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Why hate Windows?

The majority of this post can be summarised by stating one simple fact:

If you don't like what Apple offer, use something else.

Your arguments could be equally countered thus:

You can't do Y on Windows. It's just not done. Why would you even want to do Y? X is way better! Just learn to do it the Windows way. Put up and shut up. You'll realize X was the better way all along. You were wrong to think Y was useful...
For example?
Hmmm... Sorta like the iPhone 5c? Yep, them customers just started buying that puppy in droves! LOL.

Apple makes premium products. A low-end Mac will simply lower the premium brand image with a very modest increase in sales and reduced profit margins. Not a good move, IMO.

Regarding Mac hate...

"Mac hate" comes mostly from Mac users, not PC users. Most PC users simply don't care about Macs.

I have lots of PCs, both at home and at the office. I just bought an rMBP 13". It's a nice 'puter and I like it. But it's still a 'puter. It 'putes. It's got pluses and minuses like all other 'puters. Even when I preferred PCs over Macs, I didn't hate Macs.

The issue is Mac users... It's the Mac users that many PC users don't like. While it's a lot better now, for years all I heard was Mac religion from many Mac users - Mac religious extremists who thought Macs were absolutely perfect and it was their role in life to "educate" us ignorant, unwashed PC users about the righteousness of the Mac philosophy. The vast majority of those Mac religious nuts were young squirts who knew nothing else but Macs, but were quite happy to lecture the rest of us.

Before Win7, Windows OS's had "issues". However, with Windows 7, Microsoft created a solid, reliable, relatively easy to use OS. It runs on cheap laptops and huge servers - essentially the same OS. A couple of years ago, one of my Windows servers was a tasty 36 core, 256GB memory, hot box with 25 TB of Raid 10 storage. The last time I looked, Apple didn't have anything even remotely approaching that server. That said... The new Mac Pro is upping the ante. That's a super-nice box (actually looks like a can) with an excellent future, IMO.

I bought my MacBook to create iOS apps. I like it and plan to use it as my personal and dev laptop. (I'm retiring my Lenovo PC laptop.) Although I have several years of .Net development experience and would have a much easier time developing apps for Microsoft's tablets, I've lost faith in Microsoft. Whether Apple can succeed against the Android competition is an open question. But I'd rather bet on Apple than the competition.

Bottom line - Apples are just 'puters. Don't hate them. Don't love them. Just use them. And definitely don't proselytize - it's a waste of time and irritates a lot of people, many of whom know a lot more about computers than you do.


p.s. I've been a contract software developer for the last 23 years. I know a lot, but also know how much I don't know. The more you learn, the more you realize how much there is to learn, and the more humble you become. Speaking of learning, I've enrolled in the "iOS & Mac Application Development" program at the University of Washington: The first class is next Wednesday. Should be fun.

Kudos to you. This is one of the best posts I have ever read on this forum.
Hey so, ive always been using a mac computer, my first one was a mac and i still do have a mac, but why does everyone on Facebook, youtube, twitter, 4chan, 9gag, tumblr, cheeseburger, yahoo, and pretty much any forum, hate macs?

I think a MAC or a Apple lap top is a complete waste of money, for the cost you can purchase something so much better from another company.

I was amazed that the new Apple laptops lack:

CD/DVD drive
Ethernet cable plug
VGA plug
and a few other features such as the numbers on the keyboard on the right hand side.

I know a few people who purchased them simply because it was Apple. Apple laptops are not for me.

The only Apple product I feel is worth the money are the Apple iPods. Everything else by Apple is way over priced. Good yes, but not worth it IMO.
What kind of response did you expect? You made a subjective criticism then went into Apple as religion talk.

Except I am not religious about such things. They're tools, nothing more. But you're right- clearly expecting a reasoned response from you was more than one should have done. My apologies.
Except I am not religious about such things. They're tools, nothing more. But you're right- clearly expecting a reasoned response from you was more than one should have done. My apologies.

