I also tried to get AirDrop to work for the first time recently. Sending a file from my iMac (El Capitan) to my iPhone 6S (10.3.3). Didn't work at all. I tried many things for a long time. No luck. Another disappointing "feature" that just doesn't work for many people.
What Apple prides itself on is "it just works". Well, it doesn't - or at least, it doesn't for everyone. And what Apple prides itself on is how intuitive everything is supposed to be. Nope, it's not. I read the instructions, but even going online and googling extensively, I could not trouble shoot it. I've been using computers since the early 80's. Apple has just gotten worse. I have very little faith in Tim Cook, going forward. It seems Apple quality is going down, and all the care about is maximizing $$$. I feel less and less motivated to keep buying new Apple gear. I'll ride my iPhone 6S for another year or two and then try Andriod. And when my iMac dies (top of the line, late 2009), I'll stick to my windows laptop.
I really wish Apple would concentrate not on shiny new features, but making the features it already has actually work. What's the point of bringing in new stuff when the old stuff doesn't work. Make it work first, before coming up with new stuff.
Now, I understand that for many people a lot of this works, but for a large number it doesn't. I'm not optimistic about Apple's future.