One of the deciding factors of me purchasing an iPad Pro 10.5 is to increase my productivity and learning to code. Does anyone code or practice coding on the iPad Pros?
I had the iPad Pro for a while. CSS/HTML coding is not difficult on the iPad as long as you have a keyboard. I don't know any JavaScript, but I know Swift very well and as of now, there is really no good solution for coding on the iPad. If you are doing some minor code, than its fine, but coding full apps is impossible and I don't think it will be possible anytime soon.
Like I said though, HTML is easy on the iPad. I even created my entire website using my iPad Pro. But when it came time to finally start coding some Apps, I traded it in and bought a MacBook Pro. Love the damn thing. Honestly, until Apple has a version of Xcode on the iPad, making iOS apps and Android apps are impossible.
Does anyone code or practice coding on the iPad Pros?
Interesting note maybe, but if I am not mistaken, apple has opened up the api a little to allow for apps to compile code now. Prior to this last WWDC, you really couldn't compile and export, but now you can. This could change things a little bit.
Correct me if I am wrong.
I tried but it's just too slow, even with hooking up a keyboard. Plus it's hard to code for a desktop site on an iPad as you can't really see how it'll look as you're zoomed out. Just better experimence on MacBook. Not sure iPad will ever be a better experience for developers.
I was going to ask why there weren't apps for coding. Your point would make sense as to why.
I’m a web developer full time, and in my opinion iOS doesn’t yet have the features to do any substantial web development coding. A simple static HTML/CS site? Maybe.
From a text editor standpoint, Textastic is fine. You can certainly write HTML/CSS/JS. But from there, you’re pretty limited in what you can do.
Working Copy supports the most basic git features, so you can commit and push. This is probably fine for getting started.
What’s missing is doing stuff with the code you write. You can’t start a web server, nor even open an HTML file that references a local JS file. Does your code work? Are there errors? There’s no way that I know to find that out on iOS alone.
Others may have figured out better workflows (do share if so!), but for me, any workflow ultimately requires an actual computer. Also, the things that don’t take about 5-20x longer when compared to macOS. For instance, the simple act of cloning a repo, editing a file, then committing it, requires so many more steps on iOS.
In summary, I wouldn’t recommend that anyone get an iPad expecting to do any substantial coding on it. The 12” Macbook, though, is in my opinion the best computer for web development that there is.
Pythonista and Coda seem to be good for learning to code.
Interesting note maybe, but if I am not mistaken, apple has opened up the api a little to allow for apps to compile code now. Prior to this last WWDC, you really couldn't compile and export, but now you can. This could change things a little bit.
Correct me if I am wrong.
Pythonista definitely worth a look if you are interested in learning Python; has many of the libraries required for scientific computing.
I'm using Playgrounds on my 10.5 right now. Due to a brain injury while working on duty, I lost a lot of cognitive things I could do really well before. This has been helping me try and re-learn a lot of basic things that I struggle with daily. I know it's probably not relevant to the OP main idea, but thought I'd share.
Honestly, I learned using Swift Playgrounds while it was in Beta, and then took a few online classes to push me through some more difficult things. iPad Pro is a great starting point, but I honestly would just get a Mac instead if you are going to be coding.I know that the iPad Pro is still not there yet in supporting a full on app development... but I'm not even there yet to develop an app or something. Merely just learning and testing and having fun with it. Little bit of HTML, Python, and starting Swift so far.
Honestly, I learned using Swift Playgrounds while it was in Beta, and then took a few online classes to push me through some more difficult things. iPad Pro is a great starting point, but I honestly would just get a Mac instead if you are going to be coding.
I'm using Playgrounds on my 10.5 right now. Due to a brain injury while working on duty, I lost a lot of cognitive things I could do really well before. This has been helping me try and re-learn a lot of basic things that I struggle with daily. I know it's probably not relevant to the OP main idea, but thought I'd share.
I appreciate the sentiment. I get stuck, and it does take me time to figure things out. I am 5 years recovery, and I still have trouble with simple math. I don't know if it'll ever be "fixed", but I learn different ways to accomplish things that I can't take the straight route to doing any more. Lego and Playgrounds are helping with that goal. I used to be a decent programmer. Started as a kid with Logo, BASIC, PASCAL, as an adult, LUA, JS, C... now I'm struggling to learn Playgrounds (Swift).--- It's my preferred language. But gotta venture out to JS and PHP for work. Swift also.
-- Sorry to hear what happened dude. You'll get better. The community in this forums are awesome! Infectiously inspiring and motivating peeps!
I do playgrounds too! First time I got on it... I was on it for 3 hours straight. I am going to go again tonight but gotta control myself to just keep it to an hour or two.
[doublepost=1498618458][/doublepost]Coda and textastic seem to be one of the good ones.
Thank you, I appreciate that.Sorry to hear that and good luck with your recovery!
I appreciate the sentiment. I get stuck, and it does take me time to figure things out. I am 5 years recovery, and I still have trouble with simple math. I don't know if it'll ever be "fixed", but I learn different ways to accomplish things that I can't take the straight route to doing any more. Lego and Playgrounds are helping with that goal. I used to be a decent programmer. Started as a kid with Logo, BASIC, PASCAL, as an adult, LUA, JS, C... now I'm struggling to learn Playgrounds (Swift).
Thank you, I appreciate that.