"I cancelled the Dell laptop I ordered for myself, and have bought 4 Macs since then. Not going back."

^^this is the religion of Apple if they are just tools you will go back when Apple no longer does the job.

OS X and Windows 8 both work and both have their proponents and detractors I make an effort not to use Windows but I keep a 7 VM on my Mac and an 8 VM on my Linux boxes.

There was nothing to respond too though you don't like Windows 8 OK? I don't like Debian?
Indeed, I think that Apple's "modern" hardware is pretty much unusable; no optical drives, not even an Ethernet port on the latest laptops. I actually recently sent feedback to Apple asking them to consider licensing out OS X, in which I included a phrase along the lines of "since Apple is clearly no longer attempting to compete when it comes to hardware". I know that my feedback won't accomplish anything, but hopefully at least one person reads/understands it!

I have a low opinion of hardware without ethernet ports. Wireless would be okay for me if were secure but it is far from it; a fifth grader with some free software can easily get past wifi's so called security settings and be scanning your machine in a couple of minutes. To eliminate an ethernet port is to bypass a secure hardware layer entirely. Most people would never consider leaving their doors unlocked but for some reason, that obviously escapes me, its okay to do that with their computers.

Long live Smoothwalling, packet inspecting and log analysis on home networks.
I think a lot of it comes down to fear of the unknown, but as another poster said, Apple's "my way or the highway" attitude does kind of suck. I'm hoping that under this new regime, maybe that attitude will mellow out a bit.
I think a MAC or a Apple lap top is a complete waste of money, for the cost you can purchase something so much better from another company.

I was amazed that the new Apple laptops lack:

CD/DVD drive
Ethernet cable plug
VGA plug
and a few other features such as the numbers on the keyboard on the right hand side.

I know a few people who purchased them simply because it was Apple. Apple laptops are not for me.

The only Apple product I feel is worth the money are the Apple iPods. Everything else by Apple is way over priced. Good yes, but not worth it IMO.
If you are not interested in Apply, why are you posting here? What is your agenda?

What you want adds weight and size for legacy technology features, and are not used by the vast majority of laptop users. And you and buy external devices and adapters that will deal with each of these features. I.e. you get the exact features that you want without ramming your needs down someone else's throat.

Regarding the CD/DVD, I have them in all of my laptop's, desktops, and servers (six total). I never use them except to load legacy software. They are boat anchors.

If you want to store music and documents, an SDXC card is a far superior solution. For about $50, you can get a 64GB card that will hold 10 times the storage of a DVD in 1/10th the space.

Regarding iPods, that is a bizarre comment. IMO, the only use for an iPod is something like an iPod Nano and then only for when you are exercising. Virtually all smart phones have iPod-like functionality built in. Why would anyone want to lug around an extra device when they can get the same features from their smartphone or tablet at no extra cost?

Quite frankly, I'm amazed that you're hyping legacy technology that is mostly obsolete now and, with the exception of hardwired ethernet, will be completely obsolete in five years.

To paraphrase my earlier comments... They are just 'puters. Buy what you need and get on with your life.

"I cancelled the Dell laptop I ordered for myself, and have bought 4 Macs since then. Not going back."

^^this is the religion of Apple if they are just tools you will go back when Apple no longer does the job.

OS X and Windows 8 both work and both have their proponents and detractors I make an effort not to use Windows but I keep a 7 VM on my Mac and an 8 VM on my Linux boxes.

There was nothing to respond too though you don't like Windows 8 OK? I don't like Debian?

Not at all religious. If the Macs let me down, I'll turn elsewhere. Perhaps Windows will have de-stupided itself (invented word, yes.) Maybe I'll go Linux, or maybe OSes won't matter much and it will be about the device instead.

I have Linux and Windows VMs all over. I use them when needed. But I am not planning on Windows 8.x in my future. Perhaps that will change if I see something compelling, but so far, yuck.

