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Force of habit. In the late 80s I started working somewhere with Mac II computers running OS 6 and fell in love, and there's no way in the world I'm going back to IBM Displaywriters now.
Im sorry but it will not. My pc (i built mind you) cost me around 800 dollars and in GPU, RAM and CPU severly beats a Mac pro in speed. All the PCs ive owned have lasted for 5 years PLUS if proper care is taken. As for software ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING IS COMPATIBLE especially when running linux as a secondary operating system. As internet security this is very usful when runing things like androroot or THChydra which mac users have very little hope of runing. Sure apple may be user friendly but restricts itself in the proscess by not allowing users to simply do anything of value (not true to some users but for me it is most certainly true. It restricting itself is however very true). Overall if you want speed and equal if not better quality, build a windows pc with a boot disk of linux (or a certain partition whatever) and you will be out runing your freinds as well have any software you would like.

I paid 450$ for a used mac mini sever 3 years ago, I sold it a couple months ago for 400$. I had a problem free computer for 3 years with no problems.

So as I said before "Best value for your money, if you get a Mac on sale you will save money in the long run!"
Im sorry but it will not. My pc (i built mind you) cost me around 800 dollars and in GPU, RAM and CPU severly beats a Mac pro in speed. All the PCs ive owned have lasted for 5 years PLUS if proper care is taken. As for software ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING IS COMPATIBLE especially when running linux as a secondary operating system. As internet security this is very usful when runing things like androroot or THChydra which mac users have very little hope of runing. Sure apple may be user friendly but restricts itself in the proscess by not allowing users to simply do anything of value (not true to some users but for me it is most certainly true. It restricting itself is however very true). Overall if you want speed and equal if not better quality, build a windows pc with a boot disk of linux (or a certain partition whatever) and you will be out runing your freinds as well have any software you would like.

Given that you cannot buy the CPU in the new MacPro for anywhere near $800, and that you cannot buy the GPU in the new MacPro for anywhere near $800, I doubt it.

That's not entirely true. You can hackintosh almost any PC these days, given you get the right drivers for stuff from the vast Hackintosh community out there, and you'd be surprised at how well OS X can run on generic hardware. You'd TECHNICALLY be going against Apple's EULA, which means if you take the plunge and install OS X on non-Apple hardware, and there's an issue you can't resolve? Don't go crawlin' to Apple for help and tell them you installed OS X on a non-Mac... they'll look at you funny and deny any support.

You'd go against the SLA (Software License Agreement, not End User License Agreement), which means that you are committing copyright infringement, and more seriously a DMCA infringement. Not that Apple will bother with you, but when they bothered with Psystar that company was ordered to pay $2,500 for each copy of MacOS X that they installed.
WHy do people buy Mac's??
The answer is simple. I purchase apple products because they are a product that serves a need. I've used other phones (android and windows) and apple ecosystem is superior imo.

As for PC vs. Macs, I use both. On the windows side, I think it does a number of things better but in the long run, OS X is a better product for my needs.

I'm not married to the fruit logo, and its hard to imagine that I'll keep spending over 2 grand every 3 years on a laptop, so my current rMBP is going to be the last one for a long time (I hope). Its hard to justify spending so much so often, so I'm looking to get a long life out of my laptop.
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