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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 10, 2010
Hey guys,

I truly think the iPad is magic.. if you take everything in consideration; the IPS display, fast cpu, perfect browsing experience, long battery life, how thin it is etc etc..

I saw this video:
which explains it pretty good.. But I'm having a bit trouble defending the 'magicness' to some of my friends who think the iPad is a useless gadget, far from magic.

So.. Why do you think the iPad is magic ?
It's not magic, that's just clever marketing hype. But it is a well-rounded product (like most things from Apple), and it's orientated around the user-experience. It's the attention to detail and the harmony of hardware/software which make it so great to use. Still not magic, but a consumer product which was designed with users in mind (like about 90% of gadgets aren't!).
Hey guys,

I truly think the iPad is magic.. if you take everything in consideration; the IPS display, fast cpu, perfect browsing experience, long battery life, how thin it is etc etc..

I saw this video:
which explains it pretty good.. But I'm having a bit trouble defending the 'magicness' to some of my friends who think the iPad is a useless gadget, far from magic.

So.. Why do you think the iPad is magic ?

So why did YOU buy it? I don't need to defend my iPad purchase to any of my friends.

Just don't you the word " magical" , and you will be alright. Enjoy.

Netbooks suck...
It made about $800 disappear from my checking account. That's a new magic trick. :eek::D

I can't think of anything that I 'defend' to my friends. This includes products that I buy, or how those products are marketed. I couldn't possibly stand on my head in enough different ways to satisfy them all. So why bother?
i think that it is magic.. and not because all the cool things (games) you can do on an iPad, but simply because of the browsing experience.. it's not easy to create a device that actually beats the laptop for browsing the web.. and apple did that..
It made about $800 disappear from my checking account. That's a new magic trick. :eek::D

HA! thats a good one :D

i use the justification that it keeps my GF happy when im mucking around with nerdy things. she plays solitaire (snore). but nah im REALLY enjoying the gaming experience! its incredible!!

next to that is the ability to walk around my house without carrying either my tiny Nokia E63 for doing stuff, or my massive MBP for doing stuff - that is normally a lot of things. IM, IRC, reading PDFs for uni, writing notes up for uni, torrenting, listening to music.

then there is the uni aspect of things, i hope to take notes with it - this will be good once multitasking comes along. i cant wait!

i VNC into my computers from anywhere, its great!.

i think its worth it. just me though.
It depends on your definition of 'Magic'.. I love my iPad, but when all is said and done, it's just a very well made, superbly executed piece of technology. Not magic.
It's magic because multicolored, bright pixie dust emanates from the display when using it...proving that, indeed, unicorns exist and dreams can...come true.
"iPad is the best way, to browse the web. For the same reasons that it just feels right, to hold a book, or a magazine, or a newspaper in your hands, as you read them, it just feels right to hold the internet in your hands, as you surf it.
If you see something, you just reach out and... tap it. It's completely natural - you don't even think about it. You just... DO! :D


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Because every time I set it down, someone else in my family makes it disappear.
What I find magic is that it takes normally rational level headed people who given any other device would instantly find shortcomings and not be happy with certain aspects, and turns them into people that will bite your head off and rubbish any comment you may make against their new pride and joy.

Irrespective of any facts, in many people's eyes, the product cannot every be criticized in any way.

I've read many crazy things, right down to people saying how the weight is exactly connect, any heavier and they would not be happy (which seems pretty logical) and that it should not be made (now of in the future) any lighter also.

Everything it's not got, should not be there. everything it has got, should be there, And what you can and can not do with it is exactly right also.