I have a mix of many OSes- actually, mostly Windows (but 7, with one 8.1, and two 8/8.1 VMs), along with Android, iOS, and Linux. I also use mid-range systems and larger. But what the heck- feel free to paint me as one-dimensional. It only serves to continue to paint you as clueless.

As to the Dell- I cancelled it because I had the need to get a Mac for professional reasons, and rather than order the Mac and let the Dell ship with Win8, I chose to cancel the unneeded Dell.
Hey so, ive always been using a mac computer, my first one was a mac and i still do have a mac, but why does everyone on Facebook, youtube, twitter, 4chan, 9gag, tumblr, cheeseburger, yahoo, and pretty much any forum, hate macs?
Like people said, macs take 25,000 years to open safari, if you use mac you should kill yourself, like why cant i like a mac, and the os x if i want too? Personally i think its a lot better than windows and linux, except for gaming, which i can use bootcamp for. Im not kidding people gave me death threaths because i said mac was better lol.

Haven't heard people say that sorta thing in real life since I was 14 -- when people grow up they usually leave those sort of childish hangups behind. And as for 4chan, never take anything to heart that is said on there. 4chan brings out the worst in people ;)
I think a MAC or a Apple lap top is a complete waste of money, for the cost you can purchase something so much better from another company.

I was amazed that the new Apple laptops lack:

CD/DVD drive

This is something that normally lives in 2 places these days.

And laptops with BTO options for a drive.

I've been noticing that more and more and more PC laptops, even cheap ones are just getting rid of the optical drive in exchange for another battery.

Ethernet cable plug
VGA plug

Ethernet ports and VGA plugs are things you will keep seeing in business laptpos for a long time. Simply because projectors tend to not get replaced in a boardroom until they die, and lots of companies don't allow open wireless access of their networks.

Consumers though? Don't need either. The vast majority of them don't need those, so Apple chooses not to include them. As the vast majority of Apples customers are students and consumers.
What you want adds weight and size for legacy technology features, and are not used by the vast majority of laptop users. And you and buy external devices and adapters that will deal with each of these features. I.e. you get the exact features that you want without ramming your needs down someone else's throat.

Pretty much, though you'll see things like VGA ports in business laptops, for the sole fact that projectors don't get replaced until they die, so its handy to not have to worry about adapters getting lost.

The only place I still see things like laptops with VGA, Serial, and Parallel ports are laptops made to interact with POS systems. Some of them from the 1980s are still going ;)

If you want to store music and documents, an SDXC card is a far superior solution. For about $50, you can get a 64GB card that will hold 10 times the storage of a DVD in 1/10th the space.

Yes, this is true for most.

However, I've noticed that clients and customers want a hard copy and most of them would not consider any type of SD card to be a " hard copy " of something they paid tens of thousands of dollars for. At least in the industry my business works in. They typically get multiple Blu Rays for a hard copy, which are far more reliable over the long term than an SD card. They also typically keep a copy on their own network. And I keep a copy on my servers for at least 2 years after.

Regarding iPods, that is a bizarre comment. IMO, the only use for an iPod is something like an iPod Nano and then only for when you are exercising. Virtually all smart phones have iPod-like functionality built in. Why would anyone want to lug around an extra device when they can get the same features from their smartphone or tablet at no extra cost?

The iPod is still one of Apples best selling products. For a good reason, I don't do it personally. But I know lots of people who will get a 25 dollar a month flip phone for unlimited talk and text, and buy an iPod Touch or other MP3 player with similar capabilities for when they are on a wifi network.

For someone who doesn't care about checking social media and email 24/7, this can save a massive amount of money compared to an iPhone with 50-100 dollar a month cell service.

As far as carrying more than one thing, my Personal phone is a iPhone 5S, the phones I give to my employees are all Windows 8 Phones ( integrates with our network easier ), then another phone which is a Galaxy S3 international which I use for international calls and when I'm oversees ( I get a REALLY good deal from ORANGE in France for it ).

