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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 17, 2006
I'm a long time Windows user, and wanna switch to Mac, just wanna know opinions from Mac users, why should i switch to Mac :) ?
I'm not Mac user yet (I did get a mac mini G4 for my parents though) but the reasons why I'm switching are mainly stability security (I mean Windows can be pretty safe/stable if you have common sense cautionary computer habits, but it can get annoying running like dozens of programs in the background like spyware/virus scanners after a while), the sophistication of OSX, and just the general coolness factor of owning a Mac.

You don't see people forming PC rumors sites or raving about their Thinkpads community's definitely a big one.

Why should YOU switch?

I can't even tell you if you should switch because you haven't mentioned what you will use your computer for.

General rule of thumb: if you're a gamer, stick with the PC (or buy a console), for most else, a Mac won't disappoint

Hope it helped (though I have a feeling this will get locked for being a repetitive thread)
blink56k said:
General rule of thumb: if you're a gamer, stick with the PC (or buy a console), for most else, a Mac won't disappoint
and now with boot camp a mac wont disapoint either
The reasons to switch to Apple:

1) Generally better hardware for the dollar.

An anecdote to illustrate this point: My roommate, who is a hardcore gamer, and die-hard Windows fanboy, bought the MBP because it was the cheapest full featured laptop on the market (this is before the 17" MBP came out). Yes, cheaper than Sager, Alienware, Voodoo PC, etc.

2) Generally better user experience.

You may spend two weeks unlearning your Windows habits, but you will have a by far better computing experience when you learn your way around Mac OS X. Mac OS X is the best of Unix and Windows combined, with features that are useful. And the missing bits can be filled in with Boot Camp.

3) Better community.

Props to blink56k for remembering this. Apple service is quite awesome; On MR forums it's mostly great too. Generally Mac people are the most helpful people around. With PC hardware, it's more of a crapshoot. And the help on PCs: not to generalize, but it comes in one of two forms.

Help on Windows: Reformat and reinstall.
Help on Linux: RTFM (read the f***** manual).
It would help to know what you intend to do with your computer.

Your primary work application, hobbies etc.

Now with multi-boot capabilities, your software choices are pretty much unlimited.

Even so, you still need to select the right hardware based on your primary goals.

General Office, Project Management, Presentations, Audio/Video, Science and Math, Graphics and Design, Photography, Gaming etc.

While Apple Hardware provides you with the maximum in flexibilty, the
Mac OSX operating system provides unrivaled security, far less maintenance, ease of use and stability, which all contribute to greater productivity and enjoyment of your computing experience.
There is no need to buy unless you need a new computer. If your aging Windows system is no longer up to the task of your program suite, a Mac is a nice alternative because you get the best of both worlds. They can run Windows and OSX. They're certainly not hard on the eyes. Again, if your system suits your needs I can't justify recommending a purchase for the sake of getting something new. I also can't say I wouldn't do it if I could.
After G said:
Help on Linux: RTFM (read the f***** manual).

After looking for help on java, this is the *exact* attitude of people on java forums, virtually every comment is,

"that's easy, read the API, you shouldn't be asking this question"

generally that's the best, but when reading in files or something slightly more difficult it can be a bitch, suprisingly I haven't asked any questions yet...:rolleyes:

On this forum everyone's much nicer and more helpful!:D
The current Core Duo iMacs are very well configured prosumer AIO systems, but heavy Pro users will have to wait a bit longer for the new Pro towers.

Good things come to those who wait.
Well i found out that after i switched i produce better work, faster. Insted of having to update my XP, scan for viruses and worry about it crashing i turn on my mac, do my work and then i am done. I listen to music more, i take more pictuers and share them with friends and family, thanks to itunes and iphoto. I am playign World of Warcraft right now, i have it minimized and i am replying to this post on a windows machine i might crash the OS.

