an app scales according to the size of the device, so an app developed for a phone won't look like a pixelated crap-sandwich on a 10 inch tablet.
With iOS though, the opposite. Take Nike+ or the Nike Fuelband app as an example. Looks like absolute garbage on the iPad, because apps designed for iPhone don't scale properly.

I also ask because I have no idea what apps 'squish' on my Nexus 7???

Note that in reference to tablet optimized apps on Android, my post had 2 parts: they either don't exist or they suck (paraphrased).

I will list app examples, but I do not use my Nexus 7 much anymore for various reasons. So app example lists will be limited to the few apps I still have installed and the ones I use on all my devies.

In the case of them not existing, it is because apps just weren't optimized for the screen size. Which makes sense, with so many different screen sizes for Android, you can't optimize for them all. The developer makes it work ideally for whatever size(s) they want, and then rely on the SDK to make the app scale for other sizes. A distinction you need to understand is that an SDK scaling apps based on screen size does not equal the app being optimized for that screen size. That is something you conveniently left out in your mention of app scaling. This makes smaller tablets feel like oversized phones. When you have an app that was developed for ~5" screens be scaled out to 7-8", you have a bunch of empty space because the developer didn't optimize for that specific screen size. If they did optimize for the screen size, then the entire screen would be used efficiently. But that is of course not the case in most apps.

App examples of this: 1Password, Amazon, Calculator, Clock, Crashplan, ES file explorer, K9, and many more. I got tired going through my apps.

In all the examples above, none of those have different layouts for my Nexus 7 compared to my Nexus 4/5 despite one being a tablet and the other two being phones will smaller screens. In the cases of apps that do have different layouts for tablets, app elements get too close together, overlap, and require more scrolling (specifically side scrolling) because it can't fit menu titles due to poor optimization of a 7" screen. I find this most common with email apps, but it also occurs with shopping, news readers, etc.

I would also like to point out the problem with the only example you were able to bring up. You say the Nike+ app is pixelated on an iPad because it is not designed for an iPad. My fiance has shoes with the Nike+ sensor and she has the Nike+ app for her iPhone 5. It is my understanding that the sensor communicates with the iOS device during running outside, on a treadmill, or during any sort of workout. This often happens while the phone is in a pocket or in an armband during said run/workout. Tell me, how many people do you see running around the street with a 10" iPad strapped to their arm? Probably next to none. The reason the Nike+ app isn't optimized for a 10" screen is because the app itself isn't meant to be used that way. So you can use that as an argument, but the fact that this is your best argument is pretty sad in my opinion.


macrumors 68000
Feb 27, 2011
I still get by with my iPad 2.

I did try a Win 8 tablet a while back (ThinkPad tablet 2) with a view to getting more productivity stuff done on a tablet, but I found the setup too cramped to do anything useful so I no longer have any ambitions toward using my tablet for doing work.

So tablet is purely consumption for me. Windows is weak in this area. Whilst Android is fine, I use iPad instead of Android because of the better tablet-optimised apps on iOS especially in educational/medical/reference app categories.

I think the iPad 2 will satisfy my needs for at least another year. Because the tablet is not as useful to me as my laptop or smartphone, and because they seem very reliable with no moving parts, I can easily see myself settling into a 4-6 year replacement cycle.


macrumors regular
Feb 15, 2005
Early in 2013 I bought a Nexus 7, just so I could have experience with Android after being all-iOS for many years. I grew to really like it.

In the Fall I sold the Nexus and bought an iPad Mini.

And to be honest, other than the fact that I didn't have to re-invest in apps for the iOS device, I really wish I kept the Nexus. The Mini is okay, but there was just something that "felt good" about the Nexus 7.

Maybe one day I'll part with the Mini. :)


May 10, 2004
iPad 1 because there's nothing completely satisfactory to spend the money on.

I want an A4 tablet with at least 256GB of storage and cellular that does not run Windows and it's not thick as a brick.

Widescreen or less than 12", no go.

And not keen for something to be as expensive as Apple, when it is not.


Jul 18, 2013
Can you give us some examples of what you are referring to? I ask because on Android an app scales according to the size of the device, so an app developed for a phone won't look like a pixelated crap-sandwich on a 10 inch tablet.
With iOS though, the opposite. Take Nike+ or the Nike Fuelband app as an example. Looks like absolute garbage on the iPad, because apps designed for iPhone don't scale properly.

I also ask because I have no idea what apps 'squish' on my Nexus 7???

I know you weren't asking me for examples but, I too was not happy with the apps available one the Android side. The apps I used, had no other alternatives so I was stuck using the official app that company's put out which were just phone versions scaled up to fit the Nexus 7 screen.

SiriusXM was one such app. Again, there is no alternative to use. This app was a huge disappointment on Android. It was stuck in portrait mode and had no tablet version such as on iOS. On iOS, I can use the app in landscape and the overall look of the app was 100% better.