I have given up even trying to work out such people, I can only assume they are under some magical spell. :D
Yes, it is truely magical because my wife bought it for me (suprised the heck out of me) for Father's day, whoo hoo:D. She has never done anything like that before in the 30 years we have been together. Life is good:).
I think the iPad is magic because it inexplicably makes some people angry with it, and I enjoy the fact that they are upset and miserable but can do nothing about it.
To be honest, iPad isn't all that useful. A typical Apple customer owns an iPhone and a mac. Why do they need an iPad? Think about it. Your spending $499 for something that can be done on your iPhone and or your Mac. My mac only takes 43 seconds to go the the desktop, and to be honest,i like browsing the web on a laptop (well MBP) better than an iPad. If I'm to impatient and can't wait 43 seconds, then I guess there is something wrong with me, but thankful I can wait. And I can browse the web on my iphone. Sure it has a smaller screen, but its still fine. I like holding an iPhone to play real racing. Holding a big ASS iPad and using it like a steering wheel looks a bit strange.
It seems customers are spending $499 on a product because of the marketing. It doesn't offer any thing new, but a different way to do the things we do everyday. To me, there is nothing magical about it.

Apple probably wasn't even sure if it was going to sell well. It seems more like an experiment, and because of all the gen 1 owners, I bet the 2nd Gen iPad will be incredible.
To be honest, iPad isn't all that useful. A typical Apple customer owns an iPhone and a mac. Why do they need an iPad? Think about it. Your spending $499 for something that can be done on your iPhone and or your Mac. My mac only takes 43 seconds to go the the desktop, and to be honest,i like browsing the web on a laptop (well MBP) better than an iPad. If I'm to impatient and can't wait 43 seconds, then I guess there is something wrong with me, but thankful I can wait. And I can browse the web on my iphone. Sure it has a smaller screen, but its still fine. I like holding an iPhone to play real racing. Holding a big ASS iPad and using it like a steering wheel looks a bit strange.
It seems customers are spending $499 on a product because of the marketing. It doesn't offer any thing new, but a different way to do the things we do everyday. To me, there is nothing magical about it.

Apple probably wasn't even sure if it was going to sell well. It seems more like an experiment, and because of all the gen 1 owners, I bet the 2nd Gen iPad will be incredible.

Well I don't have an iPhone.

I don't buy into the 'magical' bs, but it is nice to leave the laptop in its bag. The iPad is quite. No fan noise. It is nicer using the Ipad laying in the bed or reclining in the lazy boy than it is using a laptop. Yes, I still require a laptop, but now unless I am interfacing with a PLC or PAC, laptop stays off. (Crappy Toshiba. Why can't Apple offer a Macbook/Macbook Pro without an iSight camera so I can use one???)

Yes, it does give us a different way to do things.

Inquiry. Do these people that start these stupid threads live in their mom's basement?
Most people that have netbooks have regular computers. I wanted something that can replace a netbook I already had. I can do word processing, browse the internet, and play games better than I could on my netbook. Maybe the wrd processing was a little faster on a netbook, but its convenient.

I have been using mine mainly for internet and just recently got into gaming. I am amazed at how beautiful the games are on it. Playing a fps game is awesome! I tried playing several games on my netbook and the experience was awkward. The built in mouse pad was awkward to use on my netbook as well. The ipad boots up and opens the internet so much faster than a netbook.

I picked up my netbook the other day, which is quite light, but after using the ipad, it felt like holding a brick.
Anytime it takes a year for any competition to show up with an equivalent device, it's magical. Where's the competition. It's the iPhone all over again. I'm disappointed there isn't ANYTHING to compare the iPad to. I refuse to compare it to the JOOJOO because the joojoo doesn't do half of what the iPad does. I also refuse to compare it to the streak, because it is much smaller and doesn't provide the same experience. Come on Dell, Microsoft, and Google. What's the deal?!!!
Inquiry. Do these people that start these stupid threads live in their mom's basement?

1. More likely in their mom's non-airconditioned attic:)
2. It may be stupid but we responded, hmmm.
3. I use a computer from 5:45am till 2:30pm. When I get home my MBP or iMac is on until I go to bed. There are times I have the 17" MBP on a laptop lapdesk for many hours and the 130-140 degree temp can be a little annoying. The iPad is perfect for much of my needs at home and a lot better than using the iPhone for email and internet.
I know I'll get scoffed at for this but, in a way, that 'magical' tag is justified.

