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macrumors 6502a
Jul 12, 2011
Let me put this into perspective. I have a Nike Fuelband and sync it to my iPad to review data at the end of the day. I use my iPod while I run with the Nike+ app, but again, review the data on the iPad. Why? Because the 4th gen iPod is laggy as hell on iOS6.
I'm glad you have the ability to know how everyone in the world uses their equipment or why they use it the way they do, in order to make your 'sad' comment. :rolleyes:

And the point here is, when it comes to iOS there are tons of apps that just don't exist on iOS or aren't optimized for iPad, same as with Android. The difference though? On Android you don't have to look at a pixelated page. While the app may be a phone version, the screen is clear and the images, graphics and text is clear. This was my point. And yes, I only discussed the Nike apps, because these are the ones I use every day. I don't use my ipad for the app selection. I use it for web surfing, email and working out. Hopefully soon though, it will become my game rig once Apple has game controller support on more than just a handful of games.

Congratulations for pointing out 1 app that is meant to be used on an iPhone, not a 10" tablet. Those apps are companion apps, that much is obvious. And it is a companion app for working out. People who workout with a device don't strap a 10" device to their shoulder. Its simple logic buddy.

The fact remains that tablet apps still suck on Android. I have had my Nexus 7 since it came out and I came from an iPad. I know what a good tablet experience is. The Nexus 7 is far from it.

Apple talked about the 2012 Nexus 7 being poorly optimized in relation to the apps. Still a valid argument today, but maybe not to the same degree. They also talked about how landscape use is awful because of the aspect ratio and onscreen buttons.;cycles=-1;autoreplay=false;showoptions=false

But lets show a real world example of an app that actually has a special tablet optimized version, but it still not optimized for the screen size:

When watching a video through this "tablet optimized" app, you get less than half of the available pixels. You have a lot of factors at play here: landscape buttons that take up way too much space, feedly menu always visible, and menus from the website always visible. This is far from a good user experience.


Oct 17, 2013
Central California
Congratulations for pointing out 1 app that is meant to be used on an iPhone, not a 10" tablet. Those apps are companion apps, that much is obvious. And it is a companion app for working out. People who workout with a device don't strap a 10" device to their shoulder. Its simple logic buddy.

The fact remains that tablet apps still suck on Android. I have had my Nexus 7 since it came out and I came from an iPad. I know what a good tablet experience is. The Nexus 7 is far from it.

Kind of strange that someone that has such a huge issue with how the Nexus apps look, yet still uses it? 'Simple logic' would dictate to go back to the iPad.
Additionally, I never said I 'put an iPad' on to my shoulder for working out. I said I reviewed and synced my data with the iPad at the end of the day. But it is funny how you make excuses for pixelated apps on the iPad by calling them 'companion apps'. Fact remains, Apple has tons of apps that are not optimized for the ipad and instead of doing something easy by scaling, they just 2x it and let it look like crap. Call a spade 'a spade' dude. Covering up the Apple flaws with excuses is 'sad'.

Apple talked about the 2012 Nexus 7 being poorly optimized in relation to the apps. Still a valid argument today, but maybe not to the same degree. They also talked about how landscape use is awful because of the aspect ratio and onscreen buttons.
Oh well, if Apple said it, then by all means that is the gospel. :rolleyes: And I find it ironic how Apple talks about how awful landscape is on the Nexus 7, yet somehow the iPhone is perfect? Those black bars and poorly optimized 3:4 ratio apps somehow look awesome on the iPhone, right? Hypocrisy is not something lacking at Apple. Excuse me if I ignore the propoganda.

When watching a video through this "tablet optimized" app, you get less than half of the available pixels. You have a lot of factors at play here: landscape buttons that take up way too much space, feedly menu always visible, and menus from the website always visible. This is far from a good user experience.