Another example, 9News. It's a local news app here in the front range of Colorado for our channel 9 news. On android, it's in the same exact format as the SiriusXM app, forced to use portrait mode. The same app on iOS has a tablet version and I can watch the newscast in HD and they clearly took a lot of time to make the app.

Again, there are no alternatives to these apps because these are the official apps. There can be no alternatives.

Here are a few screen caps of those two apps too see the extreme differences.

SiriusXM on iOS


Nexus 7 version which is just the phone version scaled up to fit the tablet screen on Android:


Now the 9News iOS iPad app:


Android version which is just a scaled up phone version and boring:



macrumors regular
Oct 12, 2013
Used to have Ipad 4. Gave it to my wife and bought Asus Transformer Pad TF701. I like to have access to keyboard and (standard) USB for some of my stuff.


macrumors regular
Aug 22, 2011
My tablets

2012 Nexus 7 - Use it for my magazines, games, social apps, browsing.

Galaxy tab 3 10.1 - Won it in a raffle, use it browsing, chromecast, tv shows, streaming.

Windows Surface RT - Got it from work, use it for browsing for extended periods of time because of great battery and keyboard. Also use it for MS Office.


macrumors G4
Apr 9, 2010
where hip is spoken
I switch between 3 tablets...

64 GB iPad 4 (iOS), 32GB Surface 2 (Windows RT), 16GB nook HD (Android).

The iPad is my main tablet because of the breadth of applications but ever since updating to 7.1 I'm using it less and less due to the reduced performance. Reading scans of vintage comics, magazine, and catalogs.

I'm increasing my usage of the Surface 2 (expanded with 64GB microSD) as app availability and selection improve and I'm taking more advantage of the things it can do that the iPad can't. Productivity especially and other situations where a netbook comes in handy.

My nook HD (expanded with 32GB microSD) is for more for convenience of the smaller form-factor, a few games, and blog reading.


macrumors 68020
Mar 19, 2012
Currently using an iPad mini is my primary tablet. The size and nature of iOS leaves some things to be desired in the productivity department but overall it's a decent tablet for what I use it for.

It is mainly used as a stop gap device for when I'm away of one of my laptops or desktop. When I travel that's also usually all I take unless I know I'm going to be needing a proper computer. A MS Surface would be a LOT more workable for me I just haven't gotten around to getting one.


macrumors G4
Jan 8, 2012
iPad 3 and an old Motorola Xoom (still use it on occasion).

Thinking about getting an iPad 4 or Air and selling the 3.


macrumors regular
Mar 31, 2009
LG G Pad running Mahdi ROM

Love the form factor. The middle of the road size is good for reading, browsing, movies, etc


Oct 17, 2013
Central California
Note that in reference to tablet optimized apps on Android, my post had 2 parts: they either don't exist or they suck (paraphrased).
I would also like to point out the problem with the only example you were able to bring up. You say the Nike+ app is pixelated on an iPad because it is not designed for an iPad. My fiance has shoes with the Nike+ sensor and she has the Nike+ app for her iPhone 5. It is my understanding that the sensor communicates with the iOS device during running outside, on a treadmill, or during any sort of workout. This often happens while the phone is in a pocket or in an armband during said run/workout. Tell me, how many people do you see running around the street with a 10" iPad strapped to their arm? Probably next to none. The reason the Nike+ app isn't optimized for a 10" screen is because the app itself isn't meant to be used that way. So you can use that as an argument, but the fact that this is your best argument is pretty sad in my opinion.
Let me put this into perspective. I have a Nike Fuelband and sync it to my iPad to review data at the end of the day. I use my iPod while I run with the Nike+ app, but again, review the data on the iPad. Why? Because the 4th gen iPod is laggy as hell on iOS6.
I'm glad you have the ability to know how everyone in the world uses their equipment or why they use it the way they do, in order to make your 'sad' comment. :rolleyes:

And the point here is, when it comes to iOS there are tons of apps that just don't exist on iOS or aren't optimized for iPad, same as with Android. The difference though? On Android you don't have to look at a pixelated page. While the app may be a phone version, the screen is clear and the images, graphics and text is clear. This was my point. And yes, I only discussed the Nike apps, because these are the ones I use every day. I don't use my ipad for the app selection. I use it for web surfing, email and working out. Hopefully soon though, it will become my game rig once Apple has game controller support on more than just a handful of games.


macrumors 68030
Sep 12, 2011
iPad 3, and the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 Edition. I bought the Note 10.1 2014 because I wanted to experience the new software that was found on the Note III and own the Note II. Air command, the plastic leather stitching, multi window..etc. The 10.1 2014 has done wonders for me in terms of business and class work that my iPad 3 can't even come close to. I can draw graphs, recreate tables in a matter of minutes while on the iPad, it's impossible.
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