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I think everyone is still poking around in the dark.

I'm not surprised that Ballmer showed the HP Tablet at CES and declared it the HP Slate.

Probably a Big up your Wazoo to Steve Jobs just in case it was going to be the iSlate. I don't think Apple wants to jump into the waters with a diluted brand name since about 5 or 6 of the manufacturers at CES where calling theirs a slate.

As opposed to Apple releasing the iPhone like 50 years after everyone started calling their phones, um, phones?
I think everyone is still poking around in the dark.

I'm not surprised that Ballmer showed the HP Tablet at CES and declared it the HP Slate.

Probably a Big up your Wazoo to Steve Jobs just in case it was going to be the iSlate. I don't think Apple wants to jump into the waters with a diluted brand name since about 5 or 6 of the manufacturers at CES where calling theirs a slate.

Now there's an idea ... the new tablet should be named the "Apple Wazoo". ;)
Of course, Apple already has a name currently going spare, and since the new tablet is largely pushing ebooks and emagazines it could be perfect: the iBook. :)
I think that they do this only to "steal" the name from competitors so they will not use the name for x reason.
"iTablet" could be too easily confused with a "graphics tablet" - two totally different devices ... at least until someone write an App to turn then "iTablet" into a graphics tablet for your Mac. :)

Apple often registers multiple domain names when they haven't decided on a final name for a new device to stop greedy scum "cybersquatting" possible names. Some of these are then not renewed when they expire.
I believe more evidence has already been unearthed suggesting the name will be 'iPad'.

This is like saying "Can I get an iPad please?" (when actually buying an iPod except with a really sexy accent.) ;)
Nope. Sounds too close to "isolate". Too awkward for a elegant product name.
Not to mention that, in a number of places, 'slate' is slang for 'criticise' ("He slated the movie"). I'm actually surprised that it seems to have gained so much traction as a name for this type of computer, given the negative connotations.
I would also add that Mr. Slate was Fred Flintstone's boss and Fred Flintstone was a descendant from Adam and Eve and who took a bite out of the Apple?
The tablet isn't a Mac, so it won't have "Mac" in the name anywhere. Most people already agree that it will be running a modified version of the iPhone / iPod Touch OS, rather than the full Mac OS. It's not a tablet PC, it's an "ebook reader with Internet abilities", just like the iPhone is an "iPod with phone abilities". :)

If you want a tablet Mac, you will have to buy one of those modified MacBook devices (ModBook?).

how about iTab

i say they should change the i and start witha new letter :p

e.g aSlate
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