I voted WiFi because:
I use it at home or college which is where I have internet connection already;
3G cost £100 more which I could doubling the amount of storage with the same money;
3G costs over time and I have 3G on my iPhone already;
If I would stream video on my iPad I would use a lot of data and would not be faster than WiFi anyway;
Download Apps sometime require WiFi and anyway would consume a lot of data;
If I would browse on-the-go away from home or check e-mail I can easily use my iPhone.
But I guess 3G would be nice if:
You don't have any internet at home;
You are often away from home and you would like to browse/mail etc;
You use GPS Apps;
Have spare money.
On second generation iPad:
Why would you wait a year to buy it when you could enjoying from today?
Then why don't way the third generation when the second will be released?
Last generation will have improvement but the next will have even more, is a non-sense.
But it always comes to choices so, pick your fave.