Then lowly from bedroom a cheap digital clock i use began 4 beeps repeating. I apologize to everyone.
This reminds me of the time that my Mom called me about a strange, intermittent beeping in her house.
I stood in the hallway for a half hour, listening . . . a single *meep*, repeated approximately five minutes apart.
She had hardwood floors, and the acoustics really helped make the assessment phenomenally confusing! My god, the echoes....
It had to be the alarm sensors, right?
I dis-assembled/dis-connected each motion sensor in the house . . . no success.
I removed the smoke detectors . . . no success.
I called the Alarm Monitoring Co. (they had no idea (mainly because she had switched Co. somewhere along the line; I couldn't find any current documentation, so assumed the Original Co. from the stickers on the Panel)).
Three days of such things. Extremely frustrating, if you don't mind me saying so
Then--on the fourth day--the previously-unasked subject came up:
Has anyone been here in the recent past to do anything?"
"Uhm, I don't remember anyone being here."
Well, this is just strange."
". . . er, the Fire Department did come-by a few months ago to check on the house."
Oh, really? What did they check-on?"
"I don't know . . . they went downstairs for something."
I opened the basement door, and--as I was walking down the steps--I hear a distinct *meep* from half-way down.
Here, a CO detector had been attached to the framing!
I think I found it!"
"Oh, yeah . . . the FD said something about checking the smoke detectors in the house."
I over-engineered the situation, and forgot KISS; but I changed the battery, and remembered to kiss my Mom