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I have the same issue. I got the base iMac 21.5" and boot up is slower than my Macbook Pro (2.26ghz, 2gb ram, 320gb 7200RPM hdd).

EDIT: and yes, I done a clean install on it.

yeah the clean install made it a faster boot but it still gets laggy i dont know how thats possible my air and macbook pro do not lag up like this
Have you tried and real tests, not just youtube playback. Also try firefox playing youtube clips?
I'm grasping at straws here.
okay few days of using it and after i leave it on for like a day it becomes very slow and choppy using everyday applications, any feedback or advice?

Yep, one of the apps you are using has a memory leak.

Can be anything from Norton (which is all the bad options rolled into one), to a torrent app, or an old app.

If it is quick on a restart then gets progressively slower, it is usually one of the apps you are using and leaving on that is causing a problem.


Note: a bit however, is that a FW device is causing a bunch of errors, or another device is filling the log with errors and the log is growing big enough to slow the machine down (or crash it.)
Are you also running snow leopard on your MBP. Maybe GPU drivers are still poor in 10.6.1.

The other suspect may be the HDD so maybe run fsck and verify your HDD
Is that ATI a new card for Apple? Apple has shipped some sucky drivers when in a hurry - typically followed by better ones later.
both the 27 and the 21.5 we have at work seem to lag horribly with graphical stuff - cant scroll web pages, watch movies etc - apple may be working on fixes and im pretty sure its a common problem with the new ones
both the 27 and the 21.5 we have at work seem to lag horribly with graphical stuff - cant scroll web pages, watch movies etc - apple may be working on fixes and im pretty sure its a common problem with the new ones

That sounds nasty... I reckon apple knows and are fixing it. Lol has anyone tried using an iMac G3 running OS9 as their main computer? Because I am now at its not too pleasant!
i have the same problem with my new 21.5". i suspected it was my video playback program (MPLAYER EXTENDED) and that it wasn't clearing RAM correctly or something... btw, thats called memory leak right? i know that sounds stupid...

works fine after a restart but gets slower as time goes by. havent really tried it on anything else except movies since it was the weekend and ive been a lazy bum.
maybe you have snow leopard on your iMac, and Leopard on your MBP, leopard seems to be the best os out there. im not too fond of sl.
both the 27 and the 21.5 we have at work seem to lag horribly with graphical stuff - cant scroll web pages, watch movies etc - apple may be working on fixes and im pretty sure its a common problem with the new ones

Seems to be a common problem when the chipsets, GPUs, or a different CPU family make it into a machine.

The first drivers tend to suck badly, and it takes a couple cycles for Apple to fix them. Generally a couple driver updates aimed at these machines over 90 days.
Something's seriously wrong with these computers. Even my G4 powerbook scrolls smoothly (under 10.5)...

Exact same issues. 27" base iMac slows down significantly over a couple hours of usage. Kind of ridiculous. I'm probably going to try returning it next week, but it's way slower than my MBP. I think the issue might be overheating. I *think* the processor was running at 135 Fahrenheit before the last restart, but I'm not 100%.
Its an software bug for Snow Leopard. Apple is aware of it and hopefully it will come out in the 10.6.2 fix.. otherwise expect it a week or 2 later.

Unfortunately with new hardware Apple sometimes rushes out drivers that have bugs.. in this case its a massive memory leak that slipped through QC.
My 24" March 2009 2.93 GHz iMac has no choppiness issues at all with Snow Leopard.

Right, but your computer isn't a brand new iMac. The new iMacs require different drivers - it sounds like there's a memory leak that's applicable only to the new iMacs.
Thank god I am not the only one with this issue! I was going nuts trying to figure this out. My new 27" iMac has been doing this exact same thing since day one. After a couple hours it slow and won't scroll smoothly, play video or even allow the dock magnification to work properly. I took it the Apple store the other day and they had no solution except do a clean install. I did today and guess what...SAME THING! This sucks.:mad:
At least its a common problem.. which is GOOD:

the more common it is, the faster it will be fixed by apple in a software update.
I noticed that this happens randomly sometimes.
Not only to Macs but PCs too.
I think your problem may be solved by just doing a clean reinstall of the OS.
Unless your running something in the background that you're not aware of which might be using up a lot of your RAM.
You should contact Apple over the phone, and just ask them, they may have a solution for you.
Out of the many posts, this one attract my attention. I believe it is possible for anyone to participate.
Excellent ! I like it very much. any slowdown issues being
reported here are SOFTWARE related
rather than hardware?

We are expecting Apple is going to
have a fix for it soon?

Just a tad worried as I have a 27"
iMac on order.
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