Says who? You? Doesn't mean a whole lot to me. I own tablets from all 3 major OS's. If I want to do work, video or game related stuff, guess which tablet sits on the shelf? The one that doesn't allow me to download any file from the internet and store it where I choose. The one that does allow for external devices like thumb drives, PS3 or XBox controllers, mice, keyboards and monitors. The one that allows me to watch any sort of video file I want. You know, the one that provides a 'good user experience'. ;)

And this is what it boils down to: It's all subjective mate. My post above is laced with a bit of sarcasm here and there, but I do want to say you are not wrong about the lack of tablet optimization in Android. (What I don't agree with you on is that it somehow degrades the user experience to the point that using an Android tablet is crap'.) Google is working to fix this issue and I think they are moving along nicely with the incentives they have been giving developers to rework their apps.

And this is how the Nike Fuelband app looks on my iPad. Nice pixelization, eh? (BTW, Nike and Apple are bossom buddies, so not sure why Nike hasn't made a single iPad version of any of their apps?)


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macrumors 68000
Feb 27, 2011
Fact remains, Apple has tons of apps that are not optimized for the ipad and instead of doing something easy by scaling, they just 2x it and let it look like crap. Call a spade 'a spade' dude. Covering up the Apple flaws with excuses is 'sad'.

I'm not sure I would call it a flaw. I would guess Apple want to push developers to put the effort into redesigning their iPhone apps to properly take advantage of the larger tablet form of the iPad (rather than just scaling up an app designed for a smartphone screen). I personally think this is a good thing.


macrumors 603
Dec 8, 2011
East Central Florida
Im pissed that footylight isn't iPad optimized

Well not that pissed since jailbreak plus full force fixes most of the iPhone only apps

Lame that you can't attempt to force full screen with stock


macrumors G5
Apr 8, 2013
I have an ipad mini.

I've had a galaxy tab 2 10.1 and a nexus 7 2012. The nexus 7 wasn't bad, it's just a bit too small. The tab wasn't great. Most apps looked terrible as they are just over stretched phone apps. The performance was also less than optimal. The only thing it was good for was watching videos.

My ipad mini is great. It's the perfect size, runs well and has proper tablet apps.


macrumors 68000
Sep 5, 2009
For me, Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 and Galaxy Note 8. The 10.1 2014 has the best screen and is very responsive. And, the 8 is extremely portable. Both fantastic tablets with the awesome s pens. In the past, I have had iPads 1-3 and a mini, while good tablets, they're no match.
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Oct 7, 2011
Tempe, AZ
I have three as well, they are in my signature, but:

-iPad Air 32 GB
-Nexus 7 2013
-Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4

Probably split time equally between my iPad Air and Tab Pro 8.4 right now, the Nexus 7 is always on my nightstand for reading and any night-time browsing. Love all three tablets really.


macrumors G4
Jun 11, 2009
So we already know what smartphone most of us own reading through the forum, but I would like to know what tablet is everyone currently using.

I'm more fan of tablets currently than of smartphones. I use my tablet heavily everyday and my smartphone almost doesn't get used anymore. Maybe that's why I still don't feel the need to upgrade from my old SGS3.

I've had three tablets in total: iPad 1, Nexus 10 and now the 7 2013, which for me is just perfect, earlyt what I was looking for all this years.

So what tablet is everyone using and why? IOS, Android or Windows 8?

No contest, Windows 8 tablet. I gave my ipad to my 2 year old daughter, she seems to put it to better use.


macrumors 68040
Apr 25, 2012
I have an Acer a500. It does the job but I'm getting to the point of needing an upgrade. That poses a challenge, there don't appear to be any non-Samsung 10" tablets on the market that are getting OS updates beyond ICS or JB. I don't want a Samsung-branded (Samsung-built Nexus would be OK, I just don't want TouchWiz and don't want to root/ROM) tablet but I need a 10" as I use it for reading magazines when I'm at the gym.

