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Anyway, to get back on topic... I too noticed a huge influx of S3 owners amongst my friends and colleagues. And whenever friends or family talk about alternatives to the iPhone, there's only one other option: the S3.
How come?

iMessage first and foremost. There really isn't a great group sms option on android. All my closest friends are on iPhones and I miss having iMessage group chats. They're nice enough to use groupme to group chat with me on android, but I'm still missing out on my sister/brother chat etc. Plus I find MMS to work much better on iPhone. Sometimes I'll get missed or delayed MMS on my phone, always been the case, whether I was on my Droid Eris, S3 or now Razr M. Have to click "download" at times even though I have auto d/l for MMS.

Also after using a galaxy s3 for 2 months, and then trading + receiving cash for a Razr M, I realized screen size is truly preference and should not be considered a con when comparing phones. The M is a 4.3" phone but form factor wise it's very similar in dimensions as an iPhone 5. I love using the M now, one handed and the battery life kicks butt. THe things that are lacking however are two areas where the iP5 shines: screen (although the M's is great, it's not IPS still, so not as sharp - damn pentile) and camera. Other than that to me, iOS and Android are a wash in terms of OS.. I just miss iMessage and the 4" screen of the iP5 would do me fine, although I wouldn't mind a slightly larger screen for slightly larger footprint.
Why is everyone creating trolling threads complaining about Apple products on an Apple forums website? Why doesn't this stop.

How about all the complaining threads gets merged into a single complaining thread about the world ending.

Um you do know this is an alternative to iOS forum and most if not all the people here own both iOS and Android...
If this is true, I'd say Samsung's marketing has worked.

Samsung has tried to turn Apple's success against them. Making fun of people lining up for the best product. They've also managed to hijack the patent trial message. They blatantly intentionally copy everything possible from the iPhone they play the victim. They've been masterful at it. I keep thinking that Google and the Android community has helped as well to attack Apple. Its impossible to start a positive thread on this website without Android folks piling on claiming inferior devices are superior.

I also wonder if Steve Jobs being gone has made Apple lose the human face of Apple. The reality distortion field has been shut off.

There are lots of absurd claims going around. I think the worst is saying the iPhone 5 is just like the iPhone 4/4S. There's nothing the same between them.

It doesn't seem possible to change the message.

I moved this year from Android to iOS. I thought there would be a wave of disgruntled Android users moving to iOS. Android phones are appliances. You bought it you're stuck with it. Little vendor support once the phone is no longer sold. Folks that have been burned would be pleased to get an iPhone instead. Yet I hear amazingly little of this point of view.
Why is everyone creating trolling threads complaining about Apple products on an Apple forums website? Why doesn't this stop.

How about all the complaining threads gets merged into a single complaining thread about the world ending.

actually I think they started this sub for all the Android Flame threads being started in the iPhone forum.

personally I have never met an iPhone user that wanted to switch.
Um you do know this is an alternative to iOS forum and most if not all the people here own both iOS and Android...

Where-ever the thread is on this Apple forum's site, Android folks come out in mass to put down iOS. I have never noticed iOS subsections on Android forum websites that I follow.
Where-ever the thread is on this Apple forum's site, Android folks come out in mass to put down iOS. I have never noticed iOS subsections on Android forum websites that I follow.

I guess that just comes to prove how awesome MacRumors is :)

Why can't people own both iOS and Android devices? Or Mac and Android. You might get people like that but you also get people like ITS ME DAVID who come here and try to do the same thing. Just ignore them.
Where-ever the thread is on this Apple forum's site, Android folks come out in mass to put down iOS. I have never noticed iOS subsections on Android forum websites that I follow.

That is because most Apple users are not on this forum and the Apple users who are here are not on the Android Forums or likely care about them.
For me it was how lackluster iOS6 was and based on the iPhone 5 leaks. I also love the bigger screen on the SIII. I have way too many apps in the apple ecosystem though so I'll probably go back to iOS when iOS 7/iPhone 5S/6 comes out
iPhone is still doing good, but it's going to get Windows'd in a sense. There is absolutely zero way to compete with high prices they ask and such limited selection. The list for Droid phones advantages is kind of getting pretty big. Sad thing is if MS can't make a dent then google is the new MS of the mobile market and that is bad for consumers in the long run. 90% + incoming it seems. That and of course the trillion Android devices that come out each year. Just impossible to keep up really. Look how many Win8 stuff is already out on the PC side.

I don't think we need to attempt to spin how having most all the market is actually a good thing because it simply is not for consumers. I blame Apple in a lot of ways, they did get lazy.
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Yes... SO this.

In the official iPad Mini video, Ive explicitly says " can still pick it up and easily use it with one hand..." Easily! Earlier in the video, they make the distinction that you can hold it with one hand, but at the 2:10 mark, they're clearly talking about using it with one hand.

(Here's the vid:

Going by that reasoning, any device can be used one handed, yet according to their iPhone 5 campaign, one of the main talking points is that anything larger than a 4" smartphone is unusable with one hand.

