I bought GPush for 99 cents today. GPush is supposed to use the push notification service to let you know whenever you get new mail on your Gmail account.
Well, it worked for the first few mail messages I received before it started acting up. I exchanged mail with their support rep, who I must admit has been responsive. According to him, they have discovered a few new bugs and the engineers are working to fix them. (Yeah, sounds like the standard response.)
The interesting thing is, they say that some customers are having problems while GPush is working for others. I am wondering if it's really the case. Is GPush working well for any of you out here who's using it?
Well, it worked for the first few mail messages I received before it started acting up. I exchanged mail with their support rep, who I must admit has been responsive. According to him, they have discovered a few new bugs and the engineers are working to fix them. (Yeah, sounds like the standard response.)
The interesting thing is, they say that some customers are having problems while GPush is working for others. I am wondering if it's really the case. Is GPush working well for any of you out here who's using it?