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If you would have read my comment carefully, then you would have realized that I was quoting that I don't use Outlook. Hence, I cannot comment on Outlook capability on the Mac version. Excel, Word and Powerpoint are very similar. If you dislike the Mac version, you can always run Windows via bootcamp or parallels and use the Windows version as others mentioned. Problem solved.

Donate the money to buy Windows 10. No I just cant afford this solution.
In my opinion, paying $250.00 for Office was a bad move. You could have gone the subscription route much cheaper. In addition, you didn't give any specifics as to why you were unhappy with the software. If your argument is centered around the fact that the Mac version doesn't have the exact features as the Windows version, that is a very weak argument considering you had previously been using the 2011 version. Hence, you knew the Mac version wasn't, and still isn't the same as the Windows version. Why should it be, considering Microsoft's goal is to steer people toward its product line.

2016 is better than 2011 but still not quite as powerful as the Windows versions. But after using 2016 I think I like it now.
If memory serves me Outlook 2016 for MAC can't recall emails. I know Outlook 2013 and 2016 for Windows have that feature.

Thats one feature I miss, as well as read receipts.
Ha thats a bit of a stretch! Mac mail is fine for basic emails to other Mac users who are the minority. When you have to email windows users Mac mail sends out different attachments with nothing in them.

Its very annoying.

This I did not know. Can you elaborate a little?
So is the issue Office in general or just Outlook?

I use Outlook on a Mac and my iPhone in a corporate setting. Works pretty well for my needs. What specifically is the issue with Outlook of Office? Not sure if your complaint covers the whole suite or just Outlook.

Sounds like you enjoyed some features in the 2010 version that did not make it to the Mac side?

Well for one I hope the bug that 2011 had of not syncing email is corrected. In 2011 I would sometimes get a "sync pending" message at the bottom and the primary fix was the quit and re-launch the app very annoying. If that is fixed I think I will switch from using Mail to Outlook full time.
Outlook looks overloaded to me, but the calendar functions with Exchange looks good.

Not compared to the Windows version.
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Donate the money to buy Windows 10.

2016 is better than 2011 but still not quite as powerful as the Windows versions. But after using 2016 I think I like it now.

Thats one feature I miss, as well as read receipts.

This I did not know. Can you elaborate a little?
Sounds like you don't do too well with change. Glad to see you are giving the 2016 Mac version an honest shot, even though some of your favorite Windows features are absent.
Yeah I paid $250 and will give it a honest shot.

Ironically enough our works e-mail works seemlessly on Office 365 for Mac in Outlook.
However on Windows 7 Office 365 for Windows in Outlook will Send but wont recieve e-mails, tried four W7 PCs no joy.
Recommend the subscription model.
This threads topic should really be re-named to "Why doesn't Microsoft make a better office version for the Mac?" It's probably already been stated, but history has always been that Microsoft has been dragging their feet on the office platform. They were not interested in making a product where it would switch more of the business world away from Windows. It finally started happening without Microsoft making good office products for the Mac, so now they are playing catchup. I do agree, the windows side of Office is better... but, in the last couple years, even the windows side of Office, in my option, has become over bloated and not as user friendly (This is from someone who grew up with Windows but finally decided to convert my main machine to Mac because I was tired of the direction Microsoft was going.)
This whole thread confuses me. Still trying to figure out what features are not carried over to the Mac version that leaves you feeling "Left in the dust" and prompted the thread. Between yesterday and today you've done a 180 and now like it.
I kind of agree with you. The same goes for Excel, and (the lack of) Access, Publisher, and Visio. I use Windows VMs partly for certain Office Apps/features that are not available on Mac.

It really annoys me that Microsoft still has not given Mac users the dark theme. This is something so simple but so nice.

I found this very helpful when debating on whether to upgrade my 2011.
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Microsoft Office and Outlook are truly awful pieces of software, regardless of the platform. If you use Outlook on a Mac then you'll realize what a piece of crap software truly is. I would have quit my job if I had to use that Microsoft garbage. Thank God for Apple Mail.
Close to Windows? Have you ever run Outlook on Windows and compared it to the Mac version?
We do not need to run a third party client on our apple machines: they come with mail - easy enough to add an exchange account.

