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macrumors 65816
Feb 17, 2007
North Las Vegas, NV.
because they are not reshowing the same movies that everyone else is showing. it took some time for Amazon and Netflix to build their own for those of you that might be too young to remember. sometimes things get made in an oven and not a microwave :eek: and they may need some programming help lol.


macrumors regular
Jun 1, 2016
The problem with it is there isn’t enough content to keep people subscribed. It’s the archived stuff that keeps people subbed to the likes of Netflix more so than the original stuff. Things like The Simpsons, Friends, The Office etc are things people will put on everyday and if a service has these it makes paying every month palatable. Originals are the kind of thing many people are happy saving multiple shows up and then paying a single month and watching all those before unsubbing for multiple months.

Apple really should think about buying a studio with some popular older shows that they can start putting on ATV+ when current contracts end so the can have a more extensive back catalogue to support the originals


macrumors 65816
Feb 17, 2007
North Las Vegas, NV.
...It’s the archived stuff that keeps people subbed to the likes of Netflix more so than the original stuff. Things like The Simpsons, Friends, The Office etc are things people will put on everyday and if a service has these it makes paying every month palatable...
Whew and good gawd:eek:
Well, I hope Apple holds out longer lol
Somewhere there has to be a think different kind of thing.


macrumors 6502a
May 19, 2019
Salisbury, North Carolina
Whew and good gawd:eek:
Well, I hope Apple holds out longer lol
Somewhere there has to be a think different kind of thing.
Apple has the pockets to hold out as long as it chooses, and as long as their numbers make sense. Others have mentioned the back catalogues some services have and that Apple does not. These back catalogues recognize that just because something isn't of today it doesn't have to automatically be bad even to today's audiences. And some of us want both: a little of the strength of yesterday (yesteryear? yestercentury?) that we've enjoyed in the past or didn't have the time to get to, and a little of today with perhaps a splash of avant garde to boot. Apple isn't the service for all of that, just a portion. And with total subscription costs approaching the rarefied high priced air of cable TV, half a dozen subscription services aren't desired by some of us. My three are about all I'm willing to pay for and they'll be the very common ones with huge libraries like Prime, Netflix, Hulu, at least for the near future.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 19, 2021
Whew and good gawd:eek:
Well, I hope Apple holds out longer lol
Somewhere there has to be a think different kind of thing.

I really think Apple should stick to creating hardware and software for creators and not trying to be creators themselves as well. Apple has not really thought different in a long time, at least since Jobs passed on.

As others have mentioned the UI is confusing, I had a free subscription for a year when I bought my iPhone 11. Content was all mixed up with stuff I would have to pay to rent, it really needs to be it's own app separate from the iTunes movie store, or whatever it is officially called now. Of course if they did that people would see the lack of content which would make it look like less value for the money. The content Apple is coming out with does not interest me at all. I tried Ted Lasso, something about it rubbed me the wrong way. I love Sudeikis, bug fan of him, but it just did not work for me. I am the minority with that one. The only other show I watched to completion was Long Way Up. I am a biker and watched/own the first two Long Way Round and Long Way Down. Long Way Up was ok, beautifully shot but lost me with the electric bikes. This is not Apples fault of course, but they really need to get a catalogue of quality content that they did not make and gets people to come to the service as they will only get that show there.


macrumors regular
Jun 6, 2019
The market is saturated, the content is good but not amazing, but most of all - and this is unusual for Apple - the marketing is bad.

There are like 4 different things called Apple TV, and Apple TV+ appears within the Apple TV app, most casual users probably don't even understand what they would be paying for.
Agreed. Just try searching in this forum if you have an issue with the TV app. It is so difficult to filter though all the Apple TV threads. The naming steps all over itself.


