are the GPU and RAM really laptop parts? i kno the GPU isnt the highest performance GPU, but i didnt think it was a laptop GPU.
i only bring up the Mini because you did, in order to demonstrate the footprint comparison with the iMac. Yea, they did cram a lot into it, but I think for Apple's target consumer, it works out just fine. not saying it can't be improved, though (ie. that optical drive issue does suck). however, in terms of performance, the GPU, CPU, RAM, etc., do what the machines are made to do. in my view, the only issue is that the boxes don't allow for much expansion or "upgradibility". again, they weren't designed to.
Yup, really are laptop parts. The iMac does what it's meant to do, just that it could do better for less money if it wasn't designed simply to look cool.
I only mentioned the mini is terms of a machine that could be put into small spaces without building it into the display.