Hmmmm? Windows 7 Professional is the best all around version in my opinion. Most people do not need Bit Locker or Bit Locker to go which is the only difference between Pro and Ult. x64 is vastly superior these days with better stability, more ram support etc. And you're kidding yourself if you say Vista and XP are "barely different". I almost spit my drink all over my keyboard when I read that. You are correct when you say Windows 7 fixed things that should not have been broken, but I don't see what's bad about that.
Whats bad about fixing things that shouldn't have been broken is that that they shouldn't have been broken.
I need bit locker if I'm in Windows, a requirement if I log my Mac into the government network with Windows.
XP 64 and Vista 64 are not much different..I don't know about the others though.