There are many things i enjoy about the mac, a huge plus is how easy its to work with. I dont have to worry about viruses and i can get things done. A computer is a tool to allow you to do certin tasks, when that tool (computer) turns out to need more tools (Windows XP needs anti-viruse software, anti pop-ups and many more) for it to work it is less effective.
OSX...just that simple.

It's such a low-maintenance OS that helped me do what I want to do, and that would be FCP in my situation. I'd rather get something done, then have to fix it and maintain it everynight. My PC downstairs is running a virus scan every night to make sure no little bugs get in the machine. With OSX, for now, you don't have to worry about such things.

I'll sound silly, but ignore the price tags, you seriously get what you paid for. That premium that Apple brings upon all of us is worth it in the end.
I'm like you, new to macs. I brought one as (sorry to be honest) I know I can run windows using boot camp-Haven't done thsi yest as I'm getting by on OSX but I know the option is there. I also like the portability and general thoroughness of design and you feel apple gear is 'solid'.
blink56k said:
You don't see people forming PC rumors sites

SURE THERE is called MacRumors archives. (don't all innovative PC advancements come from old Mac innovations?) It's just that the rumors are not so much rumors as old news!:D
Its simple. If you are even considing a Mac i am sure you have heard about them.

You should switch cause you want to. There are reason to counter everything PC or Mac.
amac said it best

amac4me said:
Here are two reasons:

- OS X
- Ease of Use

OS x is awesome. nothing xp or ms has, even compares to it and the product they want to compare it with, is DELAYED.

ease of use - everything is just easy to use. if you think of a cool wouldn't it be cool to do this " " - you can bet someone has coded an app to do it.

bundled apps - the "i" webs are a great deal. they all integrate seamlessly; easy to's a no brainer.

i want to switch to mac, because i think mac is beautiful, the design of the machine is great. And i heard that it has less problem compared to Windows. With windows, you have to have antivirus, with antivirus installed you will still have some spyware running that could make your machine slow. In Windows, for the first time you set up your machine, it's fast, but when using it for times, it'll get slower and slower. This probably caused by the messed up Windows' registry. Like After G said, when you have problem with your windows, just reformat and reinstall, yeah thats right :)

I'm using computer for general office, presentation, browse through net, and sometimes game. Mostly i play game with console though.

And one more reason why i want to switch to Mac, i like UNIX more than Windows' Command line :)
ok, basically instead of you doing your own research and drawing on your on intellect, you are asking us to do all the work for you? you know your needs best and your own best judge.
needthephone said:
I'm like you, new to macs. I brought one as (sorry to be honest) I know I can run windows using boot camp-Haven't done thsi yest as I'm getting by on OSX but I know the option is there. I also like the portability and general thoroughness of design and you feel apple gear is 'solid'.

This is exactly what Boot Camp will do: People will buy a Mac knowing they can use Windows but rarely will. Boot Camp is a nice security blanket for most. (However, I really could have used Boot Camp last year instead of VPC...slow!)

Regarding the question of "Why Switch"
There is no 'good' reason. It is all a matter of personal choice. It's like asking whether Dreyers is better than Haggen Daz (Answer is Haggen Daz). Some will argue for Dreyers and fortunately there is room in the market for both. Pick what you like.
Because your skin will clear up, your hair will grow back, your IQ will rise, your weight will drop and your appeal to those you desire will skyrocket.
After G nailed this one:

Help on Windows: Reformat and reinstall.
Help on Linux: RTFM (read the f***** manual).

I got sick of reinstalling... and having to call in to get the damn thing to work. It's a bit of a pain learning the "Mac" way, and finding new programs, but I am enjoying it, too. And I do love the way my iMac looks- it is pretty. Sometimes, you do things for the art... or it's nice when you can do things for the art.

Bottom line, they are both computers, and they do things differently. There are definitely things for and against both systems. But what someone told me, anbd first gotr me thinking about switching: Windows is about running the computer; Apple is about USING the computer.

Hope that helps- I am a happy switcher!

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