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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 24, 2015
The Netherlands
Hi all,

Currently on latest Catalina with virtualbox but I want to try something else.

Virtualbox eats away CPU cycles not running any guests and I want to try a premium product.

I have some experience years ago with vmware workstation so vmware fusion/workstation could be an option.

I have seen parallels yet looking slick there is something I really don't like about it. Every time a version upgrade comes of MacOS you need to pay again a fee to make it work again on your system. And since this it at least once a year I call this a financial yearly subscription. Its sneaky if you ask me.

Now I wonder how is this with vmware? Is it any differently or can you use your paid version for the duration of lets say Catalina without paying them every year?


macrumors 68020
Jul 11, 2013
I don’t like the way Parallels try to make you pay for a new version every year, however I have never updated and the version I bought years ago for Mountain Lion stil works fine under Mojave.


macrumors 603
Jul 8, 2011
I use Parallels. As stated above I have not paid for an update in years but it still works fine. They upgrade it almost every year at a cost of $50.


macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 24, 2015
The Netherlands
Running trial version of Parallels now.

Amazed that it could just import my VirtualBox machine just like that.

I have 2 weeks of trial time left but if what you @Wando64 and @firedept said is true about that you can use your license for a long time even between updates/upgrades I am sticking with it.

Thanks :)
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macrumors G4
Sep 15, 2011
Vilano Beach, FL
I'm long time Parallels user, though I still occasionally re-review VMWare. Like the folks pointed about above, it's not necessary to upgrade every year - in fact, when I used Bootcamp for about a year, I wound up going back to an almost 3 year old version of Parallels that still worked.

In terms of licensing, they still offer an outright purchase version for $79 though it's the home version (so it has lower resource allocation options). Also, if you keep an eye out, it's also often bundled with those "10 Apps for $50" type offers from various vendors, sometimes people will sell off the apps they don't want - in fact, I scored a recent Parallels for like $10, and even Parallels was offering their upgrade to me for less than the cost on the website (I think I was seeing $34.95).


macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 24, 2015
The Netherlands
If you do a one time purchase it says you're not getting any new upgrades but do you get updates within the version you buy?

How does Parallels handle re-installs? Do you need to keep the installer or can you download it later again from there site?


macrumors 603
Jul 8, 2011
If you do a one time purchase it says you're not getting any new upgrades but do you get updates within the version you buy?

How does Parallels handle re-installs? Do you need to keep the installer or can you download it later again from there site?

If there are updates to the version you purchase you will get them. I didn't keep the installer. But I also never uninstall it. My suggestion tuck it away somewhere. Someone may correct me though if I'm wrong.
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