The large fonts/bolded fonts are annoying, no need for that.
At least the font color was black and not maddening low-contrast light grey. I'll take LARGE/BOLDED black fonts over wafer thin grey font 8 days a week.
The large fonts/bolded fonts are annoying, no need for that.
Yep, and Apple is content to let iPad cannibalize its Mac market. They view the iPad as the future, not the Mac.
I never understand when people moan about a lack of new features to the OS though. What do you want it to do? I'd prefer them to be taking things away, rather than adding them, making it as quick and stable as is possible (whilst providing a very limited number of applications which are ultimately required for multi-device/data integration)
Any other apps, should be distributed as such and require me to install them rather than remove them or live with them being unused.
...There's also limited things you can do to the OS as the innovation is mostly gone due to the mature nature of the OS. Sure, you can rewrite the networking stack to make it faster but things like the core apps reach a level of functionality that the owners of the tech area don't know what to do next. In other words, their road map is probably pretty blank.
I appreciate some things in OS X Sierra like the ability to gather windows into tabs being OS wide or snap to sides when you move windows. Those subtle things speed up your use of the OS in general. But things like Siri are a solution looking for a problem. I don't talk to computers at all so will always refuse to use this more than as a gimmick to get a few laughs for a short period.
What I think might happen to OS X 10.13 is that it moves towards the continuous update model with much less fanfare.
Why I left Mac for Windows: Apple has given up.
This is a good read I wanted to share.
Old post, but I'm platform agnostic. With an sp4, 2 MacBook Air pros, iPads, iPhones, 2 windows laptops and a windows desktop I use what is right for the task or easier or better. I'm not 100% into Windows ecosystem nor Apple, I like both. I don't see the need for a Mac desktop though.I think for me, WWDC 2017 will be a seminal moment in deciding my preferred platform. If the next version of macOS is devoid of some useful features, I can see myself looking more seriously at PCs.
I've been discussing in various threads about wanting a 15" laptop and its getting harder to justify spending nearly 3k on a MBP. There are still features, and services that I like on the Mac platform but in all honesty spending 3k on a laptop is something I'm having trouble with.