macrumors regular
Jun 6, 2019
There are so many platforms now Netflix, Prime, All the Networks have one, Apple TV+, Disney+ etc etc. It would be just cheaper to have cable lol!
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macrumors 65816
Feb 17, 2007
North Las Vegas, NV.
I really think Apple should stick to creating hardware and software for creators and not trying to be creators themselves as well. Apple has not really thought different in a long time, at least since Jobs passed on...
At the moment Apple just might be thinking different as far as content is concerned with the TV+. Apple is simply joining others getting in on the profits of the eh service economy part of the cut the cord thing.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 19, 2021
At the moment Apple just might be thinking different as far as content is concerned with the TV+. Apple is simply joining others getting in on the profits of the eh service economy part of the cut the cord thing.
I think the original intent of the "Think Different" slogan was not about how we get media and entertainment from Apple, but how we go about creating those things with Apple devices. They are definitely getting in on the subscription services, they have something for everything now. The only one I subscribe to because it is so cheap is iTunes Match, not even sure if it is still available to sign up for, but keeps my iTunes library synced and in the cloud, even music I have not purchased from iTunes. Rarely use it but do like it as a backup for my music.


macrumors 65816
Feb 17, 2007
North Las Vegas, NV.
I think the original intent of the "Think Different" slogan was not about how we get media and entertainment from Apple, but how we go about creating those things with Apple devices.
Ahh, the original intent quicksand:eek: too me it's just an advertising slogan and a darn good one. I just mean it in the way that Apple has so far approached having content on TV+ at the moment and only for the moment. Heck, tomorrow they could be showing reruns of whatever show. Then the think different slogan would not be stated, lol.

Juicy Box

macrumors 604
Sep 23, 2014
Apple is simply joining others getting in on the profits
I am not sure "profits" would be the word to use for ATV+.

They are just estimates, but I have a few articles saying that ATV+ is losing money like crazy.

Apple doesn't break down their services revenue, so no one for sure knows but Apple.

That said, Apple has cash to burn, so it isn't likely to hurt them.

I think Apple is doing ATV+ for the prestige and to stay relevant in the entertainment space, rather than for profits. They are getting awards for their shows, even though hardly anyone is watching them.

Like them, or hate them, Netflix is still the king in the streaming world.


macrumors 65816
Feb 17, 2007
North Las Vegas, NV.
I am not sure "profits" would be the word to use for ATV+.

They are just estimates, but I have a few articles saying that ATV+ is losing money like crazy.

Apple doesn't break down their services revenue, so no one for sure knows but Apple.

That said, Apple has cash to burn, so it isn't likely to hurt them.

I think Apple is doing ATV+ for the prestige and to stay relevant in the entertainment space, rather than for profits. They are getting awards for their shows, even though hardly anyone is watching them.

Like them, or hate them, Netflix is still the king in the streaming world.
long term. apple can afford to wait a little and test the waters of this part of their service economy but agree with the prestige part. Netflix, first renting disks to streaming, the streaming part was just brilliant.
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macrumors 6502a
Dec 12, 2013
Apple's service isn't bad, it's worth the price... not as a continual subscription, but as you go. Most streamers are as you go watchers anyway. The rest are paying for stuff they aren't actually watching or have a thing for watching the same old stuff over and over again.

$5.99 for 30 days of content is pretty damn cheap. They key is to wait until you actually have 30 days of content to binge. Those who have to watch a show the day it initially airs is the person who pays for the privilege. The show is still new to you 6 months to a year later.


macrumors regular
Jan 5, 2009
always the bride's maid, never the bride. past apple press releases about possibly buying a movie studio but never doing so. the latest is now football or baseball to boost subscriptions when half the country could care less about either. they need a film and tv library.


macrumors 6502
Sep 24, 2012
Apple has the capital to get whoever they want...but who would be willing to sell? Would Viacom let go of Paramount perhaps? Sony Pictures (probably too complex with existing arrangements with Disney)? It seems like all the studios are already owned by another massive conglomerate, even MGM has gone to Amazon.


macrumors 68030
Jul 4, 2012
I have found that I watched what I wanted to while a free subscription which now expired. There are some things I might watch but doesn't seem worth the money to me. Just don't excite me that much and too many other sources


macrumors G4
Apr 24, 2016
I have found that I watched what I wanted to while a free subscription which now expired. There are some things I might watch but doesn't seem worth the money to me. Just don't excite me that much and too many other sources

With the amount of stuff I find interesting on ATV, I can subscribe for 1-2 months per year, watch it all and cancel again.


macrumors 6502
Jun 23, 2021
I have three subscriptions (Netflix/Amazon Prime video/AppleTV+) and AppleTV+ has the poorest offer.

So why three subscriptions and what is wrong with AppleTV+?