Carrying 3 phones is for real men ;)
Some older people who are into computers who I have talked to really hate apple as a company because there was a time when a computer was outside the means of the average working man, m$ on the other hand created an environment that allowed wider adoption of computers by a lot more people, I won't go into the specifics of that because I can't be bothered but these older users probably started this anti apple culture, since they've been around for ages on the internet.
I think a MAC or a Apple lap top is a complete waste of money, for the cost you can purchase something so much better from another company.

I was amazed that the new Apple laptops lack:

CD/DVD drive
Ethernet cable plug
VGA plug
and a few other features such as the numbers on the keyboard on the right hand side.

I know a few people who purchased them simply because it was Apple. Apple laptops are not for me.

The only Apple product I feel is worth the money are the Apple iPods. Everything else by Apple is way over priced. Good yes, but not worth it IMO.

Windows laptops can be a complete waste of money too you know...

I've yet to come across a premium Windows laptop that really makes any MacBook look bad. Why? Because even the more expensive Windows laptops still fall far behind in both design and build quality. The features you listed that these models "lack" are gone for a reason: they're obsolete. You can always buy a USB to Ethernet adapter, etc. if you want to use them though. Many newer PC's(especially slim ultrabooks) are doing the same thing as well.

I've been fixing PC's for a living the last few years, and I can't tell you how many people with practically brand new PC's were dropping hundreds of dollars on repairs for both failed hardware and/or OS issues. Some of these PC's were even within their first year of warranty that the manufacturer refused to cover. Factor in the cost of additional software(like a word processor and anti-virus) and you're spending even more than you thought. While you can go with free solutions or even pirate software, they aren't as good or reliable as what you get out of the box now with a Mac.

New Windows PC's are a nightmare for the basic everyday user in a lot of cases. Bloatware, barely any support(HP and Toshiba charge you for phone support after 90-days), all sorts of annoying malware, etc. Not to mention Windows 8's attempt at trying to be a legacy desktop OS with a mobile interface baked in that confuses the hell out of people.

I have been a life long PC fan but I will be the first to admit that the everyday user shouldn't have to deal with all that crap. That's why I will not buy a Windows laptop and the only desktop PC's I've used the last 10+ years I built myself with quality parts with a clean OS install of Windows.
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I think a MAC or a Apple lap top is a complete waste of money, for the cost you can purchase something so much better from another company.

I was amazed that the new Apple laptops lack:

CD/DVD drive
Ethernet cable plug
VGA plug
and a few other features such as the numbers on the keyboard on the right hand side.

I know a few people who purchased them simply because it was Apple. Apple laptops are not for me.

The only Apple product I feel is worth the money are the Apple iPods. Everything else by Apple is way over priced. Good yes, but not worth it IMO.

Apple also stopped using vacuum tubes. And they do make keyboards with number pads.
Hey so, ive always been using a mac computer, my first one was a mac and i still do have a mac, but why does everyone on Facebook, youtube, twitter, 4chan, 9gag, tumblr, cheeseburger, yahoo, and pretty much any forum, hate macs?
Like people said, macs take 25,000 years to open safari, if you use mac you should kill yourself, like why cant i like a mac, and the os x if i want too? Personally i think its a lot better than windows and linux, except for gaming, which i can use bootcamp for. Im not kidding people gave me death threaths because i said mac was better lol.

I can so believe that. You don't know even want to know about the drama I got myself into when I was 15 because I said on YouTube that I disliked Windows. Keep in mind, this was also when Windows Vista was the latest version and I was very much right not to like it.

Despite moving over to a PC now, generally because of affordability and I don't like how the current entry level only come with integrated graphics, I still dislike Windows and I think it's an ancient old fax machine operating system and I'll think this until the day I die.

OS X is fat superior and always will be by the looks of it. MS can try and put a hip trendy coat of paint on Windows all they like it's still Windows.

Though, in their defense they've improved a lot since Vista. I actually like 8 better than the other versions despite the cripplingly horrible Metro UI.