So either the iPad Mini can be used one handed (like it says in the video) and therefore so can other smaller smartphones, or nothing above the iPhone 5 screen size (like it says in the iPhone campaigns) can be used one handed in which case the iPad Mini video is a lie.


Or the headphone ad with iPhone 5 that are designed for ears?!? Wtf have you been selling me since the OG iPod?!?!?

I know apple probably didn't create the round earplugs but they been pushing them for so long they might as well have. Then to tell me the new ones are designed for ears unlike the old ones?!
Or the headphone ad with iPhone 5 that are designed for ears?!? Wtf have you been selling me since the OG iPod?!?!?

I know apple probably didn't create the round earplugs but they been pushing them for so long they might as well have. Then to tell me the new ones are designed for ears unlike the old ones?!

Heh, true. But those are sort of as bad as Samsung's S3 ads "designed for humans". (Never was particularly a fan of Samsung's ads and techniques either, but they sure were effective.)

Anybody want to take a stab at the disparity I point out:

In the official iPad Mini video, Ive explicitly says " can still pick it up and easily use it with one hand..." Easily! Earlier in the video, they make the distinction that you can hold it with one hand, but at the 2:10 mark, they're clearly talking about using it with one hand.

(Here's the vid:

Going by that reasoning, any device can be used one handed, yet according to their iPhone 5 campaign, one of the main talking points is that anything larger than a 4" smartphone is unusable with one hand.

So either the iPad Mini can be used one handed (like it says in the video) and therefore so can other smaller smartphones, or nothing above the iPhone 5 screen size (like it says in the iPhone campaigns) can be used one handed in which case the iPad Mini video is a lie.

I've also noticed this. Many of my close friends and family members have switched from iPhones in the past month or 2 and all of them are extremely pleased with it. Everyone switched for the same reasons. Mostly bored with iOS.

I find myself also bored with the home screen. I miss my JB features like SBsettings being able to mess with that stuff with one swipe is extremely convenient.

I love iTunes and how easy it is to Backup, restore and manage all my content with a few clicks. All while my iPhone is upstairs charging.

Still trying to find a cheap GS3 on Craigslist to mess around with
Where-ever the thread is on this Apple forum's site, Android folks come out in mass to put down iOS. I have never noticed iOS subsections on Android forum websites that I follow.

Maybe your too busy putting down Android to notice the iOS sections of Android forums. :)

Android Central


iPhone developers

Where-ever the thread is on this Apple forum's site, Android folks come out in mass to put down iOS. I have never noticed iOS subsections on Android forum websites that I follow.

Then good on Macrumors for getting that people own and like to disucss or explore devices from both companies.
actually I think they started this sub for all the Android Flame threads being started in the iPhone forum.

personally I have never met an iPhone user that wanted to switch.

I had an iPhone 3G for just under 2 years. Went to Android for 3 years and just came back to the iPhone 5. My 2 Android phones were never well supported and essentially didn't work. I was always waiting for software updates to fix them but they never came. All the devices were HTC. The updates that they did provide made things worse. Maybe thats why HTC is in such trouble now.

3 years ago I had a big list of things Android could do that iOS couldn't. Now in iOS6, iOS has equivalent, sometimes superior implementations. With the best support, and best industrial design. I'm surprised I don't see more folks jumping ship to iOS.
iMessage first and foremost. There really isn't a great group sms option on android. All my closest friends are on iPhones and I miss having iMessage group chats. They're nice enough to use groupme to group chat with me on android, but I'm still missing out on my sister/brother chat etc. Plus I find MMS to work much better on iPhone. Sometimes I'll get missed or delayed MMS on my phone, always been the case, whether I was on my Droid Eris, S3 or now Razr M. Have to click "download" at times even though I have auto d/l for MMS.

I've been using Handcent and group sms is working fine. The reason you're seeing delayed MMS or have to click download is because the message was sent using iMessage.
I've used handcent and gosmspro. Both do have group messaging yes but they're terribly slow and it lags the heck out of the phone - the S3 and M. Good luck using it in a fast paced conversation. It comes in as an Mms to the individual mailbox and then moves over to the group. Then notifications are screwed up because it's thinking it's from a person rather than going to group upon clicking notification. This is why there's a big thread on rootzwiki for a group implementation on Mms.apk. Right now there's not a great SMS method for grouping. Verizon messaging is closest yet still very poor.
Apple started to lose me with Lion, iOS 6 and then nailed it with the quick upgrade of the iPad. Sure, they can upgrade whenever they want, I just felt slighted by it. The last few OS and iOS releases portrayed a trend which was reinforced in my mind that Apple is getting aggressive in its strategy to "force" users to upgrade expensive hardware at an ever accelrating pace by leaving out features and functionality that clearly could have been enabled on the older devices.

