Not a direct response to the above quote but, you...are...missing...the...point.
It doesn't matter that many black buyers are happy and many white buyers are happy, but that many (40% in an informal, thus irrelevant poll on this pro-apple forum) think it's a rip-off, excessive charge, style tax, gouge, overreach, exploitation. Again, "[m]any, whether they buy black or not, will not be pleased about it being obvious that they have/had to pay $150 extra for nothing more than color. And that's not good." You may be happy but many are not, or this and other similar discussions elsewhere would not be taking place. Period.
And to your earlier response that nobody needs black, that's not really true. Many don't give a wit about color, but want/need the smaller 13" form factor, and need the more subdued/professional/business look.