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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Mar 11, 2009
Yeah so I've been reading some of the comments online since the iPad was released and there's been a lot of criticism against it. Most of them are warranted. What I find insulting is some who are going around calling people idiots for buying the iPad and Apple products in general. I mean if I buy something with my own money to use, why do you have to come insult me because I bought it? I didn't come to your house and rob you to go purchase it. It's my own business if I want to buy it and the reason for doing so is none of your business. If I want to buy it because it's "shiny", "cool" or because my friends are buying it, that is not your business. I just find it silly that some are so offended by someone buying an iPad, as if my buying an iPad makes them not exist on Earth. If you don't want to buy an ipad, that's fine with me, just don't come insulting me for getting one. No one is putting a gun to your head telling you to buy one either.
I had someone laugh at me earlier for buying one, saying that they didn't need it. My response was a simple "then don't buy it"
If you say anything to do with Apple on the Internet, you'd better have your Flame Suit on. That's the way things are. People are naturally hateful of Apple products.

I go to several other forums, and I get flamed every time I talk about an Apple product. I think the smartest thing to do is just not talk about it. The haters are simply missing out on a good product. Screw them.
Yeah so I've been reading some of the comments online since the iPad was released and there's been a lot of criticism against it. Most of them are warranted. What I find insulting is some who are going around calling people idiots for buying the iPad and Apple products in general. I mean if I buy something with my own to use, why do you have to come insult me because I bought it? I didn't come to your house and rob you to go purchase it. It's my own business if I want to buy it and the reason for doing so is none of your business. If I want to buy it because it's "shiny", "cool" or because my friends are buying it, that is not your business. I just find it silly that some are so offended by someone buying an iPad, as if my buying an iPad makes them exist from the Earth. If you don't want to buy an ipad, that's fine with me, just don't come insulting me for getting one. No one is putting a gun to your head telling you to buy one either.

Don't pay any attention to those people who think they "know it all".

You bought a BMW and decided against a Ford Focus (which is better equipped). It's your choice. You want the ULTIMATE driving machine (in this case APPLE iPad). Some people just want a Focus. It's free country. We have CHOICES.
I had someone laugh at me earlier for buying one, saying that they didn't need it. My response was a simple "then don't buy it"

I probably would have said, "I don't NEED a lot of things but having them makes me happy.":)
If someone has to personally I insult you for a gadget, then they are a pretty sad individual.

I personally think a lot of these people with vile anger for the iPad and apple are secretly jealous of the apple products either because they can't afford apple, apple makes easy to use products that unsurpts their superiority or they hate the fact that apple has some really great ideas that they did not come up with.

Of course there are normal people who won't buy an iPad of apple because it is not their cup of tea but they do not resort to the vile attacks.
I had someone laugh at me earlier for buying one, saying that they didn't need it. My response was a simple "then don't buy it"


Don't bother explaining why the iPad is revolutionary. The haters are too arrogant to accept it even if you told them. I say this with experience.

If someone has to personally I insult you for a gadget, then they are a pretty sad individual.

That's a lot of sad individuals. Just open up any Engadget or Gizmodo Apple article and count the posters.

jeebus op, grow some thicker skin

He's not angry or anything, he's just sharing his experiences. I see nothing wrong with that.
Maybe People Are Just Using The iPad As An Excuse To Insult You When They Really Mean To Insult You For Your Odd Capitalization Habits, Or For Writing A Long Post That States The Patently Obvious Multiple Times.
Yeah so I've been reading some of the comments online since the iPad was released and there's been a lot of criticism against it. Most of them are warranted. What I find insulting is some who are going around calling people idiots for buying the iPad and Apple products in general. I mean if I buy something with my own to use, why do you have to come insult me because I bought it? I didn't come to your house and rob you to go purchase it. It's my own business if I want to buy it and the reason for doing so is none of your business. If I want to buy it because it's "shiny", "cool" or because my friends are buying it, that is not your business. I just find it silly that some are so offended by someone buying an iPad, as if my buying an iPad makes them exist from the Earth. If you don't want to buy an ipad, that's fine with me, just don't come insulting me for getting one. No one is putting a gun to your head telling you to buy one either.