And then came the bugs, the half baked functions, the change of features and functions that were changed for no reason but to change them and even with that, they were executed poorly. (and please I do not need to type out examples, these forums are littered with them)

iOS and OSX no longer feels fresh or exciting, the product releases are small iterations generally speaking and new hardware is built for planned replacement cycles, no more user upgrades to extend life. To me, Apple is no longer about the user, it no longer "just works" there are so many issues, sometimes minor, sometimes major and the excuse now is "oh, you should upgrade to the newest XXXXXX product, it will work much better" line. What's worse is these OS' are not longer rock solid and stable as they once were; putting reliability in the OS in question in my mind....and I haven't even touched the disaster that is iCloud and iTunes Match.

So I tried Android 4.1 with the Nexus 7 and was blown away by its polish, its ability to make it fit MY lifestyle, MY way and not forced to do it Googles way. Is it perfect, nope, but it feels fresh, it feels modern and 4.2 from all reports is even better. Then the devices, maybe they do not use premium materials like Apple, but they give the users a ton of technology in an acceptable package for a reasonable price, often with the ability for the user to expand its abilities, such as using sd cards for expanded memory.

I feel Apple has lost its way in many regards, it has lost its way with being revolutionary, it contradicts itself in product and market and while offering still a great ecosystem hasn't shown me the future.

So for that, while I still own 13 Apple devices, and may always own Apple devices, two new Android devices will be in my house this month; change is good, I like to embrace it.

Couldn't agree with more with you. I haven't owned that many Apple devices, as much as you did, but still...

When I look at my iPod, it makes me think of the time Apple was ahead of the competition.

If tomorrow came and my laptop died, I really would take a serious look at other machines than Apple's for my usage.

The cell phone is just one crazy world to which I left my iPhone about 2 years ago. I did look back, and hoped for more from Cupertino, but it just made me not worth the purchase to drop XXXX amount of money for what they were offering.

As for Samsung, I will not buy such a devise, which I feel will be completely left out in the cold about a year from now. The way the tech world behaves is just insane...
Most of my friends are thinking of upgrading their current 4 or 4S iPhones not to the iPhone 5... But either to Samsung Galaxy S3 or Note II. Is iPhone suddenly considered uncool now?

I made this move after having the 4 for 2 yrs and then getting the 5, which absolutely sucked in terms of new features. best move I ever made. Only thing apple beats it in is the battery efficency, apps and maybe imessage

also after using s3 for a week then trying to use the 4, feels weird becuase the thing is so small compared to s3.

sidenote- i purchased the mophie juicepack for my 4 last week, but mophie is letting me exchange it for the s3 version. Pretty cool if you ask me.

also- that youtube video- 50 reasons why s3 is better than iphone pretty much sealed the deal. if it wasnt for that vid, I wouldnt have even considered android.
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3 of my good friends just recently switched from iPhones to S3's. Two of which had 4's and the other had a 4S.

The two that had 4's I'm not surprised. However my friend that had a 4S blows my mind. He has macs, mbp, 2 iPads and had every version of the iPhone. I won't be surprised if he switches back. However he was going on how he loved the S3.

All of which were long term iPhone users. It went from 100% of my friends having iPhones to me slowly becoming the minority. The people that I know won't switch could really care less about a smartphone.

This is Apple's biggest problem. The people who buys and rebuys are people who are willing to switch. They are able to switch. Those who don't tend to be a stick in the mud when it comes to technology.

I am one of those big mac users who went from iOS to Android. For pretty much all the reasons people have listed. You might not have ive's industrial design but you sure feel like you are using a "smart" phone.


I made this move after having the 4 for 2 yrs and then getting the 5, which absolutely sucked in terms of new features. best move I ever made. Only thing apple beats it in is the battery efficency, apps and maybe imessage

also after using s3 for a week then trying to use the 4, feels weird becuase the thing is so small compared to s3.

sidenote- i purchased the mophie juicepack for my 4 last week, but mophie is letting me exchange it for the s3 version. Pretty cool if you ask me.

also- that youtube video- 50 reasons why s3 is better than iphone pretty much sealed the deal. if it wasnt for that vid, I wouldnt have even considered android.

Just use gchat. Works better then imessage and all your friends can use it instead of just those with a mac or idevice. Me and my wife have stopped using sms cause we can gchat on the desktop at work, and when we get off work we can grab our phones, run and carry on whatever conversation we were having on the phone, without missing a beat.

I also prefer whatsapp over imessage for mobile to mobile only communications.
Most of my friends are thinking of upgrading their current 4 or 4S iPhones not to the iPhone 5... But either to Samsung Galaxy S3 or Note II. Is iPhone suddenly considered uncool now?

I used to see the iPhone as the phone that young, hip, and cool people owned, but when a device sales is millions and millions every quarter, it transcends specific demographics. Now I see everyone from 13 year olds, to old grannies using iPhones.
Whatsapp, Kik, Kakao, Google Voice... so many alternatives to iMessage.

Google Voice in particular is awesome. Free texting. Free many things.
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