Me. 24" really is the upper limit on most work desks IMO. 27 looks obnoxious and dorky, perfect for socially retarded troglodytes who like to hide in their basements and watch HD on their giant iMacs. Also great at luring Best Buy shopping drones who will zombie-shuffle over to the newest, biggest, shiniest thing, until the next big shiny thing comes along. This is Apple's new target market.
Mac mini w/SSD + 24" ACD > 27" iMac.
Me. 24" really is the upper limit on most work desks IMO. 27 looks obnoxious and dorky, perfect for socially retarded troglodytes who like to hide in their basements and watch HD on their giant iMacs. Also great at luring Best Buy shopping drones who will zombie-shuffle over to the newest, biggest, shiniest thing, until the next big shiny thing comes along. This is Apple's new target market.
Mac mini w/SSD + 24" ACD > 27" iMac.
Ad hominem attacks are the hallmark of a feeble mind.
I DO!...does anyone actually use a computer in their basement anymore?
The dictionary is your friend. An ad hominem would require a personal attack on an individual in an attempt to invalidate a premise which he/she advocates. I made no attack on any individual, rather stated my opinion. You're welcome to state yours as well.
However, your implying I have a feeble mind instead of addressing the the points I made regarding the iMac would constitute an ad hominem. Pot, meet kettle.
This isn't directed at the iMac, but in the USA everything is so much more big and flashy that in New Zealand where I live. And in the US a lot of people but the flashiest and biggest when it just comes out. In NZ though it doesn't come out for ages...
From henceforth your country will now be referred to as "Zealand"![]()
To everyone who wants the 24" iMac back... I've got you covered:
1. Buy a Mac mini
2. Buy the 24" Apple Cinema Display
3. Buy the BackPack iMac Shelf
Done and done! And bonus - you don't even have to put up with that goofy chin!
To everyone who wants the 24" iMac back... I've got you covered:
1. Buy a Mac mini
2. Buy the 24" Apple Cinema Display
3. Buy the BackPack iMac Shelf
Done and done! And bonus - you don't even have to put up with that goofy chin!
Lol... I bet you live in the USA, do you?![]()
I realized the dimensions of the 27" iMac's height is the SAME as the 24" iMac's height. i am HOPING this means the screen itself is the same height, just wider.
But it will be one ugly mess behind the screenYou will be better off with a refurb 24" for less money and more speed
Wouldn't it be great if display port was wireless like wireless hdmi?
I took a look at the 27" at the store and yes the system font is a bit smaller then on the 24" iMacs but it is not drastically smaller. Everything is a bit sharper and to some that will make it easier to read?
The 27" is not for everyone, but seems perfect for graphic designers and developers that have lots of windows open and need all the "space" they can get.
I'd keep a low profile, rumor is you Kiwis have it pretty good down there![]()
Yea the 27inch screen is wider.
Thanks for pointing out the fact that the 24inch and the 27inch have the same height. I looked at the 27inch at the store and thought it was so big, and figured the 24inch would be smaller. But its not. This changes everything hmmmmmm....