I really do wonder how many of the current people buying a MBP would even notice the whine or "moo", or think the heat was a problem for that matter, if they weren't reading about it and therefore expecting it to be a problem.
For my part, I bought one of the very first 17" ones (which may be less compained about than the 15" ones), and it neither whines nor moos. It gets toasty, but so does every other modern laptop I've used, including a late-model PowerBook, and I wouldn't have even considered that it might have been a problem if I hadn't read all the hulabaloo. I'll also note that while the keyboard gets a little warm, the trackpad is nearly room temperature under load, and the bronze G3 PB at work has a FAR hotter keyboard and trackpad than this thing--I consider it uncomfortable to use for more than a few minutes. So from my point of view, the fuctional temperature is an improvement.
I'll also note that, had I not already been a regular here, I wouldn't have registered just to say "My new MPB is awesome! I'm so satisfied with it!" If I was having problems, however, I might have registered to ask about them. So it's not like you get a stastically meaningful sample from the number of posts/complaints here.
Now, a Merom would be nice, but I needed a laptop immediately, and this one certainly does everything I need. As with all computer purchases, wait only if you can--there's ALWAYS something better on the horizon, and it's rarely worth putting off a purchase for if you need it now.
Final note about not being able to use it on your lap: While I technically can if I rest the edges on my legs and leave the middle open, no I can't. But then, I couldn't use the Dell I had for a business trip on my lap, either--it got just as hot. And I ran across a little review of one of those coolling pads being tested on a somewhat older Thinkpad that had an underside running between 58-61C. That's surface temperature, and that's FAR too hot to put on your lap. Heck even the processor core of mine generally runs cooler than that.