Yes. Any single app that can do a bunch of languages and atleast test it? To check if lines of code are correct?
I know I'm dragging this off topic, so I'll just post this and move on... it's literally one day at a time for me. Every new day that comes, the previous day is gone for me. Apple has done so much for me in being able to function daily with things we normally take for granted. Using my iPhone as my electronic sticky notes (icloud notes are like breathing air for me), using my Apple Watch for reminders, health tracking, and my ipad/iMac for learning.--- One day at a time brother. You started programming as a kid. It is part of you. I am barely starting to program and have very little background on it in college. I guess I didn't care for any of it when it was being taught. Now looking back with regrets of why I didn't took it seriously... I'm trying to use all those wasted years as motivation. I'll figure out a rhythm where I can put at least 3 hours every single day into a language and just learn learn learn. People like you and a lot of people in this forum inspires me more. I think there should be some sort of a meet up in this forum.
Besides the 2 apps already mentioned:
Pythonista for coding in Python
Codea for coding in Lua
you should also check out
DraftCode for coding PHP
It will be interesting in what direction code development on the iPad will go in the next couple of years!
You would be better off looking at the Surface Pro for this purpose. If you want to learn for example web development and popular Javascript frameworks like React or Angular, you are going to need something that can transpile that and run a webserver. Same with desktop or mobile app development, you are going to need more than iOS can handle at the moment.
Maybe one day it will allow you to run a terminal with NodeJS or Xcode.
--- Of course a computer is much better. But I want something on the go. Noting ideas and doing some testing if it can work.
I actually just did playgrounds a minute ago. I gotta stop coz I'm stuck on a part. I didn't want to stop in figuring it out. But I got to sit this one out tonight and just come back on it tomorrow.
I would get a 12" MacBook, unless you code in Java or use any Eclipse based IDE. In those cases you're going to need the greater horsepower of a MacBook Pro.
If you need any help man, DM me. I can also give you some cool starter projects whenever your ready!
First, I agree, use the proper tools for the task is always the best choice. iPad Pro is not the best choice for development, in my opinion.Others may have figured out better workflows (do share if so!), but for me, any workflow ultimately requires an actual computer. Also, the things that don’t take about 5-20x longer when compared to macOS. For instance, the simple act of cloning a repo, editing a file, then committing it, requires so many more steps on iOS.
I think it depends on what you're coding. I use an iPad Mini II to make games. I use Codea and just released Starsceptre on the AppStore
I find Codea really easy to code with and the immediacy of testing the code directly in the iPad saves me a ton of time
AppStore link here:
Or search for 'Starsceptre' on the AppStore
I saw someone linked my page in earlier in the thread, thank you!
Trailer here:
More about the making here:
I'm using Playgrounds on my 10.5 right now. Due to a brain injury while working on duty, I lost a lot of cognitive things I could do really well before. This has been helping me try and re-learn a lot of basic things that I struggle with daily. I know it's probably not relevant to the OP main idea, but thought I'd share.
Take a look at this you may find it interesting in helping you with your goal.
One of the issues is if you are doing js for example there is no way to run node/webpack on an iPad.
Supposedly Apple has made some changes for ios 11 but I am not sure what this will lead to.
Right now my plan is to setup remote desktop on my Mac so I can use the technologies I need.
Besides the 2 apps already mentioned:
Pythonista for coding in Python
Codea for coding in Lua
you should also check out
DraftCode for coding PHP
It will be interesting in what direction code development on the iPad will go in the next couple of years!
I would get a 12" MacBook, unless you code in Java or use any Eclipse based IDE. In those cases you're going to need the greater horsepower of a MacBook Pro.
Have you experienced overheating or reboots using Android Studio on your rMBP 12" ?
Xcode is only for iOS or OS app building?
I have Pythonista. But looking for an app that is versatile on other language as well.
Depends on the types of Python programs that you are looking to be making, there are needs and dependencies for some things that just are not going to be available in the Python App.. also if you are maintaining any code from other sources, that is dependent on files being in a particular location I would imagine you are SOL..Hi, I am totally having the same question, however I am only a beginner in programming, only know some python, mainly just to hand in some homework, noting fancy or difficult, and not going to code that often also happen to like the new big iPad Pro (bigger screen than the rose gold MacBook and a lot cheaper doesn’t hurt) would be great if it’s also good for python coding and testing, so is it?