He first asks a question that he knows will get responses, then acts nice to them, but then throws out another question that is sure to get a negative response, ie "the whole file system is a mess and the interface is a bit too "dumbed down" for me".
Then some of ya'll fell into the trap of defending yourself to someone who obviously isn't worth your time. And he was set, he could then throw in the "but i was just curious about the system don't be so mean!" type statement, which invariably makes some people feel for him, and others see through the falsehood, and call him on it.
This creates a supposed rift within the community, with some people defending him and others trashing him, which then turns into the community attacking itself instead of the troll.
He can further the issue by then claiming that "Another thing i have decided from this thread is that whenever i don't with the mac community, they become hostile. The community of users is a very important thing when buying hardware, and i haven't seen that in the mac community, except in a few users!" Which is mainly silly as everyone was helpful except a few people.
He then goes nuclear with "Well done! you just scared away another person considering a mac!"
Silly silly troll using a pretty good trolling method, ask a question, take a shot, when they shoot back, you cry, when they pity your tears you fire another shot, some still pity you, others don't, embrace the ones pitying you, get them to shoot back at the ones who don't.