Stooby Mcdoobie

macrumors 6502a
Jun 26, 2012
I have a Google Play edition G Pad. Prior to its purchase, I was using an iPad mini -- which I gave to my parents.


macrumors 604
Sep 7, 2010
2013 Nexus 7. Dollar for dollar, possibly the best tablet out there. If the Mini Retina was closer in price I might have gone with that, but I just didn't feel that paying nearly twice as much was justified. Plus, I wanted to give Android a try. I don't mind iOS's restrictions on my phone, but I like having more customization and functionality in a tablet.


macrumors regular
Jan 23, 2010
Nexus 7 -2012 (use at home)
Nexus 7 - 2013 4G - Great deal from Verizon. (use away from home)


macrumors 68020
Mar 19, 2012
iPad 3 and an old Motorola Xoom (still use it on occasion).

Thinking about getting an iPad 4 or Air and selling the 3.

As someone with a 3 I don't think the move is justified yet. Not much has changed a lot to utilize the extra powe and the 1gb of ram in the Air will be a choking point long before the SoCs start to struggle. That's my opinion though. Depends on what you use it for.


macrumors 604
Jan 6, 2005
Let me put this into perspective. I have a Nike Fuelband and sync it to my iPad to review data at the end of the day. I use my iPod while I run with the Nike+ app, but again, review the data on the iPad. Why? Because the 4th gen iPod is laggy as hell on iOS6.
I'm glad you have the ability to know how everyone in the world uses their equipment or why they use it the way they do, in order to make your 'sad' comment. :rolleyes:

And the point here is, when it comes to iOS there are tons of apps that just don't exist on iOS or aren't optimized for iPad, same as with Android. The difference though? On Android you don't have to look at a pixelated page. While the app may be a phone version, the screen is clear and the images, graphics and text is clear. This was my point. And yes, I only discussed the Nike apps, because these are the ones I use every day. I don't use my ipad for the app selection. I use it for web surfing, email and working out. Hopefully soon though, it will become my game rig once Apple has game controller support on more than just a handful of games.

Nike's website works perfectly on the iPad for the purpose of reviewing data, which is probably why they haven't bothered with an app.


macrumors 604
Jul 5, 2009
As someone with a 3 I don't think the move is justified yet. Not much has changed a lot to utilize the extra powe and the 1gb of ram in the Air will be a choking point long before the SoCs start to struggle. That's my opinion though. Depends on what you use it for.

I second this recommendation. As much as I like my iPad Air, the first limitation that'll be really be felt is the 1GB of RAM. The Air is plenty fast but I've had far too many crashes due to memory limitations. If you can hold out until next fall, I believe the latest rumors (for whatever that is worth) have the Air undergoing a revision--I can't imagine they'll continue to move forward with only 1GB of RAM.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 3, 2012
2012 Nexus 7 for outside the home, iPad 4 ( just bought on 4-2 ), 2013 Nexus 7 and a Fire HDX 7. Like them all but am really fond of the Nexus ( 2013 ) and iPad.


macrumors 603
Jun 7, 2011
All major iPads models except for the Air (went for the Mini instead): 1, 2, 3, 4, rMini

N7 2013

Of the bunch, I use the rMini 99% of the time. I don't use the N7 2013 for anything casual, only for development (16:10 blows it - the rMini's 4:3 is just better, even when paired with an otherwise sub-par screen). iPad 3 and 4 are being used by the wife (and by me for development purposes); 1 and 2 are kept strictly for development purposes.


I don't mind iOS's restrictions on my phone, but I like having more customization and functionality in a tablet.

If you JB, the iPad's usability raises to a much higher level:
- f.lux (by far the most important)
- VideoPane
- DisplayRecorder

I personally wouldn't use a non-JB'n iPad, particularly not for casual web browsing in the night. It's just too restricted and the lack of f.lux is a major issue. At least on Android you have some similar (albeit not as effective) f.lux-alikes, running even without rooting (on my N7 2013 too).


macrumors 6502a
Sep 7, 2011
An iPad Air and a 2013 Nexus 7. I still prefer the iPad, but the 2013 N7 is a huge, huge improvement over the 2012 model, plus the Google Play market has come a long way since then for the Australian market.
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