My initial & intentional subscription is with Netflix, which also has (to me) the best offer and new videos being added regularly to the subscription

While I decided for Amazon Prime, it was not for the streaming service, but it was included for free and now I regularly watch a film or series on there. For the same price than AppleTV+, Amazon Prime includes free streaming, ebooks, this together with extra offers and free deliveries.

I got the AppleTV+ subscription with a one year free offer when I added the latest AppleTV hardware. This free period is now coming to an end. The problem with AppleTV+ (not to be mixed with AppleTV) is its limited offer. Moreover, fairly often when you want to see a film it is from the AppleTV and therefore for rental or buying - however you have access to those films at the same rate without subscription - not to mention that older films offered for renting in the AppleTV mediathek are for free with either of the other subscriptions. I would happily pay Apple lets say 50% extra if this grants me unlimited access to their full mediathek (AppleTV+ and AppleTV), but with the current marketing model I am likely just dropping the AppleTV+ subscription.
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macrumors 68020
Dec 19, 2009
AppleTV plus is a member of Apple services; its goal to help diffusion of AppleTV hardware, link Apple with creative studios, propagate Apple hardware in various movies (when possible) be a part of other Apple services (like movie sharing), it is not a profit center on its own, so it is expected to be money losing in general. While it has a small library now, after 10 years it will have a very big original content library, so it will competitive then. Apple's pockets are so deep that it can afford to wait. Also, I think Apple's goal is to become 2nd or 3rd in industry, not a leader. This follower strategy is from times when Windows had such a huge share and Mac OS was distant second and in smartphones Apple is also second to Android, but it never bothers Apple, which is now multitrillion company. By 2026, AppleTV+ will be third in industry, that's my bet


macrumors 68020
Dec 23, 2014
U.S.A., Earth
There are so many platforms now Netflix, Prime, All the Networks have one, Apple TV+, Disney+ etc etc. It would be just cheaper to have cable lol!
While this isn't untrue, I'd still much prefer SS (Streaming Services) to cable TV for the following reasons...
1) SS are on demand. Just queue up the show when I'm ready. I can also pause, rewind, FF, and resume at a later time at my leisure
2) I don't have to set up DVRs (or VCRs in the olden days :D ) to watch stuff in that fashion
3) Unlike ISPs, they don't make or push you to rent their cable modems, and slap other fees on you
4) It's been very hassle free to cancel subs to SS. Speaking of which...
5) I can rotate out SS as needed. I only have 2 to 4 going on at once (and one of them is free due to a promo), so it's only $20 to $40 per month depending on what's on discount, free, and how many others I pay at regular price. Still far better than cable TV (I remember extended cable TV was $50 per month, at least)
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macrumors 68020
Dec 23, 2014
U.S.A., Earth
Another issue for me was if it's even possible to watch Apple TV+ without Apple hardware? I'm told that you can? Some of the ppl I know who are Apple fans don't know, and guess that it's not? For me, it was suggested that I redeem aTV+ through my iPad first, then proceed to watching through a browser. I have to wonder how many other people thought this. They'd like to get into it, but weren't sure. OTOH, they know for sure that you can watch PP, Disney+, Hulu, Netf, HBO Max, etc. with only a browser

EDIT: If you're only using ATV+ through a web browser, you can't access your Up Next/watchlist, nor use search function! This alone isn't necessarily a deal breaker, but I'd reckon it'd add to its unpopularity!

With the amount of stuff I find interesting on ATV, I can subscribe for 1-2 months per year, watch it all and cancel again.
I'm going to redeem my 3 months of free Apple TV+. I anticipate on being able to watch everything I'd like to in that time. Otherwise, I'm happy to add another month or 2 to wrap things up. Beyond that, I'd rather switch (or switch back) to other SS since my watchlists remain there.

The market is saturated, the content is good but not amazing, but most of all - and this is unusual for Apple - the marketing is bad.

There are like 4 different things called Apple TV, and Apple TV+ appears within the Apple TV app, most casual users probably don't even understand what they would be paying for.
Oh, there are FOUR!? I only counted 3, so I'll have to look up what the fourth one in the "fantastic four" is :D

EDIT: turns out, there's an Apple TV+ app (in addition to the streaming service by that same name)
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