To add, as an opinion and pure speculation: I suspect that the MBA and the iPhone are heading towards each other. As elements of each get integrated into each, you move, closer and closer, to that magical "Tablet" that everyone is talking about.
What I suspect is that there isn't a big market for the tablet as yet. And I also suspect that Apple is *wisely* exploring what people want and need and would use or not use if such a devise existed. That they're watching other companies with their incarnations of it, how well they do, and how good their product is--just as they watched other MP3 players before bringing out the iPod.
As the iPhone moves one way (more computer-like) and the MBA moves the other way (more portable) you get closer and closer to a tablet where a lot of problems and necessary functions have already been worked out and tested, like the touch screen which is part of the MBA's trackpad. I wonder if people who are dissing the MBA are, perhaps, being a little short-sighted. I think there's the belief that this is it, this is all Apple can offer. But I think that there's a long, looooong term plan in the iPhone and MBA that may lead to that magic item. You can be angry that it isn't here yet, but be thankful for some caution. If the iPhone had some out and not worked well, it would have been a big bust. Better Apple inch toward this magical item, step by step, working out all the kinks and problems along the way, then try to bring it out and have it end up like the Newton.
That is, no market for it yet, and it doesn't work well enough for those who do want it. A wise business creates a market (or nurtures as market) for a product, and brings out that product when it's sure the technology is there to give people what they want/need, and that it will work out well and not flop like Edsel.
It's hilarious that the post following yours did exactly what you wrote.
LOL! Timing is everything