We do not run Office either, we use Pages, Keynote, Numbers for word processing, presentation and number crunching.
All provided for the cost of $0.00.
Microsoft Office and Outlook are truly awful pieces of software, regardless of the platform. If you use Outlook on a Mac then you'll realize what a piece of crap software truly is. I would have quit my job if I had to use that Microsoft garbage. Thank God for Apple Mail.

Hey, it's only been 20 years since we first asked Microsoft for certain features, like the ability to print out PowerPoint slides 2-to-a-page where each slide occupies the full half of that page.

Give 'em time. :p
Just upgraded to Office 2016 and its not that much different from office 2011!

I have used both for the past 6 years or so, and 2016 is significantly different than 2011, it looks and feels much more like the Windoze (2016\O365) version than 2011 did.

At work we run Office 2010 for Windows 7 and these Mac versions just cannot compare to Windows.

For most users, the Mac version compares very well to the Windoze version, granted there are advanced users who will notice a handful of features missing, voting, recall, etc. But these are not features average users use everyday. Most plugins are missing on Mac as well, but then most plugins are third party. I recall seeing that better plugin support on Mac is coming. I also recall seeing O365 Mac versions are closing some of the gaps.

Why do 99.9% of corporations in america run Windows? Is it because of a lack of features on the Mac?

Because 99.9% of corporations are stuck in the thinking that Macs are foreign to their workers, or simply don't appreciate the benefits of offering Macs to their staff. IT generally lacks Mac expertise and Windoze admins are a dime a dozen. I could go on, but many large IT shops are starting to recognize Macs in the Enterprise are a good fit.

As others have pointed out, MS would obviously prefer consumers buy Windoze, MS Office, and MS backend solutions, or that buyers go the Office subscription route. They do understand that there are about 10-15% out there who prefer Mac and that is large enough to make a Mac version (plus it keeps anti-trust regulators at bay). They now also offer Mac versions of Dev tools as well, so they get it and are reluctantly giving what the marketplace demands.

Longtime Mac users understand this second class status and live with it given the other benefits macOS affords them, not least of which being the office Rebel (a badge worn with pride). I find that aside from second class status from MS, most apps are either equal to, or more feature rich on Macs. I keep my company provided PC for the once every month or two times when I need the missing features or apps. By far, the most common task on my PC are loading security patches and rebooting it.
Ha thats a bit of a stretch! Mac mail is fine for basic emails to other Mac users who are the minority. When you have to email windows users Mac mail sends out different attachments with nothing in them.

Its very annoying.

That is minor. They are low cost solutions for that. Why I say Mac Mail is better is with search. I connect to Exchange using Outlook 2016 and it is not even close when it comes to performance and searching. Outlook 2016 on Windows or on my iMac with 64 GB memory natively struggles with thousands of emails like it is 4K video. I just bring it into Mac Mail and performance is much faster and I can do searching that would be impossible in Outlook.

I think if I was just an ordinary end user, Outlook would be fine for my searching needs.

Looks pretty close to me. Much better than Office 2011.

With that said, I know what you mean. If you want a full fledged window office experience, you need to be on window platform.

I used to work at a company where the IT guy (not a department, literally just one guy) is a big Mac fan. He had the budget to provide every new hire a new MacBook and everyone seemed happy with it. I was the only one who kept asking for a proper PC laptop. Mind you, this is when office 2011 was the latest and greatest version on Mac. I was complaining about 2011 being single-threaded application and simple task like scrolling was atrociously slow on Mac. None of my colleagues knew what I was talking about. They were just amazed that they got a Mac as a work laptop.

I complained on the keyboard shortcut and other frivolous stuff that seemed minor but made a big difference on my daily usage.

Of course, the IT guy also refused to bootcamp to windows because he simply didn't want to deal with windows.

I lasted one month at that job. :)
with Outlook 2016 you can't subscribe to internet calendars.

My dear, since 2011 we are waiting for this.
Be careful what you wish for! I use both Windows and Mac versions of Office365 and while they are close most of the time. There are certainly integrations on the Windows side that are missing on the Mac side.

I truly shows that Windows has better collaboration tools, whereas OSX has focused on the individual and the ability to sync your data across your devices. Spend some time with OneDrive and you want to poke your eye out (compared to, say Dropbox).

Autocad is another example. Yes the Windows version is more capable, but as the Mac versions mature they come closer and closer to the Windows capabilities. But they also add the horrible aspects of the Windows versions like the Ribbon and a "unified" window.
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