Why do people hate Macs and Mac users? Possibly because they're boring and don't have much else to be hateful about.
These are probably people who can/will not spend the money to buy a Mac. It's some psychological thing I'm sure.

I'm sure there's a bit of jealously involved.

Any Psychology Majors here?
I seriously don't think many people really hate Mac computers, I think a lot of them do hate Mac USERS.

Edit: As for why, just take a look around these forums. Raging fanboys make up a much larger percentage of Mac Users as a whole.
Ethernet ports and VGA plugs are things you will keep seeing in business laptpos for a long time. Simply because projectors tend to not get replaced in a boardroom until they die, and lots of companies don't allow open wireless access of their networks.

When I check AirPlay on my Mac, I see about a dozen AppleTVs. All connected to projectors. It saves so much messing around.
I think a MAC or a Apple lap top is a complete waste of money, for the cost you can purchase something so much better from another company.

I was amazed that the new Apple laptops lack:

CD/DVD drive
Ethernet cable plug
VGA plug
and a few other features such as the numbers on the keyboard on the right hand side.

When Apple let it be known that the CD/DVD drive was about to disappear, I felt slightly anxious for about 30 seconds. Then I realized that I only used mine once or twice a year. A single pluggable does fine.

Eliminating Ethernet in some models was, I agree, a serious mistake.

VGA -- as obsolete as they come. A displayport to VGA adaptor works fine when needed (rarely).

The number pad -- useless to me. Has anyone used a printing calculator in the last ten years?

Also, I stream movies from various internet sources (e.g. Netflix) most of the time. Apple predicted that, and, was correct. I still have a BD player. I think Apple goofed on not supporting that also, but, internet streaming is certainly very common now.
Windows laptops can be a complete waste of money too you know...

I've yet to come across a premium Windows laptop that really makes any MacBook look bad. Why? Because even the more expensive Windows laptops still fall far behind in both design and build quality. The features you listed that these models "lack" are gone for a reason: they're obsolete. You can always buy a USB to Ethernet adapter, etc. if you want to use them though. Many newer PC's(especially slim ultrabooks) are doing the same thing as well.

I've been fixing PC's for a living the last few years, and I can't tell you how many people with practically brand new PC's were dropping hundreds of dollars on repairs for both failed hardware and/or OS issues. Some of these PC's were even within their first year of warranty that the manufacturer refused to cover. Factor in the cost of additional software(like a word processor and anti-virus) and you're spending even more than you thought. While you can go with free solutions or even pirate software, they aren't as good or reliable as what you get out of the box now with a Mac.

New Windows PC's are a nightmare for the basic everyday user in a lot of cases. Bloatware, barely any support(HP and Toshiba charge you for phone support after 90-days), all sorts of annoying malware, etc. Not to mention Windows 8's attempt at trying to be a legacy desktop OS with a mobile interface baked in that confuses the hell out of people.

I have been a life long PC fan but I will be the first to admit that the everyday user shouldn't have to deal with all that crap. That's why I will not buy a Windows laptop and the only desktop PC's I've used the last 10+ years I built myself with quality parts with a clean OS install of Windows.

Buy your pc from a Microsoft Store and you will have an experience quite similar as you do at an Apple store. No bloatware, insurance comparable to AppleCare is available as is one on one support. Microsoft offers efficient customer service.

You do have to pay extra for Word on a Windows computer, but I'm curious, what Word grade word processor comes free with a Mac? Windows 8 comes with it's own anti virus/malware built in. Apple includes 90 days of complimentary support just as most manufactures do. There are certainly viable alternatives if a person chooses Windows over OSX. There are some excellent quality Windows based laptops at prices very similar to Mac prices. Good quality isn't cheap on the Windows side.
I think because many people view Macs as elitist/better than you - kind of computers. As in, you could get a better spec'd PC laptop for half the money you spent on a Mac.

Also there is some mentality that you can't do a lot of things on a Mac. It's a more "simple" operating system for someone who uses their computer for facebooking and stuff like that.

Dunno. You'll hear different things depending on the person. :)
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