Apple has just reduced a crowd of pro video editors at NAB to the point of teenage girl-like cheergasms. I think it's safe to say they won't be leaving the Pro market any time soon.
Ok, an aside, but can I ask exactly what they were cheergasming about? As far as I can tell it introduces a few features found in other editors in a slick looking package. And that is what bothers me. I seriously can't find out why most people using either Adobe's Premier or Apple's Final Cut Pro or Vegas, or Avid do so. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each platform? What are the advantages of one editor over another? Specifically, what are the advantages that someone trying to make something, say, thats going to be projected from a HD projector? What are the advantages for someone shooting a TV commercial? What are the advantages for someone filming a movie meant to sen by mass market audiences? In everyday professional usage, what makes one a better editor to use? Not specs and stats and obscure never used features, but if I want to achieve X, why should I use Y?
Or even better, why should I like Final Cut X more than Final Cut 7. How does it improve workflow? What new features does it bring? How do those relate to its competitors? Why should I stay in the family, rather than switching to someone else? I am not a consumer, but a user. When everyone is selling, why should I buy your product. How will it help me to make what I need to make?
Or to bring it back to Lion. Wouldn't it be interesting if on Apple's website, when they are listing the features (the Grid of Apps or Mission Control or whatever the hell they are calling it) they said something along the lines of " We are combining Expose with Spaces to give you four finger flick access to every application window in every space..." Instead they have a list of things that I am looking at going "well how the is launchpad different than the app folder in my dock set to grid view?" "How is Versions different than a per doc version of Time Machine (which can work that way now)?" How is autosave different than Lightroom or any of the other programs that automatically record everything you do as you do them? Instead I get corporate fluff. And poor fluff at that.
I love OS X's UI. And I love the care and design of the hardware. I hate that there seem to be otherwise competent people who go to Apple events and have cheergasms over what appears to me to be minor improvements to Final Cut Pro, especially in light of the competition's abilities. If people blindly cheer, if people aren't critical, there is no reason for Apple to continue to make the superior product that they have.
If you are going to ask for my money, and more importantly my time, please have the courtesy on you website to give me a couple of honest sentences about how Mission Control improves spaces and Expose, about how Launchpad improves the applications folder in the dock, about, well, anything.
And for god's sake, if you have actually improved anything besides UI, like say made a new attempt at Open CL (which I still am crossing my fingers for), or say, in how apps, particularly non-apple apps might engage the hardware, tell me about that too.