The trick the iPad does, and does incredibly well, is remove a layer of abstraction (in this case keyboard and, more importantly, mouse) from what we commonly think of as a computer. It's the same trick, in many ways, that the iPhone did when compared to the traditional smartphone but it was always (and will always) be compromised by the smaller screen which add another, albeit different, layer of abstraction to proceedings (in this case the need to pan, zoom, and scan through content).

It sounds stupid but that bigger screen REALLY makes all the difference in the world. Whatever your doing is (usually) right there in front of you, no need to zoom in or move around to get to the bit you want beyond a bit of scrolling. The on-screen keyboard is a natural extension of what you're doing to navigate the device and the need to form a link between moving the chunk of plastic in your hand and the movement of an on-screen cursor is removed.

That sounds stupid and trivial to a lot of people here I know but when you see how much people struggle with that using regular PC's (windows, mac, linux, doesn't matter) you start to realise just how big of a step this could potentialy be. That adds on to the incredibly simple OS design (again, seen as a negative by many geeks but Keep It Simple is essential for this sort of device and the mass market) and the ease of finding, installing and using new software to produce something greater than the sum of its parts.

Or that could all be complete bollocks, depends on your point of view really :D
Yes, it is truely magical because my wife bought it for me (suprised the heck out of me) for Father's day, whoo hoo:D. She has never done anything like that before in the 30 years we have been together. Life is good:).

:eek: did you beg her or something!?!? thats an awsome present. hope u made up for it ;)
That sounds stupid and trivial to a lot of people here I know but when you see how much people struggle with that using regular PC's (windows, mac, linux, doesn't matter) you start to realise just how big of a step this could potentialy be. That adds on to the incredibly simple OS design (again, seen as a negative by many geeks but Keep It Simple is essential for this sort of device and the mass market) and the ease of finding, installing and using new software to produce something greater than the sum of its parts.

I couldn't agree with you more. This is especially true for the millions of people (perhaps mega-millions) who are not computer literate and do not wish to be but would like to surf the internet, use email, read books without going to the library, display photos by touching a screen, etc., etc, etc. The simplicity of design and ease of use is wonderful. Is it for everyone, no. Only stupid people criticize other's for liking/appreciating something that they do not. Opinions are fine, but not at someone else's expense. iPad does not equal fail, stupid equals fail.
:eek: did you beg her or something!?!? thats an awsome present. hope u made up for it ;)

No begging. She knew I had been to the Apple store a few times since the release to play with them. I kept going back and forth over whether I wanted it or not. I had decided to wait for 2nd gen only because I had just bought her/us new living room furniture. Not that I couldn't afford one but I had decided to deny myself for a change. My wife and I usually buy what we want when we want and we have been trying to be better stewards of what we have been blessed with. We went out to dinner last Friday evening for Father's day and she gave me a 3 pack of Yankee Candle gels that I use in my vehicle. Attached to the bottom of the gel box was this square, silver card. When I opened it and found the Apple gift card in the amount of the iPad I was totally shocked. As the Brit's would say, gobsmacked (sp?).
No begging. She knew I had been to the Apple store a few times since the release to play with them. I kept going back and forth over whether I wanted it or not. I had decided to wait for 2nd gen only because I had just bought her/us new living room furniture. Not that I couldn't afford one but I had decided to deny myself for a change. My wife and I usually buy what we want when we want and we have been trying to be better stewards of what we have been blessed with. We went out to dinner last Friday evening for Father's day and she gave me a 3 pack of Yankee Candle gels that I use in my vehicle. Attached to the bottom of the gel box was this square, silver card. When I opened it and found the Apple gift card in the amount of the iPad I was totally shocked. As the Brit's would say, gobsmacked (sp?).

WOW. thats super dooper romantic man!! lucky you! :D :D i do hope that i can someday end up in a relationship like you (a meaningful relationship, not one where i get free gifts ;) ).

gobsmacked is the right word yes. im an aussie though haha :)
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