Unfortunately there are many individuals on this forum whose sole purpose in life seems to be to aggravate, irritate, upset and make fun of everybody else. The best way to handle these individuals is to ignore them. Don't even bother to respond to their stupidity, ignorance and immaturity. Don't bring yourself down to their level. Be better than they are. If they persist, block them.
there just jealous that they cant get one.

actually when i got a iphone a lot of people i know copied me and got a iphone. then when i got a mac the same thing happened. just show them they're wrong
I don't pay attention to it. A couple of my co-workers asked me to bring mine in when I get to work next week. I know a ton of them are gonna be like: I dont see why you need it, what do you do with it, it's stupid, it's a waste of money, it's a kids toy, grow up. I don't pay attention to it, I like it and that's all that counts to me. I don't really take peoples opinions as something I need to worry about. I just smile and make then think their opinions count so they shut the hell up faster.

Don't feed the fire, eventually it burns out on it's own.
jeebus op, grow some thicker skin

It's tiring. There's a lot of people out there that the second they see an Apple logo, they become foaming at the mouth haters screaming about how "apple sux0rz".

When I purchased my first Macbook Pro and used it at work, I got a ton of flack from such idiots.

Occasionally when I take out my iPhone, I'll be asked by some unenlightened individual - "how can you type on that thing?"

To which I reply - "how can you surf with a browser made for the 1990's?" Damn Blackberry users. ;)
That's a lot of sad individuals. Just open up any Engadget or Gizmodo Apple article and count the posters.

Computers and hardcore nerdom tend to attract this sort. I work with a few of these.

I work with a guy who uses a slide rule. Not because it is easy (he is 30ish, so calculators were the norm in school) but because he uses it to demonstrate his intellectual superiority. It is really off-putting, and probably why he has few friends and is unmarried.
Meh people just do this to make themselves feel better about not being able to buy one. It's a psychological thing most of them really want one but can't afford it or just bought something else or whatever reason they are trying to justify to themselves that they don't want one even though they really do. I feel sorry for em really, wish I could afford to buy them all ipads or something but alas I am not rich!
If you say anything to do with Apple on the Internet, you'd better have your Flame Suit on. That's the way things are. People are naturally hateful of Apple products.
That's why their consumer base grows every day, right?

I get what you mean though, the general Windows "elitist" computer nerd group.
Yeah so I've been reading some of the comments online since the iPad was released and there's been a lot of criticism against it. Most of them are warranted. What I find insulting is some who are going around calling people idiots for buying the iPad and Apple products in general. I mean if I buy something with my own money to use, why do you have to come insult me because I bought it? I didn't come to your house and rob you to go purchase it. It's my own business if I want to buy it and the reason for doing so is none of your business. If I want to buy it because it's "shiny", "cool" or because my friends are buying it, that is not your business. I just find it silly that some are so offended by someone buying an iPad, as if my buying an iPad makes them not exist on Earth. If you don't want to buy an ipad, that's fine with me, just don't come insulting me for getting one. No one is putting a gun to your head telling you to buy one either.

It's because of people like you that Steve Jobs is killing the MBP line! No one else is to blame but the sheep like you who are buying the iPad. This only encourages Steve Jobs in his folly and hurts everyone else who want a real, decent laptop. :mad:
When I purchased my first Macbook Pro and used it at work, I got a ton of flack from such idiots.

Occasionally when I take out my iPhone, I'll be asked by some unenlightened individual - "how can you type on that thing?"

I work with IT professionals, approximately 150 to 200 on a daily basis, all using PC's. I was the first in my area to have an iPhone (2g). Since then, 15 plus people have bought them and many others that I didn't have an influence on. Two of them were anti-Apple and now love their iPhones. At least 4 people have bought new iMacs, 3 iPod touches and 2 MBPs for home use. I find it rather humorous that if I can convince them to go to one of the 2 Apple stores nearby and play with them, they usually end up buying the product.:) Apple products really sell themselves if you keep an open mind. I'm not anti-Microsoft since I've been using MS operating systems including and since the MS-DOS days, Windows 3.1 for workgroups through VISTA. Been using MS office since 4.1 (pre-office95). I started using Apple products at home almost 3 1/2 years ago and I love them. I can't wait to get the iPad next week. Since I had nothing to do today I've spent the past 15 plus hours with my 17" MBP in my lap on a lap desk. The iPad would have been much nicer:).
The same people who bash us for spending $500+ on an iPad will run out and spend the same amount on the newest GPU so they can get an extra 2 fps in Crysis.
I'm sure there is some jealousy or whatever towards your new toy. But I think a lot of the hate towards all things Apple comes from a lot of the arrogant Apple fanboys who are awful condescending to other platforms. If you have the audacity to criticize something put out by Apple, it's a pretty sure bet you'll get flamed beyond belief.

But as others said, really, who cares what someone says about something like this?
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