I'm waiting. I've been waiting since February, since I first heard of the merom intel line. And the wait has been painful. Painful mostly because my current laptop (an averatec running linux) runs very hot, and it hurts my crotch. Which brings to mind another one of the reasons why I didn't switch immediately: back in february my laptop was barely over a year old, and upgrading to the first MBP wouldn't have supplied me with much more power -- plus there were all the reports of how hot and loud they were (two of my compaints with my current laptop), so it would have mostly been an os change. Not quite worth the money.
But the merom MBPs will supply me with a good deal more power, better battery life, and, of course, software that easily supports my scanner, dial-up modem, and synthesizer (oh, and supports pixen, the pixel animation program), etc. There are so many things I'm looking forward to with this switch. I can still barely afford it, but I consider it an investment toward my future endeavors. I mean, that's being grand and all, but my current laptop really bugs, trust me. And I've struggled with this wait, and I'm hoping it will be worth it. I think it will.