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macrumors G3
May 25, 2004
Subiklim said:
They also are off early on fridays, and no saturdays.
That's because its the Sabbath. (yea hebrew school) Its start on friday at sundown and last till saturday at sundown. So they leave early to prepare...

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Abstract said:
Also, you can just wait a week. ;) They're not saying they don't want your business. Your money is still good at those stores, just not now. Your money will still get you what you want next week.

Those who are in a hurry, who just HAVE to have that filter or that camera or that battery right now, right this week, will simply find a store, either brick-and-mortar or online, which is open rather than ordering from B&H. Very simple. No big deal.... B&H may lose some money this week but then again maybe they make up for it the rest of the time when people do order from them for the convenience factor, etc., instead of going to their local brick-and-mortar store.


macrumors 68030
Mar 31, 2004
A geographical oddity
Chip NoVaMac said:
B&H, as well as others follow a stricter belief in Holidays. After seeing the number of stores open for Xmas and Easter, I can only applaud them in supporting their beliefs. Even if it costs them sales. There is conviction for you.
Don't forget that Franklin Covey is closed on Sundays! Not a fan of their Steve, but they got conviction too :D

Wait....on topic can organizae when you take pictures in your planner. There. Kind of on topic - well, it is good for the forum :)

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
nbs2 said:
Don't forget that Franklin Covey is closed on Sundays! Not a fan of their Steve, but they got conviction too :D

Wait....on topic can organizae when you take pictures in your planner. There. Kind of on topic - well, it is good for the forum :)

And as well as if you don't want to grab a bite at Chick-fil-A when you take pictures in your planner in your new clothes from Hamrick’s Family Clothing on a Sunday. :D


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 22, 2005
Abstract said:
Why did you act like an ass? :confused:
Thank you for saying that..... i didnt really want to because i was the one asking the question. Innocent questions which were answered by others promptly and politely. I appreciate this forum and enjoy the wealth of information everyone has but i was kinda thrown off by his tone.... annoyed really.
anyway, thanks.

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
taytho said:
Thank you for saying that..... i didnt really want to because i was the one asking the question. Innocent questions which were answered by others promptly and politely. I appreciate this forum and enjoy the wealth of information everyone has but i was kinda thrown off by his tone.... annoyed really.
anyway, thanks.

Sorry some here believe they are the moral compass for the rest of us. Your comments